1938, the twenty-seventh year of the Republic of China.

This is the most tragic era in China.

After the July 1937th Incident in , the Japanese army suddenly launched a full-scale war of aggression against the entire China.

For a time, the storm surged, and the whole of China was plunged into endless flames of war. Each province of China became a battlefield for tit-for-tat confrontation between the Japanese army and the Chinese army.

The Guangdong and Guangxi provinces of China became one of the most brutal war zones where the Japanese army and the Chinese army fought.


"call out"

With a flash of white light, Qi Yunfei slowly opened his eyes.

“Where is this place?”

Qi Yunfei opened his eyes, and the first thing he saw was a clear blue sky. Wisps of gray-white smoke were slowly rising into the sky, trying to cover the blue sky and white sun.

And soon, Qi Yunfei discovered that he was lying on a piece of cold land, and it was wet underneath, making him feel very uncomfortable.

Moreover, as he breathed, he smelled a turbid air full of blood and smoke from the surroundings.

Qi Yunfei shook his still dizzy head to wake himself up, then moved his body and tried to get up from the ground.

However, when he wanted to move his arm, he suddenly felt a sharp pain suddenly coming from the right side of his body.

"cough cough cough"

Suddenly, Qi Yunfei quickly covered his mouth and coughed violently. A wisp of bright red blood slowly flowed out from between his fingers and gently dripped onto the red pool of blood beneath him. among.

"Holy shit, what's going on?"

After finally stopping his coughing, Qi Yunfei quickly looked along the right side of his body. It was better not to look. However, even he was shocked by this look.

I saw that the right half of Qi Yunfei's body was already a bloody mess.

His right hand, the entire arm, from the palm to the elbow, and his right foot, from the sole of the foot to the base of the calf, were all missing.

A large amount of blood, as if in an endless stream, continued to flow from the fractures on his arms and calves, dyeing the large area of ​​​​the land where he now lay red.

And Qi Yunfei himself, at this moment, was lying in a crater blown by the shell.

Obviously, Qi Yunfei's body, unfortunately, had its arms and legs blown off by a cannonball that came from nowhere, and he died tragically on the spot.

Damn it, I said, why do I feel wet where I lie?

Thinking of this, Qi Yunfei's eyes condensed, and he immediately forced a ray of true energy that he had brought into this body, raised his left hand that could still move, and quickly touched the key points all over his body. Clicked a few times.

Immediately, Qi Yunfei felt that the blood flow in his right hand and right foot had stopped, and blood was no longer flowing out.

However, this is nothing more than a temporary measure.

His wound has not healed yet. If it is not treated in time, Qi Yunfei has every reason to believe that he will really be a disabled person.

System, you are so cruel

Qi Yunfei really wanted to give the system a middle finger.

This bastard system really can't let me calm down for a while.

Before, it just got a sick body for itself, but this time it was even more outrageous, it just got a mutilated body for itself.

This is really forcing me to scold my mother.

"Yeah, give it to me"

However, before Qi Yunfei could even breathe a sigh of relief, a familiar sound of killing was suddenly heard in his ears.

He had heard this kind of killing cry in countless domestic war movies.

Therefore, after he heard this weird cry of killing, a very familiar word immediately popped out of his mind.


Suddenly, at this moment, what Qi Yunfei himself didn't know was that his originally calm eyes suddenly turned cold.

What was revealed in those deep eyes was a seemingly endless hatred.

At the same time, in Qi Yunfei's mind, pieces of memory that did not belong to him began to pass through his mind quickly, and then, little by little, they were integrated into Qi Yunfei's original memory.

Qi Yunfei just pondered for a moment.

Soon, he understood all the memories that flowed into his mind, and finally understood his current situation roughly.

The time now is 1938, which is the twenty-seventh year of the Republic of China, a period just after the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War.

The Japanese army launched a full-scale war of aggression against the entire China, which was also the most difficult period for China.

As for his current identity, he is a soldier of the National Army, stationed at the West Gate Defense Department of Tengcheng, and the leader of the 44th Regiment, Qi Yunfei.

Not long ago, because Tengcheng was suddenly attacked by a Japanese squadron, he led his entire 44th regiment to defend the west gate of Tengcheng to resist the Japanese attack.

However, after barely withstanding two waves of fierce Japanese attacks, he was accidentally hit by a stray bullet from a Japanese mortar during a round of Japanese artillery fire on the position, directly injuring one of his arms and one of his feet. It was blown up.

And the memory has ended here.

In other words, before Qi Yunfei possessed this body, the original owner of this body was completely dead.

System, how cruel are you? You even used corpses to resurrect the souls on me.


Tell me, are you unlucky? What kind of number should you choose? Why should you choose a forty-fourth regiment?

Forty-four, die, die, die

No, you are really dead

Qi Yunfei didn't know whether he was complaining about his own misfortune or the misfortune of the original owner of this body.

However, although the original owner of Qi Yunfei's current body is dead, the battle in Tengcheng is still not over.

Moreover, during the time when he fell, the Japanese offensive against Tengcheng began to become more and more fierce.

Until now, the Japanese soldiers have almost reached the trench positions of the 44th Regiment.

On the battlefield.


Seeing the Japanese soldiers getting closer and closer, the Chinese soldiers of the 44th Regiment were constantly pulling the triggers of their rifles, killing the Japanese soldiers who rushed forward one after another.

However, as more and more Japanese soldiers came over, the guns and ammunition in the hands of the soldiers of the 44th Regiment became increasingly insufficient.

Even in the end, facing the approaching Japanese soldiers, the soldiers of the 44th Regiment had to rely on the swords in their hands to fight with the approaching Japanese soldiers.

For a moment, swords flashed and blood foam flew everywhere.

As the Japanese soldiers and soldiers of the 44th Regiment fell one after another, more Japanese soldiers behind them rushed forward one after another, waving their bayonets and killing one after another who were still resisting tenaciously. The soldiers of the 44th Regiment had holes in their chests.

Suddenly, the blood flowing from the most heroic warriors in China stained the land. See more Weixin official account: hhxs665

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