Tomb Robber: I, Chen Yulou, am dedicated to cultivating immortality!

Chapter 204 3 Ancient God of Yunlu Town (page 12)

There have been rumors about the evil spirits in Yanguo Mountain that harm people for a long time.

At least to the nearby mountain folk.

It has been passed down orally from generation to generation.

For this reason, no one dared to spend the night on the mountain for many years.

Just like the saying of "Pingshan Mountain Removal of Corpses", the mountain people in Shibadong Village are as scared as tigers whenever it is mentioned.

No matter how experienced the herb farmer is, if he takes the risk of entering the wall from the top of the bottle, only one out of ten will make it back alive.

You know, it is still a tangible general who suppresses the mausoleum.

The evil things in the Fire Cave Temple are invisible and have no quality.

Ordinary people, let alone seeing it, may just feel a gust of wind blowing by, and then the evil energy invades the bone marrow, and eventually they become ill and bedridden, or even die.


That tiny wisp of consciousness peered through the black shadow quietly.

They look just like human beings.

However, his facial features were blurred, as if he had condensed mist, and his whole body was filled with black mist. His feet were floating in the air, and he was wandering around in the temple.

"Wandering ghost?"

"Still a Yin God?!"

Chen Yulou looked at it with interest.

Since he started practicing, he has seen many evil ghosts.

After all, tombs and tombs are inherently prone to evil spirits.

Especially along the way in southern Yunnan.

There are so many great ghosts enshrined in Malu Village, Lord Longmo, that it is unimaginable.

In the deep mountains and old forests that we passed along the way, we could often see ghost fires floating around. At first, the guys on the mountain would be frightened, but by the time they got used to it, they were no longer surprised.

But now that dark shadow in the temple.

But it was different from anything he had seen before.

Generally speaking, these ghosts are just a mass of yin energy, acting purely on instinct.

But it seemed to have intelligence. It was clearly not swimming randomly at this moment, but looking for something outside the shrine.

Saw this scene.

Chen Yulou's eyes became more and more curious.

With that ray of divine consciousness, the entire Fire Cave Temple can be seen.


There are two entrances in total, the front hall and the back yard.

From the collapsed high wall gates, brackets and beams, you can vaguely see the prosperity of this place back then.

It's a pity that now it is in a state of ruin.

The ground paved with blue bricks is littered with rubble and gravel.

The shrines piled up on the stone platform are also mottled. Even the statue of Zhu Rong enshrined was broken into two pieces from the chest. The god's head disappeared without a trace. It is unknown whether it was stolen by someone or fell into the shadows.

The backyard is even more desolate.

Ancient trees and weeds can be seen everywhere, and the original road is completely unrecognizable.

He sighed secretly.

Chen Yulou stopped thinking about it.

Sacrifice is very popular these days. In any village, there may be six or seven kinds of gods worshipped.

There are those who have strong incense, and there are those who have no incense.

The Fire Cave Temple has been around for hundreds of years, so it was expected that it would fall into this situation.

His consciousness continued to lock onto the black shadow.

he wanted to know.

Why can a wandering soul derive consciousness?

This is completely unreasonable.

The wind roared down the cliff behind me, making the leaves rustle, but otherwise, there was silence between heaven and earth.

Chen Yulou stood in the night with his hands behind his hands, and his whole body seemed to blend into it.

Just looking calmly at the ancient temple not far away.

He can understand every move of the wandering soul.

The latter knew nothing about his existence.


After wandering around the hall again and again.

That black shadow seemed to confirm something.

He cautiously approached the outside of the shrine, slowly changed his body shape, and bowed his body. It looked like... a believer kneeling in front of the statue and praying for something.


Saw this extremely weird scene.

Even Chen Yulou found it extremely ridiculous.

The original intention of building the Huodong Temple was to suppress the evil spirits in Yanguo Mountain.

As a result, it actually knelt down towards the statue.

This is simply the most ridiculous thing in the world.

After worshiping several times, the black shadow stood up and floated all the way to the front of the shrine.

Following its movements, Chen Yulou also saw clearly the layout of the collapsed earth platform.

In addition to the broken clay statue, there was also a stove no bigger than a palm.

The stove looked old.

Covered with dust.

There are still many burn marks left.

The shape is somewhat similar to the Xuande furnace, but it is not a valuable antique.

It was made of the most common stone, and the workmanship was rough. It seemed that it had been dropped, and there was an obvious gap on the left edge.

But at this moment, when the black figure faced the stone furnace, he showed unusual excitement.

A whole black shadow floated up and leaned over the stone furnace.

"and many more."

See this scene.

do not know why.

Chen Yulou suddenly felt an indescribable feeling of familiarity, as if he had seen him somewhere before.

Think about it carefully.

Soon, his night eyes suddenly lit up.

Pingshan, Yuanren general Ming Gong, and the old ape who steals corpse-eating energy.

Three keywords in a row suddenly appeared in his mind.

That’s right!

The dark shadow at this moment was almost exactly the same as the first time he saw Yuan Hong.

However, Yuan Hong was stealing the corpse energy from the coffin that day.

And it...

It is the incense sealed in the stone stove.

So, is this the reason why it can derive a hint of spiritual intelligence? !

Chen Yulou's eyes cleared.

It was as if a pair of invisible hands were sorting out the messy thoughts in my mind one by one.

The power of incense.

Counting from the yellow monster at the ancient raccoon monument.

He had seen it several times so far.

Longmo Ye of Wa Village worships the big ghost, the mandrill statue in the mountain temple deep in the Insect Valley, the old turtle in the Nanpan River, the dragon under Fuxian Lake,

These can be regarded as incense sacrifices.

Although he has always stayed away from this, he has to say that for gods and demons, it is definitely an irresistible temptation.

Among the many ways to seek immortality since ancient times.

The incense path occupies a very high position.

The place was deserted, and the statue of Zhu Rong was broken into two parts. The incense in the stone furnace naturally became ownerless.

"That's quite clever."

Chen Yulou's eyes turned cold.

No wonder there are such amazing changes in it.

If it is given another few hundred years, it may not be able to achieve the status of a Yin God. Just like the big ghost that everyone in Maluzhai welcomed back Long Mo Ye from the mountain temple, it is actually a Yin God.

People in the Taoist sect cultivate their lives, condense golden elixirs, and transform into Yang gods.

And these ghostly things are the cultivators of the Yin.

When that day comes, it won't be as simple as harming people with its yin energy.

I can't find enough incense to continue my position as the Yin God.

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