Fantasy Westward Journey: With Zhenlong Kaleidoscope, I am invincible!

Chapter 1 I can’t get in. I can’t get in at all.

"Old Zhao, today at 12 noon, the Fantasy Westward Journey 20th Anniversary Zone will open the server. The name of the zone is Fantasy Westward Journey. Let me tell you, this zone is absolutely extremely popular!"

Zhao Yichen, who was sleeping in a daze, was suddenly woken up by a phone call. When he answered the phone, Tang Tianhao's very excited voice came from the other end.

"I know...but without a green pass, how can I enter the new area? Do you think I am like you, a person who robbed the exclusive green pass..."

Zhao Yichen also knows how popular the new area of ​​Fantasy Westward Journey's 20th anniversary is.

I've been trying to grab the green pass for several days, but I didn't get it.

As for the exclusive green pass, it is simply not something I can afford with my current financial strength. After all, the auction for the exclusive green pass starts with 1000 immortal jade for all 10 people...

More than 10,000 yuan was an astronomical figure for Zhao Yichen, who had just graduated and had just found a shared apartment in Star City.

Even spending hundreds of dollars to get a green pass is heartbreaking.

"Who said you can't enter without a green pass? Let me tell you, I read the guide online. You download a uu accelerator, and then use this accelerator to accelerate your Fantasy Westward Journey, optimize the network, and then at 12 o'clock, open the multi The windows are so crowded that one can always squeeze in!"

And the reason why Tang Tianhao encouraged Zhao Yichen so enthusiastically.

Mainly because I want to be able to play the new area with good friends, which is fun. Otherwise, it would be better to open it alone than to open it five times.

"Okay... I'll give it a try later. If I can't squeeze in, there's nothing I can do. I have to go for an interview in the afternoon." Zhao Yichen was no longer sleepy at this moment. After hanging up the phone, he stretched out his arms leisurely. I got up, took a shower, and made breakfast.

After eating, I calmly sat down in front of the computer.

"11:28...there's still a while, so let's follow what Brother Hao said and use the uu accelerator to see if it works."

Zhao Yichen said this, but actually he didn't have any hope in his heart.

After all, you can’t even grab a green pass, and even the exclusive green pass has been auctioned for such an outrageous price.

Judging from these situations alone, it is enough to show how popular this anniversary area called Fantasy Westward Journey is. If you can squeeze into this area by downloading some uu accelerator and then speeding up, then it will cost people Why are you so eager to grab the green pass?

However, Zhao Yichen still downloaded the uu accelerator.

After downloading the accelerator, Zhao Yichen casually clicked on the uu accelerator, and then chose to immediately accelerate the game Fantasy Westward Journey.

"You cried and told me that the stories in fairy tales are all lies..."

At this moment, the phone's ringtone suddenly rang again.

When I saw the caller ID, it was Tang Tianhao calling again.

No need to look, just to confirm whether you downloaded the uu accelerator as he said.

As soon as he connected the phone, Tang Tianhao's voice came from the other end of the phone before he could speak: "How is it, Lao Zhao, have you downloaded the uu accelerator?"

Sure enough, there was no difference from what I expected.

"It's downloaded. I just accelerated Fantasy Westward Journey. I'm going to wait until it's almost 12 o'clock to start the game and scan the QR code to log in."

"That's fine. Remember, it's best to open multiple windows at 11:59, and then scan the QR code to register. This way, you have a greater chance of getting in."

"Don't worry, I still know this skill. After all, I have played Fantasy Westward Journey for so many years."

"Old Zhao, I believe you can do it. I won't tell you anymore. I will also drive a UU accelerator."

".....You only enjoy the green pass, why should you speed up..."

"toot toot"

Before he could speak, there was a busy signal on the other end of the phone to hang up.

Zhao Yichen was speechless for a while. After all, he had purchased the Exclusive Green Pass. Do he still need to worry about not being able to get on?

While you still have some time.

Zhao Yichen continued to open the recruitment website, and then planned to see if there were any suitable jobs in a place not far from where he rented a house.

Games are games, life is life, and you still have to interview for the job you should be interviewing for.

After looking at a few more jobs online and submitting my resume.

Zhao Yichen looked at the time in the lower right corner of the computer. It was almost 12 o'clock, already 11:57.

There are only 12 minutes left until 3 o'clock.

At this time, Tang Tianhao also sent a message: "Old Zhao, get ready to take action, get ready to take action!"


Zhao Yichen directly replied with a table-turning expression and ignored the other party.

I don't have the time right now.

At this time, Zhao Yichen actually still hoped that the uu accelerator would be useful.

After all, I also spent a lot of effort to download the accelerator.

What if you don’t have the Green Pass, but you still squeeze in a number?

With such a popular anniversary area, Zhao Yichen naturally wanted to squeeze in and share the pie with the many players.

While I was thinking about it, the time had already reached 11:59.

With quick eyes and quick hands, Zhao Yichen quickly clicked on the multiple window interfaces of Fantasy Westward Journey, and then entered the interface where he could scan the QR code to register.

"If I really go in, I'll get an annual pass just to eat instant noodles for a month!"

Wait until the time in the lower right corner becomes 12 o'clock.

Zhao Yichen quickly picked up his phone and started scanning the QR code to log in.

After scanning the multiple window interfaces, you can successfully enter the server selection interface.

"Unparalleled, Fantasy Westward Journey!"

"Connecting using default network..."

Unparalleled, Fantasy Westward Journey! "

"Connecting using default network..."

Unparalleled, Fantasy Westward Journey! "

"Connecting using default network..."


A total of six windows are opened. In fact, a computer can open up to 8 game windows. However, if you scan the QR code to log in more than six times, there will be a 30-second waiting time.

So Zhao Yichen only opened six windows.

Unfortunately, the interfaces of the six windows all stay in the state of using the default network to connect.

And this scene was also within his expectations.

Then Zhao Yichen quickly manually canceled the prompt boxes that were using the default network to connect, and then clicked to select the Fantasy Westward Journey server.

At the same time, Zhao Yichen opened two more game windows.

After all, if there is one more window to squeeze in at the same time, the probability of being able to squeeze in is higher.

"Connecting using default network..."

"Connecting using default network..."

"Connecting using default network..."


The prompt boxes that pop up in six windows are still using the default network to connect.

After waiting for two seconds.

Two more game windows have been added.

Zhao Yichen still repeated the operation, manually canceling these prompt boxes, and continued to manually click on the Fantasy Westward Journey server to connect.

"There are eight game windows, please let me squeeze one in..."

After 5 minutes of repeated operations.

at last!

Still couldn't log into an account.

"I knew it! This uu accelerator is useless!"

My hands are getting sore from going back and forth with 8 game windows, manually clicking Cancel, and then manually connecting.

But I didn't see any effect at all, and I was always stuck in this prompt interface that said I was using the default network to connect.

Zhao Yichen felt helpless.

Everyone wants to go to the 20th anniversary area, but what if they are not allowed in?

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