Douluo Continent: The Road to the Godhood of the Seven Shrek Monsters

Chapter 86 "The 7 levels of love, puns appear at the same time!" Take additional exams! {2

"Then why did you reject me? I want it, I want it very much." Tang San looked at Xiao Wu with red eyes, as if he had been poisoned by aphrodisiac, as if if Xiao Wu didn't make love to him at this moment, he might burn with desire at any time. generally.

Listening to Tang San's murmurs for pleasure, looking at Tang San's cheeks flushed with love, as if being seduced by Tang San's boundless desire, the suppressed desire in Xiao Wu's heart rose up, and soon, It filled Xiao Wu's body. Xiao Wu's body began to feel hot, and she began to want to ask for help. She wanted to be loved by Tang San, and she wanted Tang San to take her and fall with her. Xiao Wu stared straight at "Tang San" in front of her, her eyes burning. Generally warm, although there is still only a trace of clarity in her mind, at this time, she has begun to be unable to control herself, and she has begun to not want to control herself, allowing the heat to spread, even if there is no recovery in the future, even if the inheritance fails, the fragrant disappears, the jade falls, etc. Wait, the inheritance is right, it was the last trace of clarity in Xiao Wu's mind that awakened Xiao Wu, and she is now accepting the inheritance. Biting her tongue fiercely, she instantly understood that this was just an illusion, and the Tang San in front of her was just a phantom. But Tang San's murmuring voice for pleasure came to her ears again, and she watched Tang San being tormented by desire. She looked helpless, but she couldn't convince her emotions. If she wanted to watch Tang San burn with desire, she couldn't love him even if this Tang San was just an illusion. She just had to love every bit of him and everything about him. What is love? It is to accept every bit of him, to accept every trace of him, even if it is the shadow of the other party, the phantom of the other party is the same. For him, for love, even if you die, you will have no regrets.

"Okay, brother, come on. I love you." Thinking of this, Xiao Wu bit her lips and said softly to Tang San, her eyes full of regretless love.

As soon as Xiao Wu's words came out of her mouth, she felt that her mind suddenly became clearer again. The blazing fire that was originally burning weakened a lot in an instant. Gradually, it completely dissipated. Looking at Tang San, there was no longer a strong spring in her eyes. , but deep attachment and endless tender love

"No Xiao Wu, don't want it!" Tang San, who was watching all this in the Heritage Temple, roared in despair, howling heart-breakingly. Xiao Wu, my love, why are you so stupid? You know it’s an illusion, but it’s not me. Xiao Wu, that’s an illusion.

Forest God Xinglu's heart suddenly felt as if she had fallen into a deep pool, freezing cold. There was a pain in her heart, and she closed her eyes in despair, and two lines of clear tears fell from her eyes. She was shocked by Xiao Wu's love for Tang San, but seeing that Xiao Wu's inheritance was about to fail, she was powerless and helpless.

The Charming Goddess was so horrified that she opened her mouth slightly. She no longer had the joking and charming look of the past, but had a look of disbelief.

At this moment, the illusion suddenly changed. The charming pink color full of endless temptation in the love nest disappeared, and a layer of silver moonlight spread in.

"Hey," the Charming Goddess called out in surprise. Tang San and Xing Lu were stunned when they heard the sound. Immediately, the forest star covered his slightly blue mouth with his hands, exclaimed "Oh my God", a glimmer of hope rekindled in his eyes, and he stared at the changed illusion in front of him. Tang San also saw these changes and hurriedly asked in a tight voice: "Senior, what happened, tell me quickly, tell me quickly."

Forest God Xinglu didn't seem to hear Tang San's question. She was still shocked and murmured to herself: "How is it possible? How is it possible? A double entendre is actually a double entendre."

No one, including Xiao Wu herself, knew that due to Xiao Wu's moment of enlightenment during the assessment of the word "desire", she accidentally touched the word "love". The last two levels of the seven emotions, "desire" and "love", are both arousing and double-entendre.

This is something that only exists in legends, and has never happened in any divine inheritance assessment for countless thousands of years.The seven levels of emotions, no matter how the order changes, are all passed one by one, but now Xiao Wu activates two levels at the same time.

"Xiao Wu, can you tell me why this is? You know this is an illusion." Tang San, who had switched from the illusion of "desire" to the illusion of "love", no longer had the body-burning desire and recovered. After the Qingming Festival, he looked blankly at Xiao Wu who was about to take off his clothes and asked in a trembling voice. This sentence seemed to come from Tang San's mouth, and it also seemed to come from the mouth of the god who secretly formulated this assessment.

"Because, love" Xiao Wu replied without hesitation.

The illusion is shattered

"Love" defeats "Desire"

First, "desire" erodes reason, then "love" purifies the spiritual platform, dilutes "desire" with "love", and suppresses "desire" with "love".

Xiaowu restrained "desire" and realized "love".

Pass both "Desire" and "Love" levels at the same time

Tang San in the Heritage Temple seemed to have returned to heaven from hell in an instant. He couldn't help but fell to the ground, "Silly girl, you are really stupid."

The forest god shed two lines of tears, tears of joy.

At this point, all seven levels of love have been passed, and Xiao Wu has completed the ninth test of forest inheritance.

Next, Xiao Wu should receive the baptism of becoming a god. As long as he completes the baptism of god, Xiao Wu will become the real god of forest and wood.

"Kengkeng" the first small octagonal platform moved. The Hanmei Waterfall Qin on this small octagonal platform cheered and wanted to rush towards Xiao Wu's arms, but it was blocked by the light screen that suddenly appeared on the platform. No matter how it collided, it would return in vain. This was terrible. The Hanmei Waterfall Piano in the light screen was so anxious that it kept making waves, as if calling Xiao Wu to rescue her.

"Due to the Seven Emotions test, the last two tests are considered to be tricky. Now we will add an additional test: retrieval of the inherited artifact, the Hanmei Waterfall Qin. If you successfully retrieve it, the reward will be doubled; if you fail to retrieve it, the inheritance will fail." A cold voice rang in Xiao Wu's mind. At the same time, Hanmei Feipuqin, who had been rioting, suddenly became quiet, as if he was frightened, and lay quietly on the first small octagonal platform without moving.

It turns out that because the two words "desire" and "love" appeared together during the inheritance process, Xiao Wu passed through two major difficulties at the same time, which was considered to be a trick, so there was an additional test at this time. After understanding, Xiao Wu couldn't laugh or cry. The two difficult words "desire" and "love" appeared at the same time. How could it be that she had to take additional exams now that she could decide for herself.

However, if I think about it and am not angry, I still have to continue with the additional exams.

Since the test of seven human emotions has been passed and all the soul bones have been stripped away, the original two-meter range is naturally no longer valid.Xiao Wu sighed helplessly, releasing the aura of the forest god from her body, and walked towards the first octagonal platform.

Xiao Wu piously called to the Hanmei Waterfall Piano inside the light screen: "My partner, come back."

Hanmei Feipu Qin seemed to understand Xiao Wu's call, and suddenly jumped up from the octagonal platform again, rushing towards Xiao Wu, but still failed to break through the barrier of the light screen.

Although this light screen seemed to be only such a thin layer, no matter how hard the Hanmei Waterfall Piano impacted, there was not even the slightest ripple.

Although they are only separated by a screen, they are as close as a world away. Xiao Wu looked at the eager Hanmei Feipuqin in the light screen, and felt anxious in her heart. That was her partner, the one who was destined to follow her throughout her life. Xiao Wu stretched out her emerald-gold right hand and reached towards the light screen, hoping to get through the light screen and take out her partner. However, how could the additional test for the ninth test of Shendi inheritance be completed so easily?

Xiao Wu's right hand just touched the light screen and was immediately bounced back.Xiao Wu refused to give up and once again grabbed her hand towards the light screen. However, because Xiao Wu used too much force this time, she was bounced back by the light screen.

"It's true." Xiao Wu muttered to herself, and she had a clear understanding in her heart. It seems that the greater the force on the light screen, the greater its rebound force. However, the Hanmei Waterfall Piano inside the light screen did not receive any rebound force after the unsuccessful impact, it was just blocked. This should be related to the forest god's power. Thinking of this, Xiao Wu made a plan in his mind.

The emerald-gold divine light emitted from the inheritance brand on Xiao Wu's forehead and enveloped Xiao Wu in the blink of an eye.Xiao Wu walked towards the light screen again, and slowly reached towards the light screen with her palm wrapped in a layer of emerald-gold divine light.Just as Xiao Wu expected, this time she only encountered huge resistance and not any backlash.Xiao Wu's eyes lit up with joy, and she hurriedly mobilized the few emerald-gold divine light on her body to rush towards her palm.

Time passed bit by bit, and the emerald-gold divine light stored in Xiao Wu's inheritance brand was about to be exhausted. However, at this time, less than one-tenth of Xiao Wu's palm entered the light screen.Hanmei Feibaqin also felt the arrival of Xiao Wu's palm. Just when it was about to rush over to greet its master's palm, it suddenly found itself imprisoned again. It could only watch the master's palm reaching toward itself with great difficulty, and couldn't help but feel Let out bursts of whining.

The emerald-gold divine light on Xiao Wu's hand was about to be exhausted before he could see it, and a rebound force slowly recovered from the light screen. Once the emerald-gold divine light on Xiao Wu's hand completely disappeared, this rebound force would definitely come back in the next moment. For a moment, Xiao Wu was bounced away again.

Looking at the increasingly dim emerald-gold divine light on her hand, a trace of determination flashed in Xiao Wu's eyes.Xiao Wu used her free left hand and a little forehead to create the ultimate guardian seed belonging to Xiao Wu.As soon as the seed appeared, it immediately emitted a strong emerald-gold divine light, rushing toward Xiao Wu's palm that was inside the light screen.

With the passage of time and the continuous consumption of the ultimate guardian seeds, Xiao Wu's right palm finally penetrated one-eighth of the way, but it was still quite far away from the Hanmei Waterfall Qin. The ultimate guardian seed became more and more dim, but Xiao Wu still gritted her teeth and persisted. She knew that if she gave up now, she might never be able to take out the Hanmei Waterfall Qin.

Just when Xiao Wu's ultimate guardian seed was about to stop holding on, six small octagonal platforms not far away flew over and revolved around Xiao Wu. Each of the small octagonal platforms shone with a strong emerald gold color. Divine light.

The second small octagonal platform, which was the platform carrying the soul bone of the original head, was launched first. It soared into the sky and floated quietly above Xiao Wu's head. The soul bone on the head that has evolved into the goddess's helmet exudes endless emerald-gold divine light, and even the wisps of fairy grass-like feathers on the forehead of the goddess's helmet also emit bursts of divine light.

A brilliant emerald-gold divine light descended from the sky and enveloped Xiao Wu's body. The goddess's helmet flew out from the octagonal platform and headed straight for Xiao Wu. In the blink of an eye, a wonderful goddess helmet appeared on Xiao Wu's head.

Xiao Wu felt that there was a familiar and friendly strange energy in her body, and this energy was growing at an alarming rate, and was rapidly washing her bones, meridians, and flesh. Xiao Wu's palm that penetrated the light screen entered a little further, and even the dim ultimate guardian seed became a little brighter at this moment.

After being stunned for a moment, Xiao Wu immediately realized that this familiar and friendly energy was the divine power of the forest, and it came from the goddess helmet on her head.

Xiao Wu's palm penetrated into the light screen little by little, and stretched out extremely slowly towards the Hanmei Waterfall Qin.

Hanmei Feipuqin, who was within the light screen, also felt the sudden appearance of the goddess's helmet, and immediately became energetic. It worked hard and prepared to attack Xiao Wu again, who had penetrated a little bit into the light screen. He rushed over with his palm, but it was still imprisoned there, unable to move at all. He could only watch helplessly as Xiao Wu's palm approached it bit by bit, extremely slowly.

With the strong support of the Goddess Helmet, Xiao Wu no longer felt like she was weak.Xiao Wu continued to frantically rush the forest power that had just been generated in her body toward her palm. The palm that had turned into a bright emerald gold color had already entered nearly a fifth of the way, and was getting closer and closer to the Hanmei Waterfall Qin.

The third small octagonal platform, carrying the soul bone of Xiao Wu's left arm, also flew to the top of Xiao Wu's head and stood still.

A dragon's roar resounded through the sky, and an emerald-gold dragon danced and danced, soaring into the sky with an excited dragon's roar. It soared in the sky for a long time, and after absorbing a large amount of the forest's divine power, it turned its head downwards and its tail. Up, flying towards Xiao Wu. Xiao Wu's left arm seemed to be pulled, and she raised it high. The flying dragon shrank in an instant and came into contact with Xiao Wu's raised left arm. Xiao Wu's left arm immediately felt a burning sensation, and a burst of explosions sounded continuously. Starting from the fingers, emerald gold The armor slowly emerged. On the left shoulder, there is a protruding dragon head, which looks very much like the dragon head on Tang San's Poseidon costume. Although it is less domineering, it is more beautiful. The shoulder armor extends down, with delicate dragon scale-like patterns, covering Xiao Wu's entire left arm, completely wrapping the palm and fingers. It is mysterious and beautiful, exquisite to the extreme, even the hidden palm, There is an emerald gold gem in the shape of a plant leaf.

An unprecedented powerful feeling came from Xiao Wu's left arm. Immediately afterwards, waves of extremely powerful devouring power erupted from the emerald gold gem in Xiao Wu's palm. Countless forest powers passed through Xiao Wu. The left arm armor is passed into the human body.Xiao Wu's body was also being transformed and strengthened rapidly.

With the dual support of the Forest Goddess' helmet and the Forest God's left arm armor, more than half of Xiao Wu's right hand had disappeared from the light screen, only a short distance away from the Hanmei Waterfall Qin.

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