My cemetery is connected to the game world.

Chapter 97 Death Legion and Death Chamber of Commerce

Players never lack the spirit to do things, but they are afraid that there will be nothing to do.

Helot's explosive news was thrown out one after another, making many presidents so excited that they forgot why they came to the meeting this time.

One by one, they asked: Who to fight first? how to spell?

Instead, Helot cooled down and said: "I still need to discuss the war with Dorotea further. There must be the rewards that we deserve, and we cannot let the brothers work in vain."

According to Helot's plan, he organized the players first and showed Dorothea that he had an army of adventurers. Then you can ask Dorotea for benefits and military expenses. If you don't have money, you have vampires, and you can use future resources as collateral.

This is how my mother made her fortune!

Finally, part of the benefits given by Dorotea are given to the players, and they have to say "Thank you!"

Sure enough, all the guild presidents said that Brothers Broken Bones... are righteous!

The brotherly bond quickly grew closer.

Next, the meeting finally returned to the main topic, which was the development of the living area of ​​Scorched Earth City.

Helot pointed to the fruits on the table and said: "It is impossible to develop the economy and rely on low-demand undead. But if you want to attract more living beings to Scorched Earth City, you must have sufficient food. The food problem has been solved by Duo The Lord of Lotia City has solved it."

When the presidents came in, they noticed the fruit on the table, and someone had already eaten it.

Very fresh!

This means that the fruit transportation process does not take too much time, and Scorched Earth City has the ability to transport materials across planes. Opening the plane channel is very powerful. If the transportation volume can be increased and the cross-plane consumption can be reduced, sufficient food will definitely be attractive to the creatures in the land of death.

As we all know, the consumption caused by plane teleportation is beyond the reach of ordinary players.

The food has been shipped, so people must be able to afford it.

Drunk Qianzhan got an apple. It was so big that it took two hands to wrap it. It was bright in color and had a plump skin. This kind of appearance was rare even in other planes. Take a bite and your mouth will be filled with juice, crispy and sweet with a hint of sourness, full of enjoyment.

She originally thought that she had to make an emergency landing into the land of death and would have to eat unpalatable bread mushrooms from now on. She didn't expect that there would be such delicious fruit here.

He couldn't help but ask Helot: "How much does it cost to buy an apple like this?"

"One gold and ten!"

Drunk and shocked: "It's so cheap!"

Helot said in his heart: It's not cheap, one gold is 700 Imperial Shields.

"Ten apples for one gold are considered a luxury product. Ordinary food is cheaper, ensuring that every player can afford it. Even the newbie who has just entered the game can afford bread."

The apple in drunken Qian Zhan's hand fell, but fortunately she caught it quickly with quick eyes and hands.

"How did Dorotea transport such cheap food across dimensions?"

Helot replied: "This is not what you need to know! In short, Scorched Earth City has sufficient food supply. Everyone should be confident in investing in the construction of Scorched Earth City."

"Yes!" So many people were able to answer in unison, which shows that everyone is confident.

"Very good!" Helot said the core of this meeting: "We have just reached a consensus that Scorched Earth City needs to develop internally and expand externally. We need to unite to establish a regular army composed of players. In the early stage, we will use He pacified the territories around Scorched Earth City, and later followed Dorothea to participate in the struggle for hegemony.

We also need to establish a player chamber of commerce to invest in the development of Scorched Earth City, and then use the investment returns to support the construction of the army.

When food is stably supplied, Scorched Earth City will usher in a period of explosive population growth. We must prepare in advance and wait for the dividends to skyrocket. "

Even if there were people from the city, they could not conceal their excitement at this moment.

These are all big events! It’s all great news!

Moreover, in Broken Bone's plan, not only can he get over his addiction to fighting, but he can also make money along the way. There are not many good things like this in the world!

A joint army of guilds is to be formed.

The candidate for the commander-in-chief of this army was unanimously approved by "Broken Bones". The two deputy positions are One Liang of Bones from the Evil Bones Lingran Guild and Drunken Thousands from the Eight Arms Guild. The number of player soldiers in the army is tentatively set at two thousand, and players with high levels and long online time will be given priority to join.

One Liang Bones said that there were retired officers in his guild who could serve as military instructors for this army, and Helot said they could give them a try.

Drunken Qianzhan said that the Yaqi Orochi Guild has an army of players and can send people to guide army construction. Helot refused, the reason being: The Scorch City players' army still has the final say, and everyone is having fun.

Someone else made a suggestion...

The meeting gradually changed from Helot's speech to the participation of all people, and everyone devoted the greatest enthusiasm to this Scorched Earth City player's own regular army.

There must be a salary!

An independent equipment reserve is a must!

Give the best logistical support, the best leveling priority, and build the best training ground!

It looks like a child playing house, but no one thinks it is too middle-class. Instead, they feel that they have found their original intention of playing games.

Be a general, launch a charge, capture a city...

Suddenly someone asked: "What is the name of our army?"

Everyone was silent and looked at Helot together.

As the instigator, Helot was also infected by such an atmosphere. He said: "We are all players in the undead camp, and the name of the army must have its own characteristics. I propose to call it 'Death Army'. We are the starting point of death and the The end of death.”

Although the player presidents do not know the meaning of "the starting point of death, the end point of death", they all feel that the "Legion of Death" is straightforward, deterrent and majestic enough.

It's called the "Legion of Death."

The formation of the player's army was finalized, and then the "Death Chamber" named after it was put on the agenda for discussion.

Regarding how to set up a chamber of commerce, most of the guild leaders are doing business outside the game, and the discussion is more professional than setting up an army. There was no need for fierce quarrels or wild imaginations, just a few words and the framework of the Chamber of Commerce was established.

At this time, Helot expressed his opinion: "The Death Chamber of Commerce operates completely within the game and does not participate in any form of currency exchange outside the game. I just want this Chamber of Commerce to be a boost for us to reach the top in the game, and I don't want to treat it as a speculation. Tool of!"

Finally, Helot added: "If you don't agree, today's meeting will be treated as if I didn't hold it!"

There are many player commerce chambers in the game, all of which are using money in the game to make money outside the game. Helot said that the Chamber of Death does not participate in any form of out-of-game currency exchange, which undoubtedly blocks many people's financial opportunities.

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