I open a supermarket in Meiman

Chapter 126: Deliver coffee to the boss

In the office of the president of Osborne Industries. .

Norman Osborne has been troubled lately.

As one of the few richest people in the United States, Norman Osborn has always lived a comfortable life, but recently the U.S. military probably took money from Tony Stark and actually wanted to stop the production of the Green Goblin potion with Osborn Industries. Joint research and development turned to the pursuit of the so-called exoskeleton armor, referred to as the Iron Man suit.

Damn it, without the funding and channel support of the military, Osborne Industries can still use the Green Goblin potion.

Not to mention the high wages and various high-precision equipment for scientific researchers, the source of light experiment subjects is very problematic.

Modern America is not the era when white people first landed in the Americas. At that time, there were as many slaves as there were, and hundreds of slaves died without anyone taking care of them.

In modern society, you may treat Americans as missing, but if ten people die, the police will investigate. If a hundred die, the police will not chase and bite them like mad dogs. If a thousand people die, don't Let's talk about the police. The CIA, FBI and SHIELD all have to come and investigate whether someone is holding some kind of cult ritual to open the door to summon aliens to come in, or if there are aliens who are wreaking havoc everywhere.

If they were allowed to investigate, it wouldn't take a few days to find out who did it, what the method was, and who ordered it.

When people see it, oh, you, Osborne Industries, are actually conducting cruel and inhumane human experiments without the endorsement of the military, and they should be arrested quickly. This year’s year-end bonus will be awarded.

So Norman Osborn wanted to kill Tony Stark and the military executives who took money from Tony Stark to advocate exoskeleton armor with bombs.

What, you said it wasn't Tony Stark's fault?How can it be!

As an old yin, he sees the world as yin.

Tony Stark's Iron Man suit is not for sale, and Tony Stark's Stark Industries no longer makes weapons. In his eyes, it's all nonsense. It's all Tony Stark's attempt to raise the price of weapons. code.

If the Iron Man suit was not sold, where did the U.S. military’s Iron Patriot suit come from?Don't tell me that the US military developed it themselves.

In his eyes, Tony Stark wanted to kill their peers.

Originally, there were three major military industrial companies in the United States. Stark Industries was engaged in high-end businesses such as missiles and satellites, Hammer Industries was engaged in low-end industries such as various processing of supplied materials, and Osborne Industries was specialized in strengthening pharmaceuticals and mixing in government subsidies.

Everyone divided their forces and did not interfere with each other. As a result, Stark Industries suddenly came up with an Iron Man suit and killed Hammer Industries. This made it clear that it wanted to cover its business scope from low-end to high-end. , from arms coverage to biological creatures, they are ambitious to dominate the entire arms market.

The evidence is that Tony Stark spent a lot of money to poach a dozen top researchers from him a few months ago.

As a Yin, how could he not be worried after he sensed the conspiracy.

In addition, there was another troubling thing on his mind.

That was because the genetic disease in his family was becoming more and more serious.

The Osborne family has always had a genetic disease. This disease is latent in their genes and spreads through the blood. Whenever the Osborne family reaches their prime, the disease will surface and strangle them in the golden age of life. era.

Making profits was just one of the reasons why he studied the Green Devil Potion. The bigger purpose was to treat this terminal disease. Unfortunately, the US military had withdrawn its funding before the Green Devil Potion was completed, and his plan was completely killed. .

"Sooner or later, I will blow you all up."

"Who do you want to blow up?"

Lu Yu burst in like a gust of wind from outside the door.

He really broke in like a gust of wind.

He wears a gold Loki mask, and his face is shining with gold.

With an image like this, if he didn't turn into a gust of wind and run in, he might have been robbed on the street.

"Who are you? Who allowed you to break in, security guard, security guard." Norman Osborne called out when he saw Lu Yu, who was wearing a suit and trousers and a golden mask, come in.

As soon as he called out, several security guards rushed in.

Just kidding, the boss is calling people. If they come slowly, they may not get their salary next month. But they know that the boss is in a bad mood recently.

When Norman Osborne saw his security guard coming in, he immediately felt confident, "Catch him."

He hasn't figured out what he will do after being arrested, but he must be punished, otherwise no one will dare to break into his office in the future.

The boss asked, how dare the security guard not do what he said.

Immediately, a black man reached out and tried to lock him, and then...

Then he fell to the ground, clutching his stomach and wailing.

The remaining bodyguards saw that the idea was dangerous, so they quickly took out their guns and aimed at Lu Yu.

The next moment, Lu Yu moved.

The security guards with guns felt a gust of wind blowing past them. Their hands were empty, and all their pistols were gone.

"Mr. Norman, I have no ill intentions." Lu Yu pointed the pistol at Norman Osborne and said. He did not have any ill intentions. Instead of being malicious, he had good intentions. Why, because Dr. Zola asked him to come over and win over Norman Osborne. Book.

According to Dr. Zola, Norman Osborne's family genetic disease is about to break out. In two months at most, he will be terminally ill and lie in bed waiting to die. Who can give him a glimmer of hope at this time? savior.

Regarding Dr. Zola's statement, he agreed with the first half, but not the second half.

Because he knew that Norman Osborne was about to become green. After he became green, his terminal illness would be cured without any medicine. By then, Dr. Zola's idea would definitely come to nothing.

"Yes, yes, you don't have any ill intentions. I believe you don't have any ill intentions."

Cold sweat suddenly fell from Norman Osborne's forehead. He raised his hands, proving that he had no weapons in his hands and was completely defenseless.

Even though you have a gun, you still tell me that you mean no harm?You think I'm stupid.

But now you are the stronger one, so whatever you say is what you say.

"This is the right thing." Lu Yu put away the pistol and stuffed it into his suit pocket. Although the suit pocket was small, it could hold the pistol. "Everyone can talk about things calmly. Why use knives and guns? Don't you think so?" ?”

"Yes, yes, you are right, I think so too." Norman Osborne winked at the security guard and took out the cup, poured a cup of coffee and handed it over.

Boss, please have some coffee.

"Someone wants to talk to you about cooperation." Lu Yu took the coffee and drank it. Oops, it's not bad. The coffee tastes mellow. When he drank it, he realized that it was ground by hand. He decided to take some back with him as running expenses when he left. Turn on the computer."


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