Our Hogwarts

Chapter 58 Christmas Vacation

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspAt night, the three people in front of the dinner table looked at Hermione with a scrutinizing look. Hermione's face was flushed and she looked "sorry".

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp "So, you are trying to tell us that nothing was found," Bruce said.

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp"Tsk tsk" Ron sighed with emotion: "It seems that the top academics are not omnipotent."

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspHarry shook his head and said, "I had high hopes for you."

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp "That's enough." Hermione interrupted the three of them angrily and said, "Give me another day, and I won't believe that I can't find it."

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspBut in fact, let alone one day, Hermione wasted her weekends in the library, and there was still no news about the name Nicolas Flamel, so in the end Hermione had to give up. , and began to ask Bruce and the three of them to investigate together.

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspIn desperation, the four of them started the business of "drinking in restaurants" for two weeks. For two whole weeks, Harry Ron could swear that they had watched the two of them for the first half of their lives. The books put together are not as many as this time

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspIn the end, Ron ruthlessly "abandoned" three of his friends on the grounds that he would vomit out the book again when he saw it. In the end, except for Hermione and Bruce, Leigh also gave up, and they realized that Nicoléme could not be found through conventional means.

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspAfter a month, they still found nothing. Hermione can't check it out today because Christmas is coming soon

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspAs the "Spring Festival" in the West, even in the wizarding world, Christmas is the most solemn and important festival of the year. Many children in the Muggle world want Go back to celebrate the holidays, so the week before and after Christmas is considered the "winter holiday" in the West

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspHermione and Ron are going home for the holidays. As for Harry, the Dursleys definitely don't want Harry to go back. In fact, Harry doesn't want to go back either. Bruce originally wanted to go back to Diagon Alley to visit Tom and Ollivander, but ultimately decided to stay with Harry.

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspIn the dormitory, Bruce looked at the Secret of Magic that he had just borrowed with relish.

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp"Bruce" Harry shouted as he lay on the bed. ps: Damn it, why do you feel so evil?

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspBruce looked up and asked: "What's the matter?"

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspHarry said: "I think you should go back and see your teacher"

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspBruce looked at the book and smiled: "Please, your kind suggestion is too late. I have already told the teacher that I will not go back. The teacher wrote back and said He will go home to spend the holidays with his son.”

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp "Sorry, mate," Harry said apologetically.

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspBruce closed the book and smiled: "Celebrating the holidays with friends is also something worth looking forward to. We are used to it anyway, aren't we?"

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp "Haha" Harry looked at his friend moved and said with a smile: "Yeah"

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspThe two friends who were "orphans" before coming to Hogwarts often spent holidays and birthdays together.

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspJust then Ron walked in. He happened to hear the conversation between the two and laughed: "Haha, guys, let's spend Christmas together this time. I have to add one more friend to the festival.”

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp"Well" Bruce asked curiously: "You're not going back."

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspRon smiled and said: "My parents wrote a letter, and the plan has changed. They are going to Romania to see Charlie. Charlie has been studying dragons in Romania for more than a year. Never went home."

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspHarry sat up and said excitedly: "It's great we can plan a carnival during Christmas."

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspRon said: "I absolutely agree, but it's a pity that we are only in the first year, otherwise we can go to Hogsmeade. I have wanted to go there for a long time. Saw it”

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspHogsmeade is a pure wizarding village near Hogwarts. It can be regarded as CBD in the wizarding world, but the school stipulates that only students in third grade and above can go there on specific Saturdays, and they must have a signed permission from their guardian. Many students like Hogsmeade. Ron has heard a lot about Hogsmeade from his brothers and has been "coveting" it for a long time.

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspAt this time, Bruce struck mercilessly: "I think you should complete your homework before planning the party. If I remember correctly, you have I haven’t done my homework for the week, and by the way, there’s also Nicole Flamel.”

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp "Oh damn" Harry said angrily: "Bruce, don't say such embarrassing things, okay? We finally have a long vacation."

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspRon said dissatisfied: "I think you were infected by Hermione. What we need now is to relax. Relax as you said, and relax in a moderate manner."

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspBruce sat up and said, "It's up to you. Anyway, my homework is done."

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspHarry came down from the top and said: "Come on, stop talking about these disappointing things. We should think about how to spend the Christmas holiday. To be honest, I would rather I’m a little tired after school starts, and I don’t want to waste my good time on homework.”

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspAt this moment, Ron suddenly let out an exclamation. He looked at the window and said happily: "Wow, it's snowing."

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspBruce Harry looked toward the window, and sure enough, snow began to fall outside.

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspHarry shuddered and hurriedly got into bed and said: "I said why is it so cold? I have decided that I will spend today in bed."

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspBruce smiled and said, "You won't eat."

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspHarry smiled and said: "Then please bring me some snacks."

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspBruce walked to the window. The snow outside was falling hard and fast, and the goose-feather snowflakes had already coated Hogwarts with a layer of white. It looks so white and light against the dim sky, as if the weight of the whole world has been reduced.

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp "It seems that the snow won't stop for a while." Bruce suddenly thought of something and said excitedly to the two of them: "Guys, I Have a good idea”

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp"What?" Harry asked as he lay in bed.

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp "Let's go have a snowball fight," Bruce said excitedly. Bruce likes winter very much, especially when it snows. Especially since he hasn't seen such heavy snow for many years. When it comes to snowy winter, the first activity that comes to mind must be snowball fights.

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspThis proposal was approved by Ron. He said: "Well, the idea of ​​having a snowball fight is great. It's best to call Malfoy, so that he can You know how powerful I am”

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspHarry shrank his neck under the covers and said, "I won't go. It's too cold, so it's more comfortable under the covers."

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp Bruce sneered when he heard this, and said eagerly: "If you don't go, I will throw the snowball into your bed later, hehe."

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspRon smiled cheekily and said: "I think it might be more appropriate to build a snowman on top of you."

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspAt this moment, two figures suddenly rushed in.

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp "George Fred, why are you two running here?" Bruce asked curiously, looking at the two of them.

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspGeorge said with a smile: "Just now I heard my lovely brother said he wanted to build a snowman. Please, we are all men, we should do something exciting together. Let’s have a snowball fight.”

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp...See more Prestige public account: hhxs665

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