Ice Phoenix Douluo in Douluo Continent

Chapter 42 Breaking out of the cocoon and becoming a butterfly, Ice and Fire 2 Yiyan

"That's right." An old voice came from behind Xue Leihan.

Xue Leihan and Tang San turned their heads in an instant. Xue Leihan's hand had already wiped the hilt of the sword, and was unexpectedly bypassed behind him, which made his alarm bell ring loudly.

When Xue Leihan saw the familiar green robe, she immediately breathed a sigh of relief and relaxed her hands.

He knew that if this person wanted to protect him, an ordinary titled Douluo wouldn't be able to kill him.

"Grandpa Dugu, long time no see." Xue Leihan showed a smile and bent down to the old man in front of her.

Standing in front of Xue Leihan and Tang San was Poison Douluo of the Tiandou Empire, Dugu Yan's grandfather, and the ridiculous Dugu Bo.

"Well, you've made a lot of progress, you've been promoted to a level so quickly." Without even looking at Tang San beside him, Dugubo felt Xue Leihan's soul power and nodded.

"Grandpa Dugu, do you need help from the boy?"

"Firstly, I want to tell you that the Ice and Fire Eyes that you were most looking forward to have been completed. Secondly, I'm here to see your classmate. I heard from Yanyan that your classmate's soul bone is poisonous. I'll come over and take him. Take it back and study it."

Tang San felt the green pupils of the old man in front of him staring at him like poisonous snakes. His face turned red for a moment, obviously he was under the pressure of a titled Douluo level.

"Grandpa Dugu, while he is my classmate, he is also my senior brother."

Xueleihan blocked it with her hand, isolating the coercion, Tang San quickly gave him a grateful glance.

"You're a disciple of yours?" Dugu Bo was a little surprised, then he held the two of them under his arms and rushed out quickly.

"That's right, let's talk about it in the Sunset Forest. I won't hurt this kid. After all, I have a close relationship with you." Dugu Bo's titled Douluo's strength was fully revealed, and he flew them out of the main gate in an instant.

Although Tang Sanxin was a little worried whether the teacher would be anxious because the two of them disappeared, he was not much afraid of Dugu Bo, because he had just said that he would not hurt him, and Titled Douluo still disdained to tell lies.

Before it was time for a cup of tea, Dugu Bo took the two of them out of the confines of Tiandou City and came to Sunset Forest, Dugu Bo's base.

Xue Leihan was very familiar with the Sunset Forest. When he was a child, he and Dugu Yan played in the Sunset Forest every day. When he grew up, he led the members of the Royal Dou Team to hunt for soul rings in the Sunset Forest.

Dugu Bo took the two of them to his medicine garden and put Tang San on the ground, "You kid, don't move here, and don't touch the herbs here."

After saying that, he entered the medicine garden with Xue Leihan in his arms.

"This is the Ice and Fire Eye that you are most looking forward to." After putting Xue Leihan down, Dugu Bo proudly introduced it.

"Thank you, Grandpa Dugu. This Ice and Fire Eye has been of great help to me." Xue Leihan's voice was filled with gratitude.

Dugu Bo stroked Xueleihan's short hair, and sighed slightly, "As long as you treat Yanyan well, I even want to pass on all the soul power of my life to you."

"Your friend will be fine, just stay in seclusion." After leaving these words, Dugu Bo turned around and left.

Xue Leihan looked at Dugu Bo's leaving figure, and then turned his gaze to the ice-blue spring water.

Dugu Bo knew that his martial spirit was close to Bing, so part of the reason why he built the Ice and Fire Eye was for him.

Xue Leihan took off all her clothes, revealing her white back with a few claw marks on her face.

He slowly approached the ice pool with his sword in his arms, and a chill grew stronger with the sound of his footsteps.

"It's so cold." He shivered, and even she felt a little cold.

His second martial soul was quietly activated, and an ice-blue soul ring instantly appeared behind him, and the blue wings imprinted on him like a totem behind him also glowed slightly.

Xue Leihan gritted his teeth and then immersed his body in the ice pool.

He suddenly felt a cold air coming in from the soles of his feet. The heartbreaking cold feeling made him feel that his feet suddenly lost consciousness.

He quickly used the ice protection, and a layer of ice gradually formed on his body, and the totem behind him glowed with light fluorescence.

Xue Leihan held on to his heart and gritted his teeth. The water level in the ice pool actually dropped slightly, apparently part of it was absorbed by Xue Leihan.

Now his entire body was covered in ice, and an ice-blue black ice pattern gradually appeared on his head.

Xue Leihan had completely lost consciousness now. He groaned, and a bunch of ice crystal wings suddenly sprouted from behind him, shining with a charming brilliance under the light of fireflies.

As he slept like this, he was also changing.

"This kid won't be frozen like this and can't get out, right?" Dugu Bo was obviously still a little worried about him, watching Xue Leihan's actions not far away.

When he saw the ice blue soul ring, his mouth opened wide and he shouted in surprise.

I'm a good boy, but I'm still an evildoer with twin martial souls.

I originally thought this kid was already a genius, but I didn't expect that he turned out to be a twin martial soul.

So much so that after seeing the pair of wings, he was no longer surprised. This kid was originally a pervert, and he also lost the desire to be surprised again.

Seeing that Xue Leihan's breathing gradually calmed down, Dugu Bo heaved a sigh of relief, and then he turned around and left in peace.

In that mysterious ice and snow palace, Bing Huang, who was still sleeping, had a faint blush on his originally pale face, as if he was having a sweet dream.

How much time has passed? . .

Xue Leihan has stopped thinking, his mind has been frozen.

Unable to calculate time in the outside world, Xue Leihan's body was trapped here.

In his sight was the endless northern wasteland.

Maybe it was because he possessed the ultimate ice martial spirit. Not only did he not feel any fear, but he felt as warm as going home.

It was such a strange feeling, Xue Leihan shook his head.

As he walked among the mysterious ice, he felt a sense of comfort all over his body.

Then he suddenly thought of his parents, relatives, friends and partners, and Duguyan.

My home is not here.

He gritted his teeth and began to struggle. The pain from everywhere in his body reminded him that he was alive.

As long as I live, I will not give up my dream.

His thoughts became more and more determined. He looked up to the sky and roared, and his figure suddenly disappeared from the northern wilderness.

The mysterious ice wrapped all over his body burst open with a bang, and a pair of wings flew up from behind.

Break the cocoon into a butterfly!

He opened his eyes suddenly, and the ice-blue pupils shot out two cold lights like substance.

"Huh." A cold breath slowly came out of his mouth.

After slapping the Xuan Bing away from him, Xue Leihan was dumbfounded to find that the water line of the ice pond had dropped by 50%.

The soaring two-level soul power reminded him that this was not a dream.

"My soul power level has reached level 45. This is too fast." He frowned, then put the wings on his back into his body.

Xue Leihan looked at the sky and found that it was just after noon, and the medicine garden was very quiet, not a single human voice could be heard.

If I insist on saying that he has changed in any way, it is that he has become taller, the color of his short hair and pupils has become purer, and the cold air emitted by the Blue Rose Sword seems to be like his second martial soul. As cold as ice.

"I wonder how Grandpa Dugu and Xiaosan are doing."

He put on some clothes and went into the wooden house where he had stayed as a child.

It was as if everything had returned to the past, the windows were bright and clean, and the bed was still brand new, as if someone had been silently cleaning it for him.

Xue Leihan felt the soul power in his body and smiled bitterly. Breaking through too fast was also a bad thing.

This means that he has to go to the soul fighting field day and night again, which means that he will continue to practice penance and retreat for several months.

It is expected to break through level 50 in one year, Xue Leihan thought silently.

He adjusted slightly, then pushed the door open and left. I took a shower in the creek and put on a new layer of clothes.

"You brat, I finally found you." Dugu Bo's voice came closer from a distance, and then appeared from a corner of the woods.

Seeing Xue Leihan, he was stunned, "Your soul power level has broken through?"

Xue Leihan nodded, "It's all thanks to Grandpa Dugu's Ice and Fire Eyes."

Dugu Bo grabbed Xue Leihan's hand, output soul power to search in his body, then patted Xue Leihan's shoulder and said in comfort: "The progress is really not small."

"By the way, how long have I been in seclusion this time?" Xue Leihan just remembered this question.

"It's been half a year. If you weren't still breathing, Xue Ye and Ning Fengzhi would definitely tear me apart."

Dugu Bo's face was full of displeasure.

"You must not let the Hall of Spirits know about your boy having twin spirits, understand?" Dugu Bo said in a low voice.

"Yes, I know."

The two of them walked slowly to the entrance of Sunset Forest. Xue Leihan asked calmly, "Where is my senior brother?"

"You already know the academy one step earlier, and I have to say that he is also a little pervert, and he has a very high understanding of poison art." Dugu Bo replied angrily, "You should go back too, the teachers and classmates have been worried for a long time. "

After all, he turned around and left.

"What about you, Grandpa Dugu?"

Xue Leihan looked at the old man's lonely back, feeling a little dejected and also a little bit intolerable.

"I have retired in the Sunset Forest. Now it is your young people's world. As long as you bring Yanyan to visit me often." Dugu Bo paused in his steps and did not look back.

Then it disappeared in the shadow of the woods.

Xue Leihan bowed deeply towards the direction Dugu Bo left.

Then he put the sword behind his back, glanced at the familiar sunset forest with nostalgia, and then turned around and left.

Has half a year passed?Xue Leihan lowered her head and thought, Tiandou United Academy should have been improved, and if her prediction is correct, these few months will be another enrollment day.

Let's go back to Lanba Academy to see the teachers first. While taking advanced classes, we should also think about the future trajectory of our lives.

Xue Leihan's back was straight, like a sharp sword reaching to the sky.


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