Pokemon: The Diverse Age

Chapter 14 Fire Training Room (please vote)

Father-in-law the sun has finished his day's work and left towards the horizon. Since it was Friday, some people who lived on campus went to nearby famous places to have fun with their new friends. Some students who lived not far from the school went home to share the new school news with their families. Some interesting things about the first week of the semester, and a few people who were busy studying and training Pokemon just after the semester started.

After Le Xiaolai and Chen Ziming treated their wounds at the Elf Care Center, they handed the Elf Balls of Meili Sheep, Sand Hippo and Little Flame Monkey to the lady at the front desk and waited. The lady at the front desk today was not Ding Yan, but It was another girl on duty, Ding Xiaoping. We didn't know each other, so we just followed the rules politely.

Chen Ziming started chatting with Le Xiaolai at this time: "Xiao Lai, the freshman competition will start in three weeks. How are you preparing?"

When Le Xiaolai heard about the freshman competition, he recalled in his mind the words about the freshman competition that his classmates talked about in the cafeteria and during recess. He pinched his chin and said: "Now, I have just met the registration requirements, so I haven't had time to register yet. What about you?"

In the freshman competition, first-year students who have just entered the school are required to produce three Pokemon when registering to be eligible. The competition time is set on the weekend of the fourth week of school. Random matching, two people play against each other, a one-on-one elimination match between elves, one person is eliminated, and one person is promoted, and so on. The competition time is from 1000 a.m. to 500 noon. , from 10 to 500 pm and from to pm, the venue is held at the general battle venue. The outer perimeter is oval, with spectator seats arranged in a stepped manner. The open-air battle venue with a radius of meters in the middle can be arranged at one time In the later stage of the -group battle, there will be fewer and fewer people, and each small venue will be replaced with a larger battle venue. And in the finals of the championship and runner-up, the entire -meter-wide open-air battle venue will also be removed. The venues were spliced ​​together into a huge and magnificent final venue.

Chen Ziming said with an exaggerated expression of surprise: "Haha, it turns out that you plus the Little Flame Monkey only have three Pokemon. Do you want me to give you a few more? I'll call my dad. It's just a matter of words." Chen Ziming lifted Le Xiaolai's shoulders with great pride, patted his chest and said.

"Well, elf, it's better to take it one step at a time and let nature take its course. We don't need many elves, as long as you are good at it. Don't just think about getting elves from your dad all day long. You I have never tasted the sense of accomplishment of conquering the elf by my own ability. What a feeling, don't be too comfortable, happy, proud, proud." Le Xiaolai shook his head, his expression was rich and full of satisfaction.

"Hmph, you mean my elf is not powerful"

"You forgot what happened this afternoon so quickly," Le Xiaolai said with a mocking look.

"..." Chen Ziming took away the hand hooked on Le Xiaolai's shoulder, angrily walked to the door of the Elf Care Center, picked up the phone and dialed directly.

Le Xiaolai looked at Chen Ziming's angry look and muttered in his heart: Could it be that what he said went too far and hurt his self-esteem? Do you want to go up and apologize?

At this time, Chen Ziming's angry voice exploded into the phone: "Dad, please quickly pick me a powerful junior elf and send it over. I have three weeks to go before the freshman competition. I have to work hard in three weeks to be able to do it." I'm still in school to earn face for you, so I'll send someone over right away."

"My dear son, I know you are thinking of your father. He will send someone to you immediately. Don't be bullied in school. If someone bullies you, just tell your father. He will beat him until he even has his own mother. "Do you recognize me?" An excited and caring voice sounded on the other end of the phone.

"Xiao Yu, hurry up and pick out a one-horned rhinoceros with good potential and send it to my son. See what else he needs and give it to him directly." Chen Chucang ordered sternly.

"Yes, boss."

"That's it, I'll hang up." Chen Ziming hung up the phone directly.

"This child is always like this." Chen Chucang said to himself, "Who asked me to just have a son like this? I have to take good care of him."

Chen Ziming walked directly to Le Xiaolai, held his head high and said sternly: "Just wait, let's see who ranks higher when the time comes."

Le Xiaolai smiled angrily and murmured in his heart: You have a father, so you can be willful. People like us just look at him but don't say anything.

Seeing Le Xiaolai's disbelieving smile, Chen Ziming felt like he was about to explode: "Just laugh. If you accidentally get eliminated before you meet me, you won't laugh anymore."

Le Xiaolai was still smiling and didn't bother to argue anymore: "Okay, okay. Let's fight openly and openly then."

At this time, the lady at the front desk, Ding Xiaoping, also sent the elf balls that had been treated. Le Xiaolai and Chen Ziming each took their own elf eggs.

Le Xiaolai directly pressed the button and released the little flame monkey. Now it is full of energy and looks full of energy.

"Uh-ke~" The little flame monkey looked curiously at the human who saved him in despair and danger, trying to see what was special about him.

Le Xiaolai smiled, squatted down and stretched out his hand: "From now on, I will be your trainer. Don't worry, I will never leave you alone."

The little flame monkey recalled the scene that happened before. Lexiaolai was bitten hard by him but did not get angry, and gave him a warm embrace. Now he feels that he is the happiest Pokemon in the world. Bai Huahua's tears began to gurgling in her eyes again, and she held Le Xiaolai's hand directly with her two little hands, finally feeling the warmth of home.

Le Xiaolai looked at the little flame monkey who was about to cry again, and comforted him: "Okay, let's fight together in the future." He held the little flame monkey with both hands and put it on his shoulders, and gently scratched its shoulder. Nose, help wipe away the tears that are about to overflow, "Little naughty, wipe your tears, we have to be independent from now on, we can't cry anymore."

The little flame monkey wiped away his tears and said from the bottom of his heart, "Oh no~"

Chen Ziming watched quietly from the side, and said with a look of jealousy: "Good luck, stop being sensational, let's go out, let's go out for a big dinner. I'll treat you."

Le Xiaolai straightened up and said with a smile, "Just be envious. Didn't you ask your father to send someone to send the elf here?"

"Oh, I forgot, what are you going to do? Come with me to the school gate and wait, and then go have a big meal together." Chen Ziming's eyes sparkled between the lines.

"Uh, me, I plan to take the little flame monkey to the fire training room to train it so that it can recover as soon as possible and improve its strength. The freshman competition is also imminent, and time waits for no one."

"Why are you so boring? This is the first time I ask you to go out to eat together. If you don't give me face, do you look down on me?"

"That's not true, it's just..." Le Xiaolai tilted his head and thought: "Look at this, you accompany me to the fire training room first, and wait for the people sent by your father to send the elf to you. Let's go out for a big dinner together again." Le Xiaolai thought in his mind that it would be bad if he refuted Chen Ziming's face for the first time. After all, they had just established a friendship and did not have a deep friendship; if they were already good friends, In the case of friends or even gay friends, it is okay to refuse directly, so it is better to take a step back and the world will be brighter.

"It's almost time to leave. Let's go to the fire training room with you first."

The environment of the training room of each department is very different, because the overall situation of the Pokémon of each department must be taken into consideration, and only by teaching students in accordance with their aptitude can we train the Pokémon of different departments to bring out the stronger strengths. Some people also like to put the elf in the training room with the suppressed attribute, so that they can prepare for a rainy day and train the suppressed double damage in advance.

It was getting dark and night was falling. Le Xiaolai and Chen Ziming came to the door of the fire training room. Le Xiaolai stepped forward and opened the door, facing a gust of hot wind. As soon as Chen Ziming came into contact with the hot wind, big beads of sweat appeared on his face, and he shouted: "It's so hot and I just opened the door. I haven't gone in yet. Isn't it a molten purgatory inside?" He even trembled with fright.

Le Xiaolai had brought the Candlelight Spirit's elf egg here before to absorb the power of the flames and let it thrive better; so this time he was not surprised. Looking at Chen Ziming's frightened face, he curled his lips and said: "You If not, you are afraid of the heat, just wait for me at the door. I will be out in a moment."

Chen Ziming responded calmly, trying to save his face and said: "Who can't do it? I plan to go in and train my Nuannuan Pig as well."

"Okay, let's go in and talk."

Chen Ziming stuck out his tongue hotly and followed Le Xiaolai in.

In the fire training room, there is a small volcano, which is made of fiery red rocks. On the slope surrounding the small volcano, there are many branch platforms. There is also a vending machine in the middle of the platform for trainers who are exhausted and need to drink water. and elves. The closer you get to the crater, the higher the temperature. Although the outside world is night, the flaming red rocks and the volcano vents emitting steam make the entire training room glow red. There seems to be no day or night here, only a bright red sky, because the small volcano is shrouded in it. It is a huge semicircular reflective glass. On this volcano, there are not only trainers and elves who come here to train, but also many fire-type Pokemon raised in captivity by the school. Only those who help the school win honors will have the opportunity. Catch the school’s captive Pokemon in these training rooms.

Panting, Chen Ziming followed Le Xiaolai to climb halfway up the hillside. His face was haggard and he was covered in sweat: "No, no, no, Xiao Lai, let's train the elf halfway up the mountain. As we go up, I will change." It’s become a roasted suckling pig.”

Le Xiaolai chuckled: "Okay, let's stay here." The gurgling heat and high temperature made both Le Xiaolai and Chen Ziming blush. In fact, Le Xiaolai planned to be halfway up the mountain. This is the limit of high temperature that he can adapt to for a long time. For Chen Ziming, I am afraid that this place is already like a purgatory on earth. When this situation reached the point where he couldn't bear it, Chen Ziming had no choice but to put down his dignity and talk to Le Xiaolai.

Le Xiaolai released Iron Dumbbell and Dark Crow, and the Little Flame Monkey jumped off his shoulders: "Iron Dumbbell, Dark Crow, you go and choose a suitable opponent to fight. Little Flame Monkey, follow me first, Let me get familiar with the moves you know now." Iron Dumbbell and Dark Crow flew away directly.

Seeing Le Xiao Lai start to move, Chen Ziming was not to be outdone, and was about to release all his elves, imitating Le Xiao Lai.

Le Xiaolai looked at Chen Ziming's movements and quickly stopped him: "I have been here with Iron Dumbbell and Dark Crow before, and I accompanied them to choose their opponents first. You first establish a tacit understanding with your Nuannuan Pig, otherwise your little The elf didn't understand the rules and pissed off all the fire elves in the mountain, and we suffered."

Chen Ziming hesitated to speak, thinking about the image of the mountains full of elves chasing him behind his butt, breathing fire, and felt frightened. He originally wanted to refute, but after thinking about it, he decided not to: "You come here more often than me. Experience, I’ll just listen to you. Come out, Nuannuanzhu.”

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