Our Hogwarts

Chapter 113 Harry being "imprisoned"

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;lt;div id&a;“tent&a;“&a;gt;

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspBruce hurried out of the Leaky Cauldron. The only possibility when Harry appears is that the Dursleys are up to something again. The Dursleys hate wizards, you could even say they hate them. If there was a way to get Harry to drop out of school they would definitely consider it.

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspWhen I think of this, Bruce blames himself. Half a month, a full half month, Harry may have been locked up for half a month, and here As a friend during this period, he didn't even write a letter. If Harry really dropped out of school because of this, Bruce would feel guilty for the rest of his life.

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspWhen he hurriedly dared to go outside the Dursley's house, Bruce found that iron bars had been installed on the left window on the second floor. Bruce and Hermione had come before Not yet. And when he was in Diagon Alley that day, Harry said that his aunt and uncle were so kind that they allowed him to move out of the cupboard and live in the guest room.

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspAt that time, Bruce was still happy for Harry, and joked that he could finally "stand upright and behave" in the room. But now he realized that Harry's transformation in this house was simply the ability to stand up straight. He was certain that behind the window "isolated" by the iron bars was Harry's room.

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspBruce now felt a fire in his heart. His best friend was locked in the room like an animal. Bruce even wanted to pull out his wand and blow the damn iron bars to pieces, and then rescue Harry. But he knew that he could only think about it. If this was the case, he and Harry might never be able to step into the door of Hogwarts again.

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspBut Bruce cannot remain indifferent. Even if he cannot use magic, he must rescue Harry. Tomorrow is September 1st, their birthdays and the first day of school. Bruce will not let Harry spend this special day alone.

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspBruce walked to the other side of the road. He saw the Dursley family's car still parked in the yard. They probably didn't go out. After looking around and seeing no one paying attention to him, Bruce pressed his hands on the fence and jumped into the yard. He quietly came to the door. Vernon Dursley's annoying voice came from the house.

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp "Now, let's all preview Penny. You will be there when the Masons arrive."

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspThe voice of Harry Petunia's Aunt: "In the living room, prepare to welcome them with the most cordial attitude"

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp"Very well Dudley, you'll be there"

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspDudley said with a proud tone: "I will wait to open the door for them."

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp"Very good, what about you?"

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspVernon Dursley looked very cold in his last words, and Bruce knew that Harry must be in the living room, and these words were addressed to him. It seems that the Dursleys are preparing to welcome some important guests.

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspSure enough, Harry's voice sounded: "I will be in my room, not making any noise, pretending that I don't exist."

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp"Damn it" When Bruce heard this sentence, he almost didn't curse. It seemed that Harry's recent situation was even worse than he thought.

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp"Very good. If I'm lucky, I will negotiate the biggest business in my life, and you are absolutely not allowed to come out and mess it up for me. Now you immediately Come back to the room immediately”

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspBruce left the door, Harry returned to the room and the Dursleys were waiting for guests in the living room. This was a good opportunity to save Bruce's mind. Plans gradually took shape.

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspHe came to the bottom of the window of Harry's room. There was a vine growing here, and the green vines covered the shelf and were still growing upward. And that shelf was just enough for Bruce to climb to the second floor room, assuming he wouldn't be discovered.

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspIt is now past nine o'clock. People are either going to work or going to school. The entire community is probably empty. So the chance of Bruce being discovered was very small. He climbed up the shelf, and the Dursleys also helped a lot. They were in the living room playing soft music and would not hear anything outside.


&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspHalf a month ago, Harry had thought that he would go crazy if he continued to stay in the house, but now he felt that he was wrong. It turned out that his endurance was far beyond imagination. Harry had been in the house for half a month. He should have been "imprisoned" in the house.

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspHe couldn't go anywhere for half a month, and even Vernon Dursley installed an iron grille outside his window. But these are nothing. What really makes Harry unbearable is the "reaction" of his three friends. In half a month, Harry wrote no less than forty letters to Bruce, Ron, and Hermione, but the result was that all the messages were missing. none.

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspHarry didn't know what was wrong, why his three best friends didn't reply to him. He wanted to go out, but it was impossible.

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspThis afternoon, the Dursleys will welcome an important guest. It is said that the Masons are a big customer, so in order to leave a good impression on the guests , to prove to them the superiority and warmth of the Dursley family, Uncle Vernon even let Dudley take a day off.

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspAnd Harry also knew that he would act as air again, even worse than air. The air could still flow freely, but he could only act like an autistic child. It seemed like he was sitting there.

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspBack in his room, Harry had the urge to cry, but he still held back the tears in his eyes. He walked to the desk and took out the photo album that had been thumbed through countless times. My parents, a photo of myself with Bruce, Hermione, and Ron at school. In the photo, they are smiling just like themselves.

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspHarry finally felt more comfortable and the corners of his mouth rose slightly, at this moment


&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspA strange knocking sound came from the window. Harry looked over subconsciously, and then he was stunned. Because at the window Bruce was waving to himself outside the railing.

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspHarry hurried over and opened the window, and said in shock: "Bruce you"

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspBruce smiled and said: "Man, it looks like you are imprisoned."

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspHarry asked hurriedly: "Bruce, why are you here? Why didn't you reply to me?"

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp"Reply" Bruce asked curiously: "What do you mean?"

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspHarry was stunned for a moment and said, "This is a letter I wrote to you."

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp "Ah, I haven't received a letter from you." Bruce said: "I received a letter from Ron and Hermione this morning. They said You wrote many letters but you didn’t reply to them all.”

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspHarry said hurriedly: "I've never received any letters."

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspAt this time, both of them understood

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspBruce sneered: "It seems that the Dursleys have blocked all your letters."

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp "Damn them, how could they do this?" Harry was extremely angry and said: "I can't stay here anymore, I must leave here Bruce , I will live with you in the Leaky Cauldron, will Mr. Tom agree?"

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspBruce said: "I am definitely willing, and Tom will agree, but what we have to do now is how to get you out. School will start tomorrow, I I guess you don’t want to drop out of school because you can’t get out.”

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp "Of course not, but what should we do?" Harry asked hurriedly.

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;lt;div align&a;“ter&a;“&a;gt;.

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp...See more Prestige public account: hhxs665

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