The village chief led his men to search for a while, then gave up. Not far north along the river is a corn field, and it is difficult to find it once you enter the corn field. I was too sleepy. My wife was still waiting in bed. I yawned and went back to sleep. Liu Xialian also went back. There were three more injured wolves in the space, and the bullets were still in their bodies. I don’t know if they can recover. These are not Liu Xialian’s concerns. Wolves are just a part of the ecosystem. It’s not a matter of liking or hating them. It’s just that wild wolves enter the village to hunt livestock and people, so they must be eliminated.

Since there were enough people, Liu Xia Lian also made some adjustments. She and Daya could go to deliver the goods. Erya loved to sleep, so if she couldn't get up in the morning, she would let her sleep at home.

Li Hu and Xu Xiong are both in their twenties and have been with Li Shaoling for several years. They are quite experienced in their work, so he let them get fully equipped and drive the horse-drawn carriage to the Songhua River to fish.

After everything was arranged, Liu Xia Lian and Daya rushed to the forest farm to deliver the goods. This saved a lot of time and they caught more fish.

Time flies, and winter is here in the blink of an eye.

Liu Xia Lian's various businesses have also changed a lot. First of all, the cart business. The roads are difficult to travel on. She used to move three carts every two days, but now she can only move one cart a day. She has to be extremely careful because mules and horses can easily slip in the snow. Now there are only fifteen carts still transporting goods.

However, the clothing store was extremely popular, and several street vendors joined in, coming to the store every now and then to buy goods. Now the daily sales have reached an astonishing 500 yuan. The profit is as high as 150 or 160 yuan. After deducting employee wages, goods damage, taxes, etc., the net income is about 100 yuan a day.

The iron pot stew also sells very well, and is almost always full every day. It’s just that the restaurant uses more labor and materials, and the net profit is only 60 to 70 yuan a day, so the business is quite satisfactory.

That morning, Liu Xialian and Daya drove a mule cart to Liu Qiuyue's home in Zhangjiatun. The eldest sister was quite capable. She originally thought that it was time to rest because of the snow and no mountain products. Who would have thought that Baishan Iron Pot Stew had opened and needed big white geese, old ducks, pheasants, and native chickens every day. The restaurant pursued quality, as long as they were alive. Lijiatun could not collect so many, so this task was divided among Liu Qiuyue. She collected about ten every day. Even sisters had to settle accounts clearly, and the profit was fifty cents per chicken.

Liu Qiuyue's collection is pretty good. There are ten big white geese in a cage and three old mallards in another small cage, all of which are more than four or five years old. There are also four pheasants, all of which are lively and energetic.

"Sister, you did a good job. These ten geese are quite good and have an average weight, about nine to ten kilograms each. They can produce about six kilograms of pure meat, which is just enough for a stew."

Liu Qiuyue was a little embarrassed: "Second sister, I feel like you gave me too much. I heard that you gave 3 cents each to others to collect."

"Not much. This goose can be sold for about ten yuan after being stewed in a restaurant, and the net profit is one dollar and fifty-six yuan. Money is not earned by one person. I'll give you fifty cents, which is just right, because you received the goods and also provided food, water and feeding. Others can't take care of it as well as you do, so I'll give you thirty cents."

"Okay, I know you're taking care of me. My family has dozens of acres of low-lying land, but it's not suitable for growing rice. I plan to raise a thousand geese. Do you think I can sell them all, second sister?"

"We definitely can't sell them all at once. For example, this store sells at least ten geese a day, which means more than three thousand a year. I plan to open a store in the county town soon. Even if you raise three or two thousand geese, they won't be enough for our store."

"Then I feel relieved and have made up my mind to raise geese well. Many women in the village have no jobs, and they are scrambling to do the jobs even if they are paid dozens of yuan a month. I heard from your brother-in-law that the reform of the forest farm has been put on the agenda, and what are being cut down now are the plantations from the 1950s. What will we do after the plantations are cut down?" Liu Qiuyue was a little worried.

Liu Xialian smiled and said: "Closing mountains for afforestation is a general trend that cannot be stopped. Reform is a foregone conclusion. Each era has its own characteristics. If people want to be invincible, they must follow the trend of the times."

"Second sister is right. I will discuss this with your brother-in-law and see what to do."

All the fish and poultry were delivered, and only two old ducks were left. Liu Xia Lian drove a horse-drawn carriage to Zhao Laochen's ginseng purchasing company.

Mr. Chen from Guangdong was very happy to see the old duck: "Great, we can make old duck soup with it, which will be a tonic in winter and will be used to fight tigers next year."

"Boss Chen, what's the price of deer antlers now?"

"Sika deer is about 130 yuan per pound, and red deer is not worth much, more than 30 yuan per pound. I have a big business, I wonder if you are willing to take it?"

"Oh, what business? Tell me first."

"A few young masters from Beijing have come to Changbai Mountain to look for something. They offer 20,000 yuan. Find a few people to accompany them into the mountain for a few days."

"Thank you very much, Mr. Chen, for your kindness. I'm running a restaurant now, and I'm busy all day long. I don't have time to go to the mountains." Liu Xialian declined. This matter must not be as simple as it seems. It must be very dangerous to find something in Changbai Mountain. The young men from the city are not so easy to get along with. It's better not to earn these 20,000 yuan.

"Well, that's a shame. I was thinking of giving you a big deal, so I'll have to find someone else."

Boss Chen went to contact others, while Liu Xia Lian drove the horse-drawn carriage to the supply and marketing cooperative.

Two large machines were ordered from the supply and marketing cooperative half a month ago, one corn stalk silk machine and one grass powder machine, both equipped with 25 horsepower single-cylinder diesel engines. Daya looked at these things and was a little confused, and asked: "Sister, aren't you buying two machines? Why are there four?"

"The one with the big wheels is called a diesel engine, and it provides power to the main body of the machine. There are two of them in a group, so there are exactly two machines in total."

The manager of the supply and marketing cooperative was really rude. He didn't offer any discount on the machine. He sent a horse-drawn carriage and a craftsman to install it, and charged 25 yuan.

Liu Xia Lian bought 100 kilograms of diesel from the gas station and returned to Lijiatun with the installation master.

The village chief also came over. He was familiar with the people in the supply and marketing cooperative. When he heard that Liu Xia Lian had bought a lawn mower, he was very curious and came over to watch.

This machine has a fixed steel frame and requires a wooden frame underneath, which we have at home.

The first thing to be installed was a silk-softening machine. It took more than an hour to fix and debug it. The last screw could not be straightened no matter how hard the worker knocked it. Liu Xialian could not bear it any longer: "Give me the hammer."

The master gave the hammer to Liu Xia Lian, and it hit the target just right with one hit.

The village chief asked, "What is this machine used for?"

"Well, let's put it this way. Cut the grass short and rub it to make the hard grass very soft. This way, the livestock will like it more."

The installer turned the handle, the diesel smoke rose, he pressed the clutch, and the thread kneading machine started to rotate rapidly.

Bundles of corn stalks were put in, and soon the kneaded fodder came out, which was of moderate length and soft.

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