Our Hogwarts

Chapter 82 Transporting Little Dragon Norbert

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;lt;div id&a;“tent&a;“&a;gt;

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspJust when Hagrid was stroking it, the little dragon suddenly coughed, and then a spark sprayed towards Hagrid's beard.

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp "Ah oh" Hagrid hurriedly slapped his beard with his hand, and a "dimple" was burned out of the thick beard. Xiaolong sneezed, A few more sparks came out of his nose.

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspBut Hagrid didn’t mind this. He patted his beard and said with a smile: “It seems that it still needs some training.”

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp "Well" Hermione looked at the little dragon with lingering fear and advised: "Hagrid, I know it's disappointing to say this, but this dragon is too dangerous."

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp"Isn't it dangerous?" Hagrid said immediately: "How cute Norbert is, haven't you seen it?"

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspBruce said: "Hagrid, I know you really want to raise a dragon, but letting Norbert appear here is a wrong decision."

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp "Yes," Ron said: "Charlie said that the dragon grows very fast, and it will be two or three times its current size in a week. Sooner or later someone will find out.”

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspHagrid said excitedly: "No, it has just been born. I can't let it leave its mother."

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspHarry said helplessly; "But doing this may make you leave Hogwarts."

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspWhen it came to leaving Hogwarts, Hagrid was a little shaken, but he still persisted and said: "At least Norbert is still very young, isn't it? We will do it again in the future." Find a way, now he has to stay with me."

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspHermione still wanted to persuade Hagrid, but Bruce said: "Forget it, Hagrid won't listen to our suggestions now, let's talk about it later."

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp "Yes, there will always be a way." Hagrid smiled. As he was talking, he looked at the window and said curiously: "Why is there a boy outside the window?"

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspThe four of them hurriedly looked toward the window, and sure enough there was a figure outside the window. He saw the four of them looking at him and running away in a hurry. Although he arrived in time, Bruce and the others recognized him immediately.

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp "It's Malfoy," Harry said hurriedly.

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp"Go out and take a look," Bruce said immediately.

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspThe four of them hurriedly ran towards the door, and Hagrid hurriedly hid Norbert. After coming out of the house, Malfoy quickly ran towards the castle.

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp "I can't catch him anymore," Ron said angrily.

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspAt this time, Bruce suddenly shouted: "Stand still with your legs and stop."

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspWhile running, Malfoy stumbled and fell to the ground when he heard the leg-locking curse. Then he hurriedly got up and ran away.

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp "Haha" Harry and the other three laughed when they saw Malfoy fall down.

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspHarry said: "Bruce, you shouldn't just scare him."

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspBruce said: "Forget it, let him go. If we really use the curse on him, wouldn't we give him more evidence to sue us?"

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspRon said: "But he will still want the school to report Hagrid for raising a dragon."

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp "Yes, he will definitely do that," Harry said angrily.

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspBruce explained: "Malfoy is not a fool. If he reports on Hagrid now, it will have the same result as if we reported on Snape. Norbert is so young to us. You can hide it anytime.”

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp "The question is what to do after a week," Hermione said seriously.

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspRon looked embarrassed and said: "Two weeks or three weeks at most, everyone in the school will know that Hagrid has a dragon without Malfoy informing him." "

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspBruce glanced at Hagrid's wooden house and said: "I hope Hagrid is willing to send him away Ron, and you can contact your brother Charlie "

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspRon said: "Of course, do you want to hand this road to him? If so, Charlie will be happy to help."

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspHarry said hurriedly: "I think this is a good idea."

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspBruce nodded and said: "Ron will contact Charlie first and tell him what is going on here. Our next task is to persuade Hagrid."

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspAt this time, Hagrid's excited laughter came from the hut: "Haha, Norbert, you are such a cutie."

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp "Alas" Hermione said helplessly: "I hope we can convince Hagrid."

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspThe following days were just like Bruce said. Malfoy did not report them, but every time he saw the four of them, he showed a The half-smiling smile made Bruce and the others feel aggrieved, and Ron almost couldn't help but beat him up a few times.

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspEvery day they went to Hagrid to persuade him to send Norbert away. At this time, the four of them finally saw Hagrid's fascination with dragons. Every time He always excused himself with various excuses, and then played happily with Xiaolong. Hagrid was happy, but Bruce and the others were not as free as he was, especially Harry and Ron.

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspWhat they have to face when they go back in the evening is a mountain of homework, as well as the review plan made by Bruce and Hermione for the two of them, which is driving them crazy. .

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspA week later, Hagrid finally relented. The reason is very simple. A week later, Norbert was almost three or four times bigger than when he was just born. If this continues, Even if Hagrid agreed to send him away after three weeks, they wouldn't be able to lift it.

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspRon contacted his brother Charlie. He wrote a letter saying that he was very willing to accept Norbert, and kept asking Ron in the letter to send the dragon back. , because the Norwegian Ridgeback is very dangerous when it grows up.

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspIn the lounge, Ron showed the letter just sent by Charlie to the three of them and said: "Charlie said it would be troublesome to pick up Norbert. The only thing now is The feasible way is to send the dragon to his friend first."

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp"At midnight on Saturday, can you take the Ridgeback up to the highest tower where they can meet you and take the dragon away while it's dark? "Bruce suddenly laughed when he saw this paragraph, and Ron asked hurriedly: "Is there something wrong?"

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspBruce said: "It seems that Charlie was the same as George Fred when he was in school. This technique was completely trained through violations."


&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspAfter some joking, Bruce said: "To get down to business, I think Charlie's method is feasible. We can use the invisibility cloak, so that we can be invisible. I feel like transporting the little dragon away.”

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspHarry said: "It's okay, but if you want to lift the little dragon, it can cover two people."

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp Before Bruce and Hermione could speak, Ron immediately said: "I have to go, you two abandoned me last time."

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp"Haha" Bruce said with a smile: "Don't worry, I will definitely let you pass this time. This way, Harry and Ron will be responsible for transporting Norbert, and Hermione and I will be responsible for transporting him." I'll take care of you, especially watch out for Malfoy."

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp"Yeah," Harry said hurriedly: "Yes, this is the point."

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspHermione said; "Also, we have to use the silencing spell on the little dragon, otherwise we will be discovered even without Malfoy."

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp "ok" Bruce stood up and said: "That's it, we have decided that we will go to Hagrid's place now."

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspHarry took out the invisibility cloak from the box, and then the group quietly left the Gryffindor lounge. After walking out of the castle, they went straight to Hagrid's hut, but what the four of them didn't notice was that Malfoy was holding a telescope and looking at them with a sneer on their castle.

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;lt;div align&a;“ter&a;“&a;gt;.

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp...See more Prestige public account: hhxs665

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