Dragon Ball: The Legend of Vegetto

Chapter 19 Special training for the Master of Kitchen Competition! Part

Vegito was like a curious baby, looking here and there with his head. These seemed to be very novel things to him.

"What kind of spoon is this? Why is it so big?" Vegito asked as he picked up a cooking spoon. "That's a cooking spoon, used for cooking." Katz said. "What is this?" Vegito asked, pointing to a mesh spoon used for scooping noodles. "That's a special spoon for scooping noodles," Katz said. "What about this?" Vegetto asked again, pointing to an oven. "That's the oven...wait, why do you have to ask about every kitchen utensil?" Katz asked.

Vegito said angrily: "I don't know. Why else would I ask you?" "But all you asked are the most basic..." Katz suddenly understood and looked at Vegito in surprise. "You don't even know, right?" "Who said I know how to light a fire?" After saying that, he fired a Qigong bomb at the pile of wood for grilling fish nearby, and then the wood ignited flames.

Katz looked at Vegito with twitching lips, and then said helplessly: "I'd better teach you about these kitchen utensils first." "Humph, you should have done this a long time ago," Vegito said. It took Katz 20 minutes to finally teach Vegito the name and usage of every kitchen utensil here.

"It turns out that it's really troublesome for a chef to have so many tools," Vegetto complained. "There is nothing to complain about. We must seize every minute of time to practice," Katz said sternly.

"Let's start with the most basic first. Originally, I wanted to train your wrist strength, but then I thought about it. Your wrist strength must be very strong. There is no need to practice anymore, so we will go directly to the second step. You first try to learn how to bend. Spoon..." Before Katz could finish his sentence, Vegetto interrupted him and asked: "Is the Dian spoon a new kind of spoon?"

"You don't even know how to bend a spoon, okay? This should be a given... It's too troublesome to talk about it, otherwise I would demonstrate it to you first." Katz said, standing on a high chair with wheels. , in front of which is a pot filled with iron sand. "I'm not very used to using my left hand, but it's more than enough to teach you." Katz said, grabbing the handle of the iron pot, and then quickly turned the iron pot up. The iron sand also jumped up from it as the pot was turned, and finally It landed well in the pot again, and not one fell out of the pot.

Since it was just a demonstration, Katz only tipped the spoon once and then stopped. He turned around and asked: "If you stir the spoon well, it can bring a stronger aroma to the dishes. Do you understand?" Vegito nodded understandingly, and then said somewhat indifferently: "It doesn't feel difficult. Well, just be careful not to spill the iron sand."

After Katz heard this, he smiled slyly: "Then you give it a try." After hearing this, Vegetto also looked eager to try, waved his arms, and said with a confident smile: "Okay, then I'll give it a try. I will definitely succeed in the first try." Katz pressed a handle on the chair, and then the high chair with wheels took Katz aside, leaving the seat for Vegito, and then he walked out of nowhere. I brought an umbrella and kept it in my hand, as if waiting for an opportunity.

"I'm here" was almost a momentary feeling. The moment Vegito's hand touched the handle of the pot, he quickly turned it up, and Katz immediately opened the umbrella. "Crash!" The iron sand fell to the ground like a drizzle. Vegito was "attacked" by the iron sand unpreparedly, while Katz had a look of helplessness as he had known it would be like this for a long time. The ground sighed.

"Why did it spill out? I obviously did it just like you did. It should be right." Vegetto still didn't understand why he spilled the iron sand. Katz put away the umbrella, moved the chair over, and said, "You were wrong from the beginning. You were too anxious."

As Katz said, he continued to hold the iron pot and said to Vegito: "First of all, your standing posture is wrong. For the spoon, your position must be a short distance away from these stoves, and both sides The feet should be slightly apart and parallel to the shoulders, so that the spooning will be stable. And the way you stood just now seemed like you were fighting with someone, this is not a duel."

Vegetto is not the kind of person who refuses to admit his mistakes. If others point out that he has made mistakes, he will admit it himself and will try his best to make up for these mistakes. Otherwise, he will not allow the Kaiowami to come. Traveling the universe. "Well, it was indeed out of habit that I subconsciously assumed a fighting posture. I will change it. Is there anything else wrong?"

Katz was very satisfied with Vegito's attitude of humbly accepting mistakes. He once again felt that he had not misjudged the person. "The second thing you made wrong is that you did not control the strength of your wrist well enough. Others are too weak." Oh, you were too strong. The moment I almost turned over, I felt that the iron sand would fly directly into the universe like a spaceship." Vegito laughed, scratched his cheek in embarrassment and said: " Mistakes, mistakes.”

"This kind of mistake should never happen in the Master of Chef competition, unless you have the confidence to catch all the thrown dishes intact without leaking a drop of oil, so strength is very important. The next step is , you turned it in the wrong position," Katz said. "Isn't it turned up?" Vegetto asked.

Katz shook his head and said, "Please watch it again this time." After saying that, he shook the iron pot, and then the scattered iron sand seemed to be attracted by the iron pot and all gathered back into the pot. "I didn't know this pot could be used like this before." Vegito said in surprise. Katz chuckled and said: "This is only for practice pots. It doesn't have this function during real competitions. Okay, look..."

Katz flipped the pot again, and this time Vegetto looked carefully, not missing a single detail. After flipping the spoon, Katz asked Vegetto again: "I think you should have seen it clearly this time." Vegetto nodded and said: "I found that during this process, your left hand always maintained a stable position. state, without any extra strength or shaking at all, and you seemed to flip the pot forward slightly first, and then immediately caught the iron sand. Moreover, I also found that the iron sand seemed to be almost completely intact during the flipping process. It works neatly, as if it has been arranged.”

"You're right. You are indeed a genius. The key to turning a spoon lies in whether your hand can grasp the force smoothly. It can't be too big or too small. It must be maintained steadily and mastered at the most appropriate force. After setting the intensity, the next step is relatively simple. The main thing is to pay attention to one word: speed and intensity are the same, but your speed must be fast and steady, so that when you flip, you can not only flip the dishes well It can be caught and kept in a neat position.”

After listening to Katz's explanation, Vegito seemed to have an epiphany in his heart. He had a hunch that he would definitely be able to complete the spoon-bumping test within thirty minutes.

"Next, you can start learning how to do the spooning by yourself, but I will only give you an hour and a half, and then we must carry out the next special training as soon as possible." After Katz finished speaking, he left the backyard. The corner of Vegito's mouth showed a curved arc, "I will give you a surprise in just thirty minutes." Vegito did not sit idle after saying that, and immediately started practicing.

Katz came to the room on the second floor and watched Vegetto's training through the window, "I believe you will be the most powerful God of Cooking in the universe. You will be a legend, Saiyan Vegito." Katz closed his eyes and circulated the vitality in his body, hoping to recover his body as soon as possible. During this time, Vegito's angry voice could sometimes be faintly heard.

Twenty-five minutes later. "Hahaha, I succeeded as expected. I only had less than half an hour. I have to let that old man Katz come and see me quickly."

"Hey" "Old Man Katz" Vegito suddenly appeared in Katz's room and shouted happily. Katz was suddenly startled. He sat up and looked around cautiously. In the end, he found that there was nothing. He looked at Vegito with a face full of gray and gray in displeasure, and cursed: "What are you doing to show up suddenly?" Do you want to scare me to death? My old bones can’t stand your scare."

Vegito just smiled and said: "Sorry, sorry, come and see if I succeeded. I finally know how to do what you did just now." "It's not even half an hour yet. Are you kidding me?" Katz said in shock. . "I'm not joking. If you don't believe me, come and see for yourself." Vegetto said, lightly touching Katz's shoulder and teleporting directly to the backyard.

It just so happened that Katz happened to be standing on the moving high chair. "Just take a good look at my Vegito's spoon-bending miracle." Vegito smiled confidently and walked to the stove with the iron pot.

"Yeah." Katz found that Vegetto's standing posture was very different from the first time he took the spoon. The current standing posture was exactly what he told Vegetto to stand shoulder-width apart, and it was also the same as that one. There is a certain distance between the iron pots, and that distance will not affect Vegito's performance during arm movements at all. "Could it be that this kid really..."

Vegito picked up the handle of the pot and began to stir it. He actually succeeded. He is definitely a super talented chef! Katz was so excited that he could not calm down. He saw Vegito turning the iron sand in the pot rhythmically. It's the same as when the iron sand is flipping, no, it should be said that it's more neat. Vegetto's flipping speed is very fast. At this time, the iron sand feels like dancing, jumping faster and faster, but it can't be climbed over. That iron pot.

"Whoosh" Vegetto turned up the iron sand. At this time, the iron sand was like an unfolded curtain, neatly unfolding in the air. Under the sunlight, the iron sand shone with sparkling light, like a black Milky Way waterfall. , falling straight down without any extra impurities.

"Star...Galaxy Waterfall, is this the unique skill of Kenelaro, the first generation of chef god on Voldes planet?" Legend has it that a man who called himself "Kenelaro" appeared on Voldes planet more than a thousand years ago. The mysterious chef, no one knows where he came from, but that chef won the championship with only one dish in a competition and became the God of Cooking. The technique of that dish was this "Galaxy Waterfall".

It was rated as a divine dish, and it is said that no one else has tasted it except the judges at that time. The judges did not tell anyone what taste they tasted. They only knew that after the judges gave perfect scores, they all returned to their own planets with tears in their faces and never came back. And Queneraro also disappeared afterwards, as if he had never existed, disappearing into the universe.

Back to reality, the iron sand fell straight into the iron pot like a waterfall, without any bounce, but gradually spread out in the pot. "Is this move called Galaxy Falls? It's such an appropriate name." Vegetto smiled. Katz asked with a trembling voice: "You...how did you do this? Do you have other chef teachers?"

Vegito denied decisively: "No, I don't have any other teachers. As for how I know this move, I don't know. I just feel like I have seen this scene in my memory. In fact, I think this move is quite ordinary." It’s just throwing the iron sand neatly away, nothing much.”

"You are wrong. As far as I know so far, no one in the universe can use this trick except you and the first kitchen god Kenellaro, because it requires a lot of wrist strength, and with this kind of No one with great strength wants to be a chef. It seems that you are really a genius in cooking. You must be the winner of the Master of Chef Competition," Katz concluded.

"I know that I am a genius, but are you so sure that there is no third person in the universe who can?" Vegito asked again. Katz shook his head decisively. "Then I'm really strong..." Vegito couldn't believe it either. After all, he himself didn't dare to say how good he was when it came to cooking, but even the former God of Cooking was like this Speaking of myself, it must be amazing.

"Well, in that case, let's hurry up and enter the next special training. I'm very motivated now." Vegetto's motivation for learning to cook at this time was because he had unknowingly figured out a legendary cooking move. Suddenly reached the peak.

"Okay, let's start the next special training. I think at your learning speed, only three days will be enough. Then in the remaining two days, you will start to actually cook, and I will be responsible for reviewing you. The taste of the food must be satisfactory to me,” Katz said. Important notice from this site: This site’s free novel app is error-free and fast to update. Members can synchronize bookshelf, text size adjustment, reading brightness adjustment, and better reading experience. Please follow the WeChat public account appxsyd and press and hold for three seconds to copy and download for free. Reader to see more prestige official account: hhxs665

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