The impact on the soul ring has begun.

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Dai Mubai next to him couldn't help but ask: "By the way, where is the fat man?"

"Uh, I forgot." Tang San, who was only thinking about adding soul rings to the two of them, actually forgot about Fatty.

"Brother, do you think those two worshipers will follow us?" Xiao Wu in Tang San's arms asked softly.

Having no time to care about Bai Chenxiang's situation and leaving the other Five Monster Guardians behind, Tang San hurried to the Tiandou Empire Palace with Xiao Wu. The current internal situation in the Tiandou Empire is not uncomplicated, even though the three upper sects have basically stabilized and the war is over.

Common people already believe that the world is really at peace, and it is protected by the sea god Tang San.However, only those who truly understand the situation know that if the powerful Wuhun Empire who surrendered to the Tiandou Empire are not dealt with as soon as possible, they will definitely become a hidden cancer in the future, even more difficult to deal with than Qian Renxue.

Judging from the information provided by Xue Beng, there are currently three strong men training in the Tiandou Empire Palace. Two of them were the sixth or seventh worshipers of the Wuhun Empire, and there was an auxiliary-type titled Douluo, level ninety-one.

After the decisive battle, the vast majority of people in the Wuhun Empire hated the Tiandou Empire far more than the Star Luo Empire, so most of the titled Douluo surrendered to the Star Luo Empire.

But despite the fact that there are only three titled Douluo, there are two powerful existences of ninety-sixth level peak Douluo. After the Wuhun Empire passed through Jialing Pass, all the powerful men above level ninety-seven were killed. It can be said that these two major worshipers are currently the strongest except for the upper three sects. Facing the Wild Beast Douluo Dai Dragons are also terrifying beings that can stand up to each other.

Recovering them can be said to be one step closer to the goal in Tang San's plan.

The worship of the Wuhun Empire is different from that of ordinary people. Their surrender to the Tiandou Empire can be said to be an act of desperation. Their feelings for the Wuhun Palace have been accumulated for a hundred years. Trying to convince them is tantamount to ascending to heaven. Difficulty. Along the way, Tang San began to think of words to use to impress these two worshipers.

Thank you for your support. Xiaobai is very touched. I will persevere for you. I also ask for your support. Thank you.

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