Douluo System: The Road to Heaven

Chapter 7 Canglan Mountains (2)

The heavy thunder rhinoceros is huge. An adult heavy thunder rhinoceros usually weighs 8 kilograms. Moreover, the back of the heavy thunder rhinoceros is covered with animal armor, making it difficult for weapons and weapons to penetrate. All things have their own shortcomings, and the Heavy Thunder Rhino is no exception. Having a huge body means that the speed of movement will be correspondingly slowed down. The back is covered with animal armor, but its belly and eyes are the weak points of the Thunder Rhino.

After reading the information provided by Douluo System, Hu Haoyao felt like he wanted to collapse. The thousand-year-old Heavy Thunder Rhino, that is, the adult Heavy Thunder Rhino, is his target. However, now that he is nothing, he can only become the target of the Heavy Thunder Rhino. Hu Haozhen had a premonition in his heart at this moment that he would be eaten instead of being hunted.

However, it was fortunate that there was systematic help, otherwise he wouldn't even know the weakness of the Heavy Thunder Rhino. It would be embarrassing to go there and be eaten. Now at least we can formulate countermeasures or create traps based on weaknesses.

Because of the Douluo System, a heaven-defying cheating tool, Hu Haoxun avoided 70% of the dangers in the mountains. But unfortunately, he now encountered a fight. It can't be earth-shattering, but for him it should at least be thrilling. He is very hesitant now, should he turn around and run away, or should he stay and take advantage?

The fighting continues and gets more intense. This is a battle between a high-ranking soul sect and a fire dragon leopard that is about 18,000 years old. The high-ranking soul sect wanted to hunt down the Fire Dragon Leopard to obtain the soul ring, while the fire dragon leopard wanted to eat the high-ranking soul sect as his dinner.

The Fiery Dragon Leopard has a fire attribute and a hint of dragon blood. It moves as fast as lightning, which inherits the characteristics of a leopard, being fast and extremely explosive. It is also very astonishing in terms of strength. It has a huge force of one hundred thousand tons, and even ordinary soul kings are not willing to take a hit from it easily.

This soul sect is not a simple thing. He can deal with such a powerful soul beast in a meticulous manner.

I saw the Soul Sect summoning his martial soul, "Come out, Lietian Warhammer"

A red sledgehammer suddenly appeared in his hand. The six-pointed star logo is printed on both sides of the sledgehammer. The roaring flames wrap around the sledgehammer, making it look really powerful. A red sledgehammer soul mark can be seen on the Soul Sect's shoulder through his clothes, and four optimally configured soul rings are shaking behind him, which shows his strength.

"The first soul skill, Exploding Three Fire Hammers" Soul Sect roared, and a yellow soul ring behind him shook violently.

The sledgehammer instantly turned into a fire hammer, and the fire hammer split into three branches, blocking the retreat of the Fire Dragon Leopard, forcing the Fire Dragon Leopard to resist this move.

In the eyes of Fiery Dragon Leopard, this move was just to tease it. It roared angrily, slapped its front paws forward, and the first fire hammer exploded in response. He kicked back with his hind foot, and the other fire hammer was immediately destroyed. After the two fire hammers were destroyed one after another, the Fiery Dragon Leopard turned around and swept it away with its dragon tail. The last fire hammer also completed its mission. All this is done in an instant.

Soul Sect knew that he could not defeat the Fiery Dragon Leopard with this move, so he immediately used his third soul skill, "Third Soul Skill, Angry Rhinoceros"

The purple soul ring behind him shook violently, and the two sides of the soul sect's soul sledgehammer instantly bulged out, forming sharp cones on both sides. As soon as the sharp cone was formed, Soul Sect hit the Fiery Dragon Leopard with a sledgehammer.

The Fiery Dragon Leopard showed no sign of weakness and charged forward with its scalp on its head.

boom boom boom

"You haven't been hit yet. The angry rhinoceros rush has a dizzy effect. I won't hit you until you call me mother, hahaha." Soul Sect immediately became happy when he saw Fiery Dragon Leopard hit, "Let me kill you. The second soul skill." , Heavenly Whirling Fire Hammer"

The sharp cone on the sledgehammer has not faded away. This move can be regarded as the fusion of Soul Sect's second soul skill and third soul skill. If the Fire Dragon Leopard is hit by this move, the Fire Dragon Leopard will be seriously injured even if it does not die. Soul Sect's body continued to rotate, and the flames on the sledgehammer became more and more intense. After a second, Soul Sect's energy was gone. He jumped suddenly, swung the sledgehammer and smashed down.

At this moment, the Fiery Dragon Leopard suddenly dodged and avoided the fatal blow. Just when the old power of the Soul Sect was gone and the new power was not born, the Fiery Dragon Leopard suddenly rushed towards the Soul Sect, and grabbed the Soul Sect with a claw containing a hundred thousand tons of power. The Soul Sect could only resist forcefully at this time. In a hurry, Soul Sect held the sledgehammer in front of his chest.

The clash of giant claws and sledgehammers

Hun Zong flew away in response, and Ninja couldn't help but spray out a mouthful of blood from Hun Zong's mouth.

Although the "beast" Soul Sect was seriously injured after being hit by such a move, he was not without the power to resist.

With a little luck, he adjusted the surging breath in his body and stabilized his mood a little. At this time, he discovered that the Fiery Dragon Leopard Root was not affected by the previous stun effect of the Raging Rhinoceros. Because the head of the Fiery Dragon Leopard is glowing red. The Fiery Dragon Leopard has a trace of dragon blood, and the most concentrated point of the blood is a dragon scale on its head. Dragon scales can withstand all kinds of impacts. When the Fire Dragon Leopard is fighting, it allows the Fire Dragon Leopard to combine offense and defense, and its combat effectiveness increases sharply. Soul Sect was so happy when he saw Fiery Dragon Leopard's attack that he forgot about Fiery Dragon Leopard possessing dragon scales.

When Hu Haoxiao saw this, he actually wanted to run away, because the battle area was getting closer and closer to him. However, the Fiery Dragon Leopard is a sensitive soul beast. Within this range, as long as Hu Haoxun moves, he will immediately become the main target of the Fiery Dragon Leopard, and then he will be blown to pieces naturally. So the only thing he does now is to pray that the Soul Sect is not dead, and that he also has a trump card to kill the Fiery Dragon Leopard. Because it is better to reason with a soul sect than to reason with an animal. At least the soul sect talks in human language.

The Fiery Dragon Leopard would definitely not let the Soul Sect have too much time to breathe. It rushed forward again and swept the Soul Sect with its dragon tail.

"Beast, it seems that I can't do anything without a special move. Look at the fourth soul skill, Mammoth Fury Boom." Soul Sect roared, and a dark purple soul ring behind him shook violently. At the same time, a magic ring appeared behind Soul Sect. The shadow of a mammoth.

Fiery Dragon Leopard felt a sense of intimidation. But the movement was not affected at all.

"Do you think this is the end? Look at my self-created soul skill, Mammoth Trample." Soul Sect made another change based on the fourth soul skill, "This is the soul skill I created based on the mammoth's anger." , although it can’t be shocking, weeping ghosts and gods, but it’s enough to deal with you, this beast.”

The Soul Sect was divided into seven. This was an illusion caused by the speed being too fast. The seven soul sects hit the Fiery Dragon Leopard with sledgehammers at the same time. Each shadow hit seven hammers respectively. The power of each hammer was the power of a mammoth. There was fear in Fiery Dragon Leopard's eyes, and Hu Hao was shocked.

Seventy-seven forty-nine hammers fell with a crash, and the Fire Dragon Leopard naturally turned into meat paste, without even a trace of resistance. The Soul Sect also vomited blood again due to the huge amount of soul power it consumed and could not hold back the injury it received from Dragon Leopard's claw before.

A shiny black soul ring with a dragon and leopard vaguely printed on it slowly floated out from the flesh of the Fiery Dragon Leopard. This was the spirit ring of the Fiery Dragon Leopard. Beauty “songshu566” prestige public account, see more beautiful things

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