Ice Phoenix Douluo in Douluo Continent

Chapter 76 Dean Xue's assessment

"Life, age, soul power level, martial spirit..."

A smile appeared on Xue Leihan's face and he said to the parents who came to him.

This is also a way of exercising the mind.

He said to himself, and then began to receive the new students who wanted to enter the academy.

It has to be said that after three years of experience and training in the killing capital, his face has become more mature.

No one thought that the person sitting here was a young man of only seventeen years old.

He looked at the crowd that was slowly moving forward, and he couldn't help but feel validated again with his childhood decision.

If it weren't for him, it was the idea of ​​the United Academy, and now Tiandou United Academy would not be full of people, with an endless stream of students.

During the break, another teacher took his place and he walked to the lounge.

He had to say that he still felt his lips were a little dry despite being busy talking all morning.

"Why does Dean Xue want to come back and become a teacher?"

Vice President Nangong handed him a glass of water, and Xue Leihan thanked him and took it.

"I just felt how my teacher felt at that time."

Xue Leihan said with a smile.

“Are there always so many people during admissions season?”

"Otherwise." Nangong Vice President spread his hands and said, "Because the reputation of Tiandu United Academy is getting better and better, some soul masters from the Star Luo Empire have come to sign up for it."

"Thanks to this, our teachers are very tired every admission season."

Vice President Nangong said with a wry smile.

Xue Leihan twitched the corners of his mouth. They were all soul masters. Their mouths would be dry at most and they would be tired.

"The dean wants a salary increase." Vice-principal Nangong showed a mischievous smile.

Sure enough, Xue Leihan shook her head speechlessly.

At this time, the teachers who had finished their lunch enrollment break entered the lounge and started chatting with Xue Leihan.

They heard about the purpose of Dean Xue from Vice Dean Meng Shenji. While they respected Xue Leihan's identity, it was also because of his own strength.

He is only seventeen years old and already at level fifty-eight.

This soul power is undoubtedly terrifying.

"I am going to personally assess them."

Xue Leihan said, the faces of those teachers turned embarrassing.

"Uh, is Dean Xue planning to set a record for no one enrolling this year?"

Vice President Nangong said awkwardly.

"How is it possible?" Xue Leihan said with a shrug.

He just thought of the admission test given to them by Fudo Ming Wang Zao Wou-ki at that time.

He wanted to test the combat awareness of the freshmen.

"It's just to test their combat ability, and we don't plan to give them a difficult assessment."

Xue Leihan spat out speechlessly.

"That's good if that's the case." Vice President Nangong patted his plump chest and breathed a sigh of relief.

Xue Leihan looked at the eyes of other teachers, a little speechless.

How perverted they thought about his assessment.

Little did they know that in the eyes of those teachers, Xue Leihan was a super pervert. He couldn't help but have excellent talent in cultivation and extremely rich theoretical knowledge.

"I'll wait for them at the end of the assessment."

Xue Leihan showed a smile, then strolled out of the lounge.

All the teachers looked respectfully at Xue Leihan's back as he slowly walked away, and saluted at the same time.

Tiandou United College is what it is today, all because of him.

"Let's do it well, too."

Vice President Nangong obviously had a good say among the teachers. She clapped her hands and then ordered the resting teachers to start arranging the remaining assessments.

Xue Leihan followed the assessment route to the end. There was a blank field, and what she faced was the library of Tiandou United College.

He looked to the right, and there was the Imperial Battle Team's lounge and arena that he missed.

"Let's hold this assessment in the arena."

Xue Leihan nodded.

But he didn't go to the ring immediately, but pushed open the door of Huangdou team's lounge.

The feeling of familiarity hits his face, the tables and chairs here are the same as when he left, and their positions have not changed.

There were also traces left behind after sparring on the wall, and the carpet on the ground was burnt black by electricity, all of which reminded Xue Leihan of those colorful and nostalgic years.

Let's go.

Xue Leihan smiled slightly, then walked towards the ring.

There was still some time before their assessment, so Xue Leihan immediately sat down and inserted his sword into the arena in front of him.

He immediately entered a state of cultivation.

After the transformation of his mind, he is not plain, nor is he elegant and noble, but is free and easy and chic after seeing through everything.

There is life and there is death.

This is similar to his mental experience, everything is like reincarnation.

Xue Leihan smiled slightly, then opened his eyes.

His eyes didn't emit any cold light, just like a pool of ancient wells, without a trace of waves.

He has been able to turn his sharpness and murderous aura into his own. This is the true inner meaning.

At this time, many students who had passed the previous assessments were already standing in the audience, and Meng Xin'er stood among them.

But now Meng Xin'er has quite the charm of Zhu Zhuqing when she was young. Zhu Zhuqing is cold and arrogant, while Meng Xin'er is gentle and kind.

Looking at the male students surrounding Meng Xin'er but not daring to talk to her, Xue Leihan silently shook her head.

At this time, the auditorium was filled with teachers, including some students.

Vice-President Nangong has already spread the news that the mysterious Dean Xue will hold the final assessment in person.

This makes many students who have never met this dean very happy. At the same time, they also want to know what kind of test questions this mysterious dean will ask.

After Lian Ning Fengzhi heard the news, he immediately brought Ancient Banyan Bone Douluo to Tiandou United Academy. He also wanted to see what this genius adopted son thought.

One after another, students passed the first few assessments and lined up behind the queue. Looking at the packed arena, some students who had just graduated from the Elementary Soul Master School were a little nervous. Those who looked more mature had sweaty palms and could not suppress the excitement in their hearts.

They also didn't expect that the last assessment would be held with thousands of people watching.

Xue Leihan saw that the auditorium of the originally empty arena was full of people and nodded secretly.

This is also a test of the new students’ mental endurance.

Xue Leihan stood up from the ground calmly, looking straight at the hundreds of freshmen.

The freshmen suddenly saw two eyes glaring at them like sharp swords, and they suddenly felt that their whole bodies were being looked at thoroughly.

"Crack, snap."

Xue Leihan clapped her hands, and the originally bustling audience fell silent instantly.

"Welcome everyone to Tiandou United Academy, I am your dean, Xueleihan."

The enthusiastic applause sounded on time, making Xue Leihan feel dumbfounded.

"Welcome to the freshmen standing there. You must have passed the previous assessments. I recognize your efforts and talents."

The freshmen couldn't help raising their heads when they heard this.

Xue Leihan smiled casually.

"You can be proud of yourselves. When you successfully passed the chain assessment of Tiandou United College, the teachers and vice-deans all recognized your abilities."

"But there's one thing I want to see most."

Xue Leihan paused slightly after saying this.

The students and teachers in the audience listened breathlessly at the same time.

"That is the bond between soul masters and soul masters."

"And this is the content of my next assessment."

He roughly estimated the number of new students, and then nodded.

Xue Leihan smiled and said, "All the freshmen are invited to form a team of seven, cooperate with each other, and challenge me."

"However, I don't know how to use spirit rings."

"What I want to see is whether you have the ability to trust your back to someone you trust. Although it is your first day at school, the seniors and sisters here all have companions who can trust each other's back."

"I believe you will be able to have it soon."

"But don't worry." Seeing the timid looks in some freshmen's eyes, he continued, "It's not a shame to lose to me. Even if you fail, you can still choose to study in a branch school."

"If you can manage to hurt me during a stick of incense, this includes scratching my clothes."

At this point, the students in the audience couldn't help laughing.

"Or forced me to use soul skills."

"Then, I will personally recruit your entire team to study in my new class. And I, as your teacher, will teach you everything you want to know."

He flicked the stick of incense aside, and when he threw it with pure soul power, it actually ignited sparks in the air.

The incense stick stood on the ground with a brush and started to burn.

"So, have you decided who goes first?"

He showed an offensive smile that was somewhat similar to Zhao Wuji.


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