I open a supermarket in Meiman

Chapter 119: Wife, come out and see the angels

He didn't know if Nick Fury's agent was named Akimichi xx, but he found another piece of evidence that made him think that the agent mutated into this way after being injected with a mess of medicine instead of being affected by the radiation of the Reality Stone. .please()

"Didn't you say he was extremely aggressive?" Lu Yu looked at the mutated agent who was as quiet as a chicken, and he became more and more suspicious that Nick Fury was lying to him.

How can anyone not become violent after being demonized by the radiation of the Reality Stone?

"We gave him a sedative," Nick Fury said. "The amount was very large. Even the Hulk would have calmed down after being given such a large dose of sedatives."

"First of all, your needles must be able to penetrate Hulk's skin." Lu Yu turned around and said. Hulk's skin can't even be broken by missiles. It's so hard. The only thing that can be as hard as Hulk's skin is his super invincible stretchable skin. The little one is free.

No matter how hard you hit, it won't be exposed.

"Roar!" After the two of them finished their conversation, the mutant agent slapped Nick Fury in the face with his own roar.

Nick Fury got on the walkie-talkie and said something.

Several medical staff in white coats rushed over with oversized injections as thick as Lu Yu's arm.

The tip of the needle made Lu Yu feel a little painful.

They swarmed around and sedated the mutant agent.

The mutant agent is as quiet as a chicken again.

"Didn't you say the dose was enough?" Nick Fury said to the medical staff.

Several people looked at each other, but no one said a word.

They are not stupid, it is clear that they want to take the blame if they speak out.

"Forget it, you go and standby first." Nick Fury didn't have the time to care about these things. He asked Lu Yu: "Yu, can he still be saved?"

"Do you think I'm wearing white clothes today?" Lu Yu wondered if there was any misunderstanding between them and him, why did they all regard themselves as angels wearing white coats.

"Tony said you have weird props, maybe you can do it." In fact, Nick Fury didn't believe Tony's words, but the doctors from SHIELD were powerless and could only act as doctors.

"Very good." The person who spread the rumor was found. The first time he called Captain America to ask him if he had any rejuvenation products. This time he said he could cure Jane and the agents. Tony, you are actually a paparazzi from a gossip magazine, right? Professional Make up news.

He said in his heart that next time he opens the door, he will drive him under the Antarctic glacier, so that he can know what my anger is and how cruel winter is... I'm sorry for crossing the lines, but I accidentally said the lines of Poseidon from Pirates of the Caribbean.

"But although I don't know how to save Jane and your agents, I already know the truth of the matter."

As a man who has watched more than 700 episodes of Detective, he is proficient in 600 crime-solving techniques, 200 methods of finding clues, and is specialized in cracking various alibi. Even if there are no clues, he can still find the truth of the matter.

After Lu Yu finished speaking, he took two steps back, leaned against the wall and slowly closed his eyes, took a posture, and began to speak as if he was sleepwalking.

"there is only one truth."

"That's because Jane was possessed by the Reality Stone. As for your agent, probably because he touched Jane, the Reality Stone mistaken him as an attacker, so he released energy to attack your agent."

"Reality Gem?" Nick Fury looked at Lu Yu intently. He was now very sensitive to things with the suffix gem, such as the Mind Gem or the Space Gem.

Every time this kind of gem appears, it will cause a bloody storm, which is simply a disaster.

"You are right." Lu Yu looked at Nick Fury and knew what he was thinking, "The Reality Stone, the Mind Stone, and the Space Stone come from the same source."

"Some things can be traced back to the beginning of the universe, and the Infinity Stones are such ancient items." Lu Yu said eloquently, "There are six Infinity Stones, the Mind Stone, the Space Stone, the Reality Stone, the Time Stone, the Power Stone and Soul Gem."

"Speaking of which, the Earth is truly blessed. Four of the Infinity Stones that countless forces in the universe have been pursuing have appeared on Earth."

This may be the unique love that the father of the Marvel Universe has for the earth.

"Four?" Nick Fury whispered, "The Space Stone and the Mind Stone are in your hands, the Reality Stone is in Jane's body, and whose hand is the other one?"

"In the hands of some bald woman."


"The Supreme Mage Ancient One was also the one who came out with Odin to stop Thanos during the New York War." Lu Yu started to walk back. He cosplayed with the sleeping Kogoro, but the only audience didn't shout 6666, which was boring, "She The gem in the hand is called the Time Gem, and it is a gem that can control time. They seem to call it the Eye of Agamotto."

"The Ancient One, the Sorcerer Supreme?" Not long after the New York battle, Nick Fury was still very impressed by the bald woman. Although he didn't know what her strength was, according to the formula of baldness = superman, the strength of the Ancient One was Very strong, "What about the Reality Stone? What is its ability?"

"Realize dreams." Lu Yu said: "It can create any illusion imaginable by anyone and turn it into reality. All scientific codes and natural laws are meaningless in front of it, because it can modify them at will."

"Can the wish for world peace be realized?" Nick Fury suddenly said.

"Ugly monster~ Yeah, yeah, yeah~~" Lu Yu suddenly sang.

Nick Fury looked at Lu Yu in confusion, not understanding why he suddenly sang.

"Sorry, I got the wrong person." He almost thought that Xue Zhiqian had traveled through time and space as Nick Fury. There was nothing he could do about it. The desire for world peace seemed a bit inconsistent from Nick Fury's words.

Lu Yu walked to the door of the medical room, suddenly tilted his head and said, "I don't know if the Reality Stone can realize the wish for world peace, but the dark elves dream of using the Reality Stone to erase the light of the universe and create a universe with only darkness. .”

Nick Fury immediately understood what Lu Yu meant, "You mean to send Jane to Asgard?"

He then thought about it and realized that this was a good idea. If the Dark Elf's goal was the Reality Stone, then as long as Jane was sent to Asgard, the Dark Elf would not come to Earth.

"I never said, you don't want to add drama to me." Lu Yu almost wanted to smash Nick Fury's head with a hammer. I said that Jane was in danger, and you thought of sending Jane to Asgard. What you are doing is purely framed.

He opened the door, and at first glance he did not see Thor, the God of Thunder, posing in the room, nor Jane in the hospital bed. Instead, he saw a dark and shabby battleship staying outside the window.

Among the battleships, red light flashed.

A man wearing black clothes walked out, wearing a halo.

"Honey, come out and see the angel."


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