Our Hogwarts

Chapter 46 Troll ko

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspGod is fair. He did not give the troll a sophisticated mind but gave it a strong and "anti-magic" body.

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspBut Bruce couldn't control so much now. He kept throwing out obstacle spells. Although he barely disturbed the troll, it also made the troll's anger skyrocket.


&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspThe completely irritated troll couldn't bear it anymore, and hit Bruce with the big stick in his hand.

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp"Tongtong Petrochemical"

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspAt the critical moment, Bruce hit the giant monster with a petrification spell. The monster's movement slowed down, and Bruce took the opportunity to duck aside.


&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspThe big stick still fell, and a deep dent was made on the hard floor.

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspLooking at the ground, Bruce was still frightened, but he also thought of a way

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspBruce stood up in a hurry and shouted: "Spread out and find a way to distract it"

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspHarry, Hermione, and Ron hurriedly dispersed, picked up the things around them and threw them at the troll.

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp"Idiot, watch"

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspHarry hit the troll on the head with a stone, and the monster's blood-red eyes immediately focused on Harry.

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp"Smash you to death"

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspRon picked up a piece of wood and hit the troll, and the troll immediately changed its target.

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspHermione also kept throwing things. The actions of the three of them made the troll not know who to attack. This gave Bruce an opportunity.

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp"Tongtong Petrochemical"

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspThe petrification spell hit the troll and made him stiff.


&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspA ray of silver light hit the giant monster's hand. Due to the petrification spell, the giant monster's strength was weakened, and the disarming spell successfully knocked the giant monster down.

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspAlmost instantly, Bruce cast another spell.

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp"Wingardim Leviosa"

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspBruce's floating spell successfully controlled the stick before it hit the ground. Harry and the three of them attracted the troll, leaving him no time to pay attention to the stick floating in the air. . Bruce took the opportunity to float the stick in the air to the top of the troll.


&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspBruce put away the spell, and the giant stick fell out of control. The huge and thick wooden stick hit the giant monster's head accurately.


&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspA crisp sound sounded, and the giant monster swayed and fell to the ground.


&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspOnce I fell down, I never got up again.


&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspBruce breathed a long sigh of relief and looked at the troll lying on the ground with lingering fear. Only then did he realize that he was soaked.

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspHarry, Hermione, and Ron also stared blankly at the troll, unable to believe that they had really hit the troll and were still alive.

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp "We are still alive," Ron said blankly as he looked at the three of them.

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspHarry nodded and breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "I think so, although it's incredible."

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspHermione slowly walked to the troll and asked: "Is he dead?"

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspBruce said: "It's not that I think I just fainted."

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspRon looked at Bruce and laughed: "Bruce I can't believe it, you actually defeated the troll."

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspBruce smiled: "No, we defeated the troll."

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspBut before the four people could cheer, a burst of chaotic footsteps sounded.

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspThe professors rushed over. Professor McGonagall, who was the first to come in, was frightened when he saw the troll lying on the ground. Quirrell was paralyzed with fright. sit on the floor.

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp "Oh my God, what is going on?" Even the strong woman Professor McGonagall could not accept the situation in front of her and asked: "I think You four should explain it.”

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp "Minerva, don't be so nervous." A low and hoarse voice sounded. Dumbledore was late, and the teachers immediately made way.

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspDumbledore looked at the troll lying on the ground and actually laughed and said: "Oh, I saw some obstacle curse, petrification curse, I I think there are also disarming spells and levitating spells, a perfect combo."

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspBruce was stunned and looked at Dumbledore in surprise. He actually told the curse he used.

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspDumbledore also noticed Bruce's expression and smiled: "Mr. Sterling, it seems this is your masterpiece."

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspBruce stepped forward and said: "Yes, Professor Dumbledore was just the four of us who knocked out the troll together."

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp "What on earth is going on?" Professor McGonagall said seriously: "You shouldn't have appeared here, even if you can defeat the troll."

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspProfessor McGonagall’s serious question made the four of them very nervous. At this time, Bruce said; "I'm sorry."

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp "I'm sorry, Professor, it's all my fault," Hermione said suddenly.

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspEveryone, including Bruce, looked at Hermione. Hermione lowered her head and explained: "I ran to find the troll. I naively thought I can deal with him, but it turns out I was wrong. If Bruce, Harry and Ron hadn't arrived in time to save me, I think I would have died."

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspProfessor McGonagall said angrily: "Merlin, Granger, your behavior is so stupid. I thought you would be more sensible. I Very disappointed in you, Granger."

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspJust when Professor McGonagall was scolding Hermione, Bruce suddenly felt someone pulling on him. It was Harry. He quietly pointed to the left. Bruce looked and stood there. It was Snape. His trousers were torn and there were scars on his right leg.

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspHowever, he noticed Bruce and Harry's gaze almost instantly, immediately covered it with his robe, and then continued to stand there with an expression as if nothing happened. .

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp"Granger" Dumbledore said: "If you regard the three of them as friends, you should not put your friends in danger, or worse Let them die"

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp "I'm sorry," Hermione said guiltily.

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspProfessor McGonagall looked at Hermione and said: "Granger, because of your serious lack of judgment, Gryffindor will be deducted five points."

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspThen she looked at the three Bruces and said: "As for the three of you, I can only say that your luck is so good that few freshmen can conquer it. Adult troll and still come back alive for five points."

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspProfessor McGonagall paused, stared at them and said: "Add five points to each of the three."

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp "Ah" smiles instantly appeared on the faces of the three of them, and Professor McGonagall said: "Don't think this is to praise you, it's just because you did it crookedly."

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp"Okay" Dumbledore spoke again: "Everyone, please go back, Mr. Sterling, could you please come with me?"

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspThe principal made a sound and everyone left here one after another, leaving Quirrell alone to clean up the mess. However, in the eyes of Harry Ron and the others, just because they were beaten in the restaurant just now The way he fainted from fright probably meant that this was a difficult thing for him.

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspAlthough Dumbledore only called Bruce, Harry, Hermione, and Ron also followed.

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspDumbledore saw this and smiled: "Harry, Ron, and Hermione, I don't think you need to worry, I won't reprimand Bruce. just looking for him

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspAsk something”

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspThe three of them smiled awkwardly, and Harry said, "Well, Bruce, we'll wait for you in the lounge."

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp...See more Prestige public account: hhxs665

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