I open a supermarket in Meiman

Chapter 110: Thor, God of Thunder, do you dare to challenge him?

In Wanjie Supermarket.please()

While Lu Yu was peeling grape skins and feeding them to Thor, the Shiba Inu, he watched Tony and Potts, Thor and Jane, two shameless lovers spreading dog food there.

Damn it, it's not good for you to spread dog food anywhere, but you want to spread dog food in my dilapidated supermarket. It's simply bullying.

"Woof woof!" Thor the Shiba Inu barked. His owner didn't know what he was thinking, and the peeling speed was too slow.

"Don't worry."

Lu Yu peeled off the skin of the grape and threw it into Thor's mouth.

He didn't care about spreading dog food, he would feed Thor the Shiba Inu first.

To be honest, he still doesn't know what the Shiba Inu Thor's stomach is made of, and why he never gets enough to eat. He wonders if the Shiba Inu Thor, like Doraemon, also has a four-dimensional bag in his stomach, and what kind of food goes into it? His belly will automatically enter his four-dimensional space bag.

How else to explain that the small Shiba Inu Thor is still not full after eating three huge pizzas and a pile of grapes.

The most important thing is that Thor, the Shiba Inu, eats grapes but does not eat the grape skins, and requires his owner to peel the grape skins, which makes his hands sore and painful.

"Woof woof!" Thor, the Shiba Inu, reminded his wandering master that you were feeding too slowly.

"No hurries."

Lu Yu quickly peeled off a piece of grape skin and threw it to Thor. He felt that he was probably the most tired shoveler.


A Porsche drove over and Miss Hill got out of the car.

When Lu Yu saw it, he immediately stood up and went to greet him.

Thor, the Shiba Inu, saw that his scrapper was so disloyal that he stopped feeding him after seeing his little sister. He immediately protested solemnly, "Woof!"

"Don't make trouble." Lu Yu glanced back at Thor, the Shiba Inu, and winked at him, "Little Thor, this is your future mistress."

If the heroine is taken away, I will eat dog meat hot pot tonight.

Thor, the Shiba Inu, immediately became as quiet as a chicken when he saw his owner's eyes.

Lu Yu took care of the dog and held Hill's hand naturally.

As for Hill, he did not flinch and allowed Lu Yu to hold his hand.

Lu Yu was secretly happy in his heart. It was gratifying and gratifying to successfully hold hands again. It was really gratifying and gratifying.

"Hill, why are you here?" Tony's eyes looked back and forth between Lu Yu and Hill's intertwined hands, a narrow smile appeared in the corner of his eyes, "When are you going to invite us to be the best men?"

"I haven't even written the horoscope yet." Lu Yu said awkwardly.

The relationship has just been confirmed. Is it too early to get married?

As a great magician, he has no idea about marriage.

"Then I'll ask you to be my best man later." Tony hugged Potts tightly.

"Hey, I haven't promised you yet." Potts protested in Tony's arms.

"Don't make trouble, you are already mine."

Damn it, you see why I want to ask Thor to shock you so much.

"I came here this time because the director is looking for you." Hill said, "The director is injured."

"Nick Fury, that big brat?" Tony asked, "Is he injured? Could it be that he was really attacked by Hydra people as the text message said? But that's not right. I saw him a few days ago. Okay, still chasing me on the street."

"Ahem." Lu Yu interrupted Tony and asked Tony to continue. Maybe the topic would turn to that night, and that night was a stain on his life.

He quickly changed the subject, "I also received a text message. I heard that as long as I transfer 2000 US dollars to him, he will let me be the director of SHIELD?"

His face didn't turn red when he said this.

"Do you think it's possible? Only a fool would believe the content of that text message." Tony said venomously: "I asked Jarvis to transfer 100 US dollars to him using 20 accounts respectively. I gathered the fraud sentencing standards and then called the police. Well, I guess he will be picking up soap in prison soon."

Damn, you are so cruel.

Lu Yu raised his finger at Tony fiercely in his heart.

Fortunately, my aura protects my body, and the American police can't find me, otherwise I would have been tricked to death by Tony.

Lu Yu looked at Hill and said, "Tell me Nick Fury's address."

She has already held hands with Hill, so of course Hill must work hard to complete her mission.

This is the best way to build relationships and propose marriage.

Hill knew Lu Yu's ability to open doors, so he happily reported Nick Fury's address.

Lu Yu threw the portal and came out, "Let's go."

In a certain basement, Nick Fury saw a light door suddenly appear and knew that it was Lu Yu who opened the door.

Then he saw Lu Yu holding Hill's hand, Tony holding Potts' hand, and Thor holding Jane's hand, appearing in pairs in front of him.

Suddenly, Nick Fury felt a pain in his heart, which was stimulated by the dog food.

"What are you doing here?"

"Didn't you inform Hill to ask us to come?" Lu Yu asked.

"Yes, I asked you to come here, but I didn't ask you to come here to spread dog food." Nick Fury felt that they must have done it on purpose. They wanted to piss him off so that he could inherit his S.H.I.E.L.D.

"Then let's go back." Lu Yu opened the door again.

"and many more."

Nick Fury stopped Lu Yu, "I was attacked. The person who attacked me was Hydra. I suspect Pierce is a member of Hydra."

When he was organizing his words and preparing to describe Hydra's conspiracy, the door to the basement was pushed open with a bang, and a group of special operations troops filed in, led by Crossbones Bullock.

"I finally found you, Director Nick Fury..."

Before Bullock finished speaking, he looked at the people in front of him with a stiff expression.

Tony Stark, Thor...why are they here?

Damn, whoever got the information comes forward now and I will chop you to death.

In Bullock's heart, ten thousand grass and mud horses stepped over him,

As a former member of S.H.I.E.L.D. and now a member of Hydra, Bullock certainly knows the strength of the Avengers. It can be said that everyone in them is a monster, and even Natasha and Barton, who are at the bottom, should not be underestimated.

Although he felt that he could win with a tactical team against any Avengers, there were two Avengers in front of him. Against two Avengers at once, he felt that the chance of him and his team kneeling was 100%. .

So Bullock decided to play a trick and challenge the Avengers to a duel, "Thor, God of Thunder, do you dare to challenge him?"

He chose to fight Thor first.

Because Tony Stark is so hard to beat.

After Tony Stark puts on the suit, he is thick and fleshy, and he also has micro-missiles with a built-in locking effect, killing anyone he hits.

When Thor, God of Thunder, heard that someone wanted to challenge him to a duel, he let go of Jane's hand without saying a word and started swinging the hammer in preparation. However, just as he was about to get ready, he saw a dog rushing towards him swinging the hammer.

Thor: "..."


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