Douluo Fight God of War

Chapter 98 Decision

"Bad boy, I didn't expect that I would still see you. You are very good." Sun Wukong really praised Zhang Ruochen this time. After all, among the seventy-two inheritors, only Zhang Ruochen saw him for the second time. Others died at the first level of the test, and some inheritors simply died without getting a chance to be tested.

"You were the shadow that entered the inheritance space once and then slapped me in the face, which damaged my soul and caused me pain for three days." Zhang Ruochen originally wanted to talk about the sword man, but when he saw that hairy With his fluffy palms, he immediately shut up.

"You brat, you still scold me, you really don't have a long memory. Who told you that you couldn't control your mouth in the first place? If you were more honest, I could slap you." Sun Wukong looked at Zhang Ruochen who was trembling after being threatened by him. , said with an arrogant look.

"Brother, you tell me, I'll listen, and you won't say any nonsense." Zhang Ruochen said that he was a good baby and would be very obedient, and winked at Sun Wukong.

Ning Ningxue and Ah Li looked helpless.

"Why do I feel that this funny boy is different from the love-crazed boy just now?" Ah Li used her tail to tap Zhang Ruochen's head and asked Ning Ningxue with a questioning look on her face.

Zhang Ruochen's head was hit by the fox's tail, and blood surged up. One after another tic-tac-toe emerged from the top of his head. His fighting spirit of never admitting defeat gradually rose, and he decided to

I endure, a gentleman hides his weapon in his body and waits for the time to move.

He is regarded as tolerant.

This is not cowardice, I am trying to be strong.

If Dai Mubai were here and saw Zhang Ruochen's aggrieved look, he would definitely give him a word of cowardice.

In fact, even if Dai Mubai was really here and said the word "coward".

Zhang Ruochen would never say anything more. After all, Sun Wukong's slap was right on his left cheek. If he dared to say a word, he believed that this slap would definitely hit him in the face again and again, damaging his soul.

"He's just such a tease, just get used to it." Ning Ningxue didn't care at all about Zhang Ruochen's cowardice, because she knew that this was just Sun Wukong threatening himself, and he could only give in, but if Sun Wukong dared to threaten her , she believed that Zhang Ruochen would definitely fight Sun Wukong to the death.

Sun Wukong looked at the funny man in front of him and sighed, "You brat has actually reached the standard of unlocking the third seal, and you've even reached here.

"Then I'll just break the third seal for you, you brat."

Zhang Ruochen's eyes gleamed when he heard Sun Wukong's words.The benefits of knowing him were finally coming.

"Brother, no."

"Dad, that's not right either."

"Grandpa, it should be right."

Zhang Ruochen hugged Sun Wukong's thigh and denied twice what he called Sun Wukong, "You, grandson and I, can we unblock the third soul ring even if we haven't obtained it yet?"

"Okay, I'll just add a soul ring to you. That'll be fine. You brat, don't hug my thigh, and don't look at me with such disgusting eyes, otherwise I will definitely slap you ten times. .”

Sun Wukong felt that in all his life, he had never seen anyone like Zhang Ruochen. Is his ego blind?

When Zhang Ruochen heard that Sun Wukong was about to slap him, he instantly let go of Sun Wukong's thigh and said with a serious face.

"Brother, little brother, I still don't know why you are old enough to give me a soul ring. If I remember correctly, you seem to be just a remnant soul now."

Sun Wukong looked at the current Zhang Ruochen and was even more speechless, but as his own inheritor, he couldn't really slap this inheritor who had gained himself to death.

He scratched his head as if he thought of something and then said: "As a half-step Hunyuan master, well, in this small Zhongqian world, even my residual soul is stronger than any god in this world. , and giving you a soul ring is of course not a problem, and in this Zhongqian World, the soul ring given seems to be called a god-given soul ring."

Zhang Ruochen heard Sun Wukong's words and didn't ask. Although he didn't know what this god-given soul ring was, the word "god-gift" was definitely stronger than the soul ring he got by hunting and guarding soul beasts.

But Zhang Ruochen looked at

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