Pokemon City Tile

Chapter 4 Recognition

Xia Qingyue came to the stone door of Frozen End Temple and said in a voice that could penetrate the inside: "Yun Che, is it convenient for me to go in?"

After she finished speaking, she didn't wait for a response from inside for a long time.She concentrated for a while, but didn't hear any movement from inside.

Is it no longer in there?

"Yun Che, are you in there?" Xia Qingyue said again.

This time, there was still no response.

Xia Qingyue stretched out her palm, and the light of Bingyun Jue shone on the stone door. There was a soft sound and the stone door slowly opened. Xia Qingyue took just one step forward. The moment she stepped into the Frozen End Temple, her body suddenly stopped and she froze there.

Yun Che did not leave. During these seven days, he had been in the Frozen End Temple. The moment the stone door opened, Xia Qingyue saw him at a glance.At this time, Yun Che was sitting on the ground, his eyes closed, his hands open, palms facing the sky. On his left hand, a Frozen End tree shone with cold light, and on his right hand, a red flame was swaying silently.

But what made Xia Qingyue stunned was not these, but the oncoming air.

The right side of her body felt like she was in an icy hell, while the left side of her body felt like she was in a sea of ​​​​purgatory fire. The empty Frozen End Temple was actually divided into two distinct worlds that did not interfere with each other.

Xia Qingyue's beautiful eyes trembled. What's going on?

In the same space, intense heat and cold will cancel each other out, reducing the degree of heat and cold, just like fire and ice crystals canceling each other out. This is completely the most basic common sense that even children know very well, but what appears in front of Xia Qingyue is a scene that is completely contrary to common sense. The ice on the right side and the intense heat on the left do not appear to be any degree at all. Offset, as if there is an insurmountable transparent barrier between the two.

At this time, Yun Che, who had been quiet all this time, suddenly moved. Slowly, he moved his hands closer to the middle. His movements were extremely slow, as if every move he made consumed a huge amount of strength. As his arms moved, Bingyi and Feng Yan got closer and closer, and finally touched each other.

There was no scene of flames melting Bingyi and Bingyi suppressing the flames. What Xia Qingyue saw next was a scene that completely broke her understanding and subverted the most basic common sense. Bingyi and Feng Yan were actually slow. They blended into each other, the ice was submerged into the flames, and the flames were submerged into the ice. There was no rejection, no offset, just like two liquids of different colors, seeping into each other, and then completely mixing together intimately.

Ice and fire mixed together

At the same time, the ice cold and heat that were originally separated on both sides of the Frozen End Temple also merged with each other. The blending of ice cold and heat with the same intensity should have balanced each other out to a normal temperature state, but Xia Qingyue knew it. She felt that the space around her was filled with extreme cold and heat, intertwined crazily, and the space was distorting. Her whole body felt extremely uncomfortable in this completely unnatural environment, until she mobilized a full 90% of her profound energy to protect her. The body relaxed slightly.

At this time, the Bingyi and Fengyan in Yun Che's hand had completely merged together. The ice-blue Bingyi and the red Fengyan had disappeared. On Yun Che's overlapping palms, , what appears is a ball of blue monster flames

According to the color of the mysterious fire, the weakest is orange flame, followed by red flame, followed by red flame, blue flame, and after blue flame is purple flame, the urban version of Invincible Heroes. But the blue color of the flame in Yun Che's hand is not the same as the bright blue of the blue mysterious fire, but an icy blue that Xia Qingyue is all too familiar with.

ice color flame

The ice blue flames swayed and beat in Yun Che's hands, and gradually beat more and more violently. Yun Che's hands were also trembling violently, as if they were gradually breaking away from the control of the ice flames in his hands. Finally, Yun Che's whole body violently In a flash, his face turned pale, a cloud of blood mist spurted out from his mouth, and the ice flames fell from his hands and fell to the ground paved with sky rocks.

Xia Qingyue's breath froze, the ice shadow swayed, and she flashed in front of Yun Che. Just as she was about to speak, her eyes suddenly fell in front of Yun Che, and her whole body froze again.

Just where the ball of ice flame fell, a hole half a foot long and about a foot deep appeared on the ground. This pit has an extremely standard round shape, and the inside is extremely smooth, revealing the light, as if it was carefully polished with extremely exquisite craftsmanship.

But Xia Qingyue was extremely certain that there had never been such a pothole here before.The walls and floors here are all paved with Sky Rock. In Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace, even the most powerful Palace Master Feng Qianhui has no ability to destroy the Sky Rock. The destructive power of Yun Che’s heavy sword How astonishing, even though he was holding the Wang Xuan Heavy Sword, but with % strength, he was unable to leave any scratches on the Sky Rock.

But now, such a shocking pothole has appeared.

Could this be caused by that ice-colored flame?

There are no traces of ice or burnt marks in the potholes.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha"

Yun Che sat on the ground, ignoring the blood on the corner of his mouth, and laughed wantonly: "Finally succeeded, hahahaha."

"What on earth is this?" Xia Qingyue shifted her gaze to Yun Che's face, her expression filled with shock that was hard to suppress.

"It is a special kind of fire and a special kind of ice. It is a kind of power derived from disobedience to the law." Yun Che stretched out his hand to wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth and grinned: "It's just that I have just glimpsed the door now. I can only use it reluctantly and endure huge backlash, but this has at least proved that violating the rules of elements is not impossible, and the power derived from doing it is far greater than I imagined. Much more terrifying.”

"You mean that fusing ice and fire can really be done?" Xia Qingyue said in shock.

"I can do it, but others can't." Yun Che said with a smile on his lips. Although he suffered backlash, the successfully fused ice flames made him extremely excited. He stood up, looked at Xia Qingyue and said, "This matter is my secret. Don't tell anyone about it."

Xia Qingyue: ""

"I've been here for a few days"

"Seven days."

"Seven days." Yun Che raised his hand and tapped his chin, then suddenly thought of something, and quickly picked up his sound transmission jade. Sure enough, there were several sound marks on it from Cang Yue and Cang Wanhe.

"There is only one month left before the Tianxuan Seven Kingdoms Ranking Tournament. It will take more than ten days to rush to Divine Phoenix City from here. It's time for you to be prepared," Xia Qingyue said. , although she was extremely surprised, she did not mention the matter of Bingyan again.

"Yes, I understand." Yun Che nodded: "Wait a minute, you said you wanted me to be prepared, why don't you go with me?"

"The Palace Master does not allow me to participate in this Tianxuan Seven Kingdoms ranking competition Genius Alchemist: The Prince's Beloved Concubine Unlimited."


Xia Qingyue sighed quietly and did not answer directly: "Follow me to see the Palace Master."

Following Xia Qingyue, he met Gong Yuxian. Before Gong Yuxian could speak, Yun Che had already asked: "Palace Master, why don't you let Qingyue go with me to this Tianxuan Seven Kingdoms ranking match?" The age requirement for the Seven Kingdoms Ranking Tournament is over 18 years old and under 25 years old. In Blue Wind Country, the person most qualified to represent Blue Wind in the war is Qingyue."

Gong Yuxian had long known that he would ask this question. She looked calm and said slowly: "This is not my intention, but the intention of the Supreme Palace Master."

"What's the reason, Master Taishang?" Yun Che continued to ask.

Gong Yuxian looked at him deeply and said: "Yun Che, I know you have always wanted to know the real reason why the Supreme Palace Master broke the rules and allowed you to enter the Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace. I can tell you the answer now. In fact, The Supreme Palace Master did not lie that day. The only reason why she wanted you to enter Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace was because of your potential and current strength. However, behind this reason, there was another extremely important reason. That is the thousand-year calamity of my Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace."

"Thousand-year calamity" Yun Che was surprised.

"The Thousand-Year Catastrophe is a prophecy left by Bingyun's ancestors. It predicts that Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace will suffer a huge catastrophe a thousand years from now. And now, a thousand years from now, the Supreme Palace Master is gradually feeling The catastrophe is approaching. In order to increase the possibility of surviving this catastrophe, the Supreme Palace Master chose to let you enter the Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace to use your strength. After all, because of the relationship between Qingyue and Yuechan, You shouldn’t say no.”

Gong Yuxian's words made Yun Che slightly startled. After a moment of silence, he suddenly said: "Then the reason why the Supreme Palace Master did not allow Qingyue to participate in the Seven Kingdoms Ranking Tournament, could it be this?"

"Because of the Phoenix bloodline, you have an inescapable grudge with the Divine Phoenix Sect. Four months ago, you seriously injured and humiliated the Divine Phoenix Prince, further deepening the grudge. Therefore, your visit to Divine Phoenix City must be full of dangers, even There is a possibility of dying there, but you have to go. And if Qingyue goes with you, you are husband and wife after all. If you encounter disaster, Qingyue will definitely not ignore it, and thus Qingyue will also be exposed to it. In a dangerous place. Qingyue is the young palace mistress of my Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace, and she is also the hope of the future of Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace. Nothing can happen to her, so"

"I understand." Yun Che nodded. After hearing this, he completely understood Feng Qianhui's reason for not letting Xia Qingyue participate in the Seven Kingdoms Ranking Tournament. Even with Xia Qingyue's cultivation level, she would definitely be successful in the ranking tournament. It shines brightly and makes Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace famous among the Seven Kingdoms. But if she goes there, it is very likely that she will be involved in the grievances with the Divine Phoenix Sect because of her. How risky and dangerous it is to go to the Divine Phoenix Kingdom. He knows very well in his heart that if the entire sect of Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace falls in disaster, As long as there is Xia Qingyue, there is unlimited hope, but if something happens to Xia Qingyue, Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace will never accept it.

"The Palace Master's orders cannot be violated. You must be careful in Divine Phoenix City." Xia Qingyue said softly.

"Don't worry, if I were so prone to getting into trouble, I wouldn't be alive today." Yun Che said arrogantly. He gave Gong Yuxian a simple disciple ceremony and said: "Palace Master, in this case, I want to make a disciple today." Leave Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace, return to the Imperial City for a while, and then go directly to the Divine Phoenix Empire."

"You want to go over there in advance to find out what's going on with the Divine Phoenix Sect in advance?" Gong Yuxian nodded: "Okay, it's better to be proactive than passive. When you arrive at Divine Phoenix City, you must be careful with everything. The priority is to protect your life. Don’t forget, if a disaster really strikes Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace, it will still rely on your strength.”

"Yes, this disciple will not forget his identity as a disciple of Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace. In the past few months, this disciple has been deeply favored by the Ice Palace, and he will definitely come back alive to repay the sect's kindness." Yun Che said solemnly.

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