Pokémon the Second Reality

Chapter 47 Hot Spring Village

As soon as a good hunting dog discovers prey, he will immediately make an accurate judgment on the situation of the enemy and ourselves, and whether to delay for time or to attack decisively. These three people are undoubtedly the legendary elite members of the society. If you look carefully, although they came in with five other people at the beginning, they behaved more calmly, which is why they did not step into the trap immediately.

Immediately afterwards, they discovered another opportunity to take advantage of, and that was Xia Wushuang acting alone. So they rushed over with a tacit understanding, and the positions of the three of them echoed each other, ensuring that Xia Wushuang had no chance of slipping away from the front.

This was not the worst situation Xia Wushuang encountered: one year there was heavy snow in the mountains, and as usual, the villagers gathered to hunt wild boars. The so-called hunting method is very primitive. After discovering traces of wild boars, everyone split into two groups. The first wave is the main force of the attack, that is, the hunter. The hunter is responsible for surveying the favorable terrain and setting up extremely lethal traps in advance. Once the wild boar enters the trap, the hunter is responsible for replenishing the gun and must end its life in the shortest possible time; the other wave is the main force of the attack. One group consists of most of the people. These people are responsible for driving away, which means shouting and making strong noise near the wild boar's nest, forcing the wild boar to panic and crash into the trap.

Whether hunters or drivers, there is an iron rule: keep an absolutely safe distance. As a last resort, even if you give up hunting, you can't risk your life.

The destructive power of a desperate wild boar is no less than that of a tiger descending from the mountain.

Because hunting is highly dangerous, children are strictly prohibited from participating. That year, Xia Wushuang was 12 years old. In order to get a small piece of meat after successfully hunting the wild boar, he quietly followed the adults and set off. At that time, the old village chief was ill in bed, and the task of driving was given to his son in his early 20s. In addition to his lack of experience, the young man's biggest flaw was that he was too competitive and could not hold his breath, so he drove out two wild boars weighing more than pounds. , the crowd drove the two little wild boars toward the trap.

When Xia Wushuang tiptoed up, he happened to meet the Wild Boar King who came out behind him. Oh my God, Xia Wushuang's first reaction when he saw the hill-like wild boar king was that he had no reaction, because he was already petrified: the wild boar weighed about 400 kilograms, and its sharp tusks sparkled in the winter sun. There is actually a circle of golden mane around its neck, which looks very similar to the majestic lion.

A man and a pig suddenly encountered each other, and they were surprised at the same time.

This wild boar is old, and its ability to escape hunting over the years shows that its IQ is much higher than that of ordinary wild boars.

Xia Wushuang's first reaction was to be confused, and his second reaction was to run. If he didn't run, a 400-pound wild boar could tear him to pieces with just a little force.

Xia Wushuang did not panic. He turned around and ran down the mountain. Because the wild boar's front legs are shorter than its hind legs, it is easier to fall down the mountain. Moreover, its body is too big, which brings disadvantages when running downhill.

Sure enough, Xia Wushuang ran down with his front legs, and the wild boar followed with his hind legs. It had been completely angered by the human, and it rolled on the hillside and chased after it.

While Xia Wushuang was escaping, she looked back slightly and saw a huge dragon of smoke and dust following closely behind her. It was the wild boar rolling along the road, breaking many trees as thick as a bowl, and bringing up dust.

Fortunately, Xia Wushuang's family has a tradition of practicing martial arts. The birthplace of one of the red armies that founded the Republic was his hometown. He has used the most primitive way to keep fit since he was a child, so he has good physical fitness. In addition to really wanting to share a piece of meat, his good physical fitness gave him the confidence to dare to compete with a wild boar king at a young age. Although this approach is very reckless

There is no need to go into details about the past. The scene now is nothing compared to that time.

Xia Wushuang stood up. Today, he would not run away, but would directly fight.

The 12-year-old boy who dared to compete with a wild boar has now grown up

He took a step forward, and the two steel bars in his hands joined forces and hit the legs of the person in the middle directly.

Xia Wushuang's counterattack happened in a flash of lightning. The man in the middle was hit on both sides of his knees. He immediately fell to his knees and threw the machete in his hand. Xia Wushuang rolled forward and rushed out, rolling to the position of the person in the middle. Two steel bars hit the left and right people respectively, and this wave of offensive was resolved.

"You are related to the East China Sea Dragon Palace"

All this happened too fast, not giving the three people time to react. Xia Wushuang had already picked up two machetes. He held the handle of the machete and pointed the blade at the three people and asked. As he asked, he kicked the remaining machete through the gap in the floor to the second underground floor.

"We don't know anyone from the East China Sea Dragon Palace. We are all from Brother Hei."

The three men had lost their knives, so they naturally had no intention of fighting to the death and answered honestly.

"I won't kill you as long as you give up resistance."

Xia Wushuang confessed, and then tied up these people. The words of these people made him a little confused.

Liang Feicai was targeted by him because he was spying on insiders. The insider had also said before that the people in Donghai had promised to take away Xia Wushuang's hand so that he could no longer work as a reporter and write articles. The question was how could Liang Feicai be targeted? It's an insider. Judging from today's situation, it is very likely that the Black Gold Group has not colluded with Donghai. Otherwise, those here today would not be these dirty little gangsters. It will definitely be okay for these people to bully honest people and collect some protection fees. , but it would be a bit suspense if they were to kill people and silence them; what's even more incredible is that insiders said that Brother Hei hired powerful people from abroad to find the "eyes in the sky" who spread the news on the Internet. That foreigner should be the one who competed with Ye Xing last night Another hacker. Then, it makes no sense that Liang Feicai doesn't know the identity of Xia Wushuang, the reporter of Fengyun Newspaper and the owner of the Tianyan account.

It can only be said that there are more secrets behind these large conglomerates such as Donghai and Black Gold Group, waiting for him to reveal them.

More than a week has passed since the note incident, and the girl who left the note has died, but her wish has not been fulfilled.

These things came to mind one by one, and Xia Wushuang felt that the burden on her shoulders was getting heavier and heavier.

"Brother Bao, bring the brothers and fight in. There is only one person inside."

While Xia Wushuang was thinking, a person tied up by him sent a message to the outside.

A hundred secrets and a sparse

This sentence made Xia Wushuang's situation extremely dangerous. As the saying goes, if you know yourself and your enemy, you will never be in danger. Those thugs before didn't know his strength or how many people were in the unfinished building, so they tried again and again to give him the conditions to defeat them one by one. Especially this time, Xia Wushuang took down eight people in one go, which made those people confused about the situation in the building and did not dare to act rashly.

The best case scenario is that they stand still and Xia Wushuang waits for the police and reporters to arrive. This crisis can be easily resolved.

"Haha, then I can't blame you"

Hearing the tip from the brothers inside, Brother Bao, the leader outside, perked up and shouted: "Brothers, the chairman has said that if you rescue the young chairman, each person will be rewarded with 10,000 yuan in cash."

The gangsters suddenly became very enthusiastic, and they rushed in and cut Xia Wushuang into pieces.

"Listen to me, turn on the flashlights, rush in later and throw the flashlights first. The grandson who shines the light will not be able to open his eyes. Damn, there are 20 people, and you can't catch one of them for me to use."

More than 20 people filed in. This time they came prepared. Xia Wushuang couldn't open his eyes when the bright flashlight shone on him.

It’s a big deal now

Xia Wushuang's scalp was numb. In a one-on-one fight, as long as he didn't meet a real practitioner, it didn't matter if there were twenty people. His Three-Legged Cat Kung Fu could still hold up for a while. But 20 people came together to kill him, and it was difficult for him to fight with just two fists, especially since his eyes were so bright that he couldn't open them due to the flashlight.

After all, he is not Ip Man.

Besides, if Ip Man comes, he may not be able to run away.

Xia Wushuang kicked forward based on his feeling, kicking a person who was rushing towards him far away.

But there was also a sharp pain on his back, and someone slashed it with a knife. See more Prestige official account: hhxs665

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