Douluo: I am a cat

Chapter 5 Soul Beast

At first glance, there are dense forests in the Star Forest. It is lush and vibrant, with extremely rich vegetation and towering ancient trees, blocking out the sky and the sun.

This is the habitat of soul beasts. More than half of the soul beasts in the entire Douluo Continent live in this Star Forest. When Zhu Xiaoyu and his party entered this area, dozens of birds flew up in the dense forest. Birds, these ordinary birds are not soul beasts. They are circling and singing in the forest and in the sky, and the feathers of birds flying all over the sky are falling down one after another. It wasn't until the group of people passed through the dense forest that the place slowly returned to calm.

No one can tell how many years the Star Forest has existed in the Douluo Continent, but after walking into the forest, the denseness that covers the sky and the sun is enough to tell people how long it has existed. At this time, it was mid-morning and the sun had just risen.

From a distance, Zhu Xiaoyu vaguely felt waves of fresh air blowing from the front. The scent of plants was refreshing and indescribably comfortable. Taking a deep breath of fresh air, all the 36,000 pores in the body seemed to relax. The feeling was indescribable and refreshing.

Looking far into the distance, what Zhu Xiaoyu saw was a sea of ​​green. The endless green ahead looked so shocking, and that's where the comfortable refreshing feeling came from.

A few days ago, Zhu Xiaoyu discovered that he had several special skills rooted in his mind. They were the innate skills of Nine-Life Tmall and could be used without any training.

One of the Nine Lives Tmall's special skills, the Golden Holy Eyes, is just an auxiliary skill that can see through the martial souls and soul power levels of all soul masters. It also has other magical uses, similar to Tang San's Purple Demon Eyes. To use the Golden Holy Eyes, you only need to inject a little soul power when using it.

No one noticed the flash of golden color in Zhu Xiaoyu's eyes. At this time, there was still a faint mist in the Star Dou Forest. Even the two most powerful Soul Emperors in the team could only see about five hundred meters. However, Zhu Xiaoyu could see through the Golden Saint Eyes. To a place four or five kilometers away, of course, provided there are no obstacles blocking it.

Continuing forward, the air became more comfortable, as if the temperature had dropped a bit, and the refreshing feeling with the aroma of moist earth continued to stimulate everyone's sense of smell.

After walking about three or four miles further, everyone entered the area where the spirit beasts were active. Thousand-year-old trees were intertwined with roots, and century-old vines were entangled. The trees here were dazzling, and there were a few weak spirit beasts active from time to time.

At this moment, a ferocious colorful tiger roared and rushed out with its fangs exposed. At this moment, another beast roar came from not far away, and a three-meter-tall violent ape rushed over. Its tall demonic body, dark hair, and ferocious double heads made it particularly scary.

The group of people hid their whereabouts, not wanting to provoke these two powerful soul beasts, while the colorful tiger faced the violent ape.

"Ouch!" The tiger's roar suddenly stopped. Zhu Xiaoyu responded and saw a bloody scene. The violent ape actually tore the colorful tiger apart. The tall body covered with dark hair was covered with blood. The spray was full of blood.

Zhu Xiaoyu couldn't help but feel frightened. He unexpectedly encountered two soul beasts with at least five thousand years of cultivation on the outskirts of the forest. Those two soul beasts were enough to pose some threat to their group.

Zhu Xiaoyu turned his head and looked at Dai Mubai next to him, and found that his eyes were full of excitement. It seemed that this brutal battle would make his blood boil, or that he was an anti-contrarian who loved fighting in his heart.

Zhu Xiaoyu frowned and smacked his lips, but finally said nothing. Although Zhu Xiaoyu had some understanding of Douluo Continent through games and original works, he was still very interested in these soul beasts that he had come into contact with for the first time. He quickly turned his attention to observing those soul beasts. Went above.

Davis is only fifteen years old, but his soul power has already reached the bottleneck of level 30. At this level, in Douluo Continent,

, is also a genius. According to the master's theory, the limit of absorption of the third soul ring is around 1,800 years. With his identity as Davis, he naturally wanted to hunt the soul beast that was most suitable for him.

Davis's martial spirit was the same as Dai Mubai's, which was a white tiger, so he set his target on a tiger-like spirit beast with a cultivation level between 1,500 and 1,800 years.

Although the Star Dou Forest is very large and has many soul beasts, it is not that easy to find a suitable soul beast to use as a soul ring. The group of people searched outside the Star Dou Forest for a whole day, but did not find a suitable target.

By this time, night had fallen, and stars twinkling in the sky could be vaguely seen through the dense trees. Zhu Xiaoyu sat alone in front of the tent, staring blankly at the sky. The starry sky in Douluo Continent is the same as the starry sky on the earth. There are also the Big Dipper and the Polaris.

After the excitement of time travel passed, Zhu Xiaoyu began to miss everything on earth. There were his parents, relatives, friends, advanced network, and a completely different lifestyle from Douluo Continent.

Only now did he realize that he was so attached to the world in his previous life, and here, everything had to start again.

The expression on Zhu Xiaoyu's face was not at all the deep and sad expression that a six-year-old child should have.

Dai Mubai looked at the person who occupied an important position in his heart from a distance, unable to read the expression in his eyes. These days, as smart as Dai Mubai, he has already discovered that Zhu Xiaoyu is different from before.

To be precise, since Zhu Xiaoyu's martial soul awakened, he seemed to have become a completely different person. And this is indeed the case. The current Zhu Xiaoyu is no longer the same Zhu Xiaoyu as before.

"Xiaoyu, are you hungry? Let's have something to eat." Dai Mubai sat down next to Zhu Xiaoyu and diligently handed over a roasted hare leg.

Rabbit Zhu Xiaoyu was stunned, remembering that Xiao Wu's body was the soft-bone charm rabbit.

Zhu Xiaoyu shook his head, "You can eat it yourself, I don't like rabbit meat."

"Oh." Dai Mubai nodded slowly, feeling that there was an invisible barrier between him and Zhu Xiaoyu.

Zhu Xiaoyu glanced at Davis from a distance and saw that he was taking a nap. He then looked at the old man Tiance. He was detecting the surrounding situation and did not pay attention to this side.

"Mubai, come with me for a walk." Zhu Xiaoyu asked.

Dai Mubai was stunned for a moment, and said with some embarrassment: "Xiaoyu, let's stay here. I'm afraid there will be danger if we go far."

Zhu Xiaoyu glanced at him and stood up without saying a word, walking deeper into the jungle. Dai Mubai looked at the slightly lonely figure, gritted his teeth, and followed him.

The dark wind blows in the Star Forest at night, and one or two sounds of soul beasts such as tigers and wolves can be heard from far away, which makes people feel chilly.

Zhu Xiaoyu never knew what fear was. After all, he had never encountered danger in a real sense, and there was no fear in his heart.

Dai Mubai quickly followed, "Xiaoyu, don't wander around, it's very dangerous here."

Zhu Xiaoyu's nose turned up, "If you are afraid, just go back by yourself."

Dai Mubai fell silent, and after a while, he asked tentatively: "Xiaoyu, do you hate me very much, or is there something I did wrong? Tell me, and I will definitely correct it."

Do you hate him? After these days of getting along, Zhu Xiaoyu can already understand Dai Mubai's situation. "You're fine."

As he spoke, Zhu Xiaoyu continued to walk forward, just wanting to let the worries in his heart disappear.

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