The corpse witches guarding Rock Mountain made a lot of disguises to prevent being discovered. They arranged a mirror barrier above the canyon. The existence of this canyon cannot be seen from high altitudes. In addition, there are also many magic early warning devices disguised as rocks placed in the mountain. Once something breaks in by mistake, it will soon be discovered by the corpse witch guarding inside.

The entrance to the canyon is also blocked with boulders. If you want to enter from the outside, you must activate the magic device from the inside to rotate the boulder at a certain angle. Then you can see the passage carved out of the boulder.

It can be said that it is difficult to see anything unusual about Rock Rock Mountain from the outside, but there is a very complete defense system inside.

Helot looked at the defense map of Rock Mountain drawn by the soul eaters and couldn't help but feel that his father was indeed the number one player and his game level was very high. The map was as detailed as if he had taken a leisurely stroll around it.

But in the face of such a tight defense, a strong attack will inevitably suffer huge losses, and it is very likely that it will not be able to attack.


Don't attack by force!

Hailot immediately laid out a plan to attack Luanshi Mountain, and the various ministries quickly dispersed and acted according to the plan.

According to the soul eaters, the defenders in Rock Mountain were not in a state of preparation for war. They probably didn't know that the mercury from the floor drain had been robbed. This battle was to use the mercury from the floor drain to make a fuss.

Helot first asked Captain Monte to send a team of vampires to control the airspace outside the Rock Mountain, to stop any ghost messengers that might appear, and to cut off the defender's external sources of information first.

Then Monte took some vampires and azure mages, and followed the soul eaters around the detection device from the side of the mountain to the top of the mountain, preparing to launch an air attack from above the canyon.

The last thing is the most critical... trick the defenders in the canyon into opening the boulder passage.

Leave this task to Howl.

Each unit reaches the starting position, and the battle to attack the Rock Mountain begins!

Actors appear...

A group of skeleton cavalry galloped in the wilderness in embarrassment. Behind them, a group of unidentified "undead" wearing smocks were chasing them. The large group of vampires flying in the sky revealed the origin of the pursuit force.

Relying on their air superiority, the vampires closely followed the skeleton cavalry. From time to time, they would swoop down and pull the lone skeletons off their horses, and then swarm forward to "cull" them.

The skeleton cavalry did not dare to turn around and fight back, so they could only run as hard as they could. Their target was the entrance of the Rock Mountain Canyon.

When the Skeleton Cavalry approached the entrance, some of the Skeleton Cavalry turned around and launched a "death charge" towards the pursuers. The remaining Skeleton Cavalry, led by a terrifying knight, finally rushed under the boulder at the entrance of the canyon.

The boulder is twenty meters high!

The Terror Knight immediately shouted to the boulder: "I am the Terror Knight Howl Burning Bones! The Stone Wilderness was attacked by the Scorched Earth City. Dorothea has invaded the Mercury Fortress. I was ordered by Lord Ultado to escort the Earth Drain. Mercury is here and is being chased by vampires on the road, please let us in quickly!"

A corpse witch appeared on the boulder. He held a bone staff and asked Howl condescendingly: "I don't know you, nor do I know these skeleton cavalry following you."

Howl cursed: "I don't know you either! Ultado asked me to surrender to him, saying that he would give me a large territory when he occupied Scorched Earth City, so I took my army and surrendered to him. As a result, I just entered Within ten days of Mercury Fortress, Dorotea came over.

I tried my best to break through, but there were only so many skeleton cavalry left among the three thousand. Please open the door quickly and let us in. "

The Corpse Witch couldn't tell whether what the Terror Knight said was true or false, but the vampire who was surrounding and killing the Skeleton Cavalry in the distance definitely came from Scorched Earth City. This is the hinterland of the Rock Wilderness. If Scorched Earth City's army dares to pursue them here, Mercury Fortress will most likely be breached.

The corpse witch looked at the embarrassed skeleton cavalry below. More than forty skeletons among them were carrying metal barrels. Several metal barrels were damaged during the battle, and the mercury was rolling down.

It was indeed mercury from the floor drain.

Will you let them in?

At this time, smoke and dust rolled in from the distant wilderness, and the earth shook as if a large army was moving here. Moreover, above the smoke and dust were the figures of large groups of bats flying... It was the troops from Scorched Earth City who were coming to kill them.

The corpse witch was extremely hesitant. Without these more than 40 buckets of floor-draining mercury, the "dragon binding and silver pouring technique" would not be possible. Once Lord Ultado drives away the troops from Scorched Earth City, he cannot afford to go back and pursue the responsibility for the lost mercury from the floor drain.

However, the Corpse Witch finally asked dutifully: "How do you prove your identity?"

Howl remembered Helot's advice: Don't explain, just scold!

So Howl cursed loudly, and the flames on his body rushed up, which increased his anger level.

"With so much mercury leaking from the floor, you still can't prove my identity? What kind of *** are you? Wuertado actually put a *** like you here to guard the bone dragon. Are there too many maggots in your skull? Got it!

As soon as I surrendered to Ultado, all my men were killed in Mercury Fortress. I came to escort the floor-draining mercury, and I met a big *** like you again! If you don't let us in, I'll let you try whether your head is stronger or my knife is faster! "

Howl pulled out his sword, and the terrifying black spirit horseman stood up, stepping on the void and about to rush onto the boulder.

Seeing the terrifying knight's furious look, it was difficult for the Corpse Witch to continue doubting his identity. And except for the Terror Knight, the others are all weak skeletons, and they are enough to deal with deceit.

The corpse witch ordered the corpse witch behind the boulder to turn on the magic device.

The boulder began to rotate slowly after a period of shaking, and a large amount of smoke and dust fell from it, indicating that the boulder had not moved for a long time.

As it turned, a passage dug out in the middle of the boulder appeared in front of Howl. The passage was wide enough to allow two carriages to pass side by side.

Howl waited for the boulder to stop, then rushed in with the skeleton cavalry behind him.

The moment he rushed out of the boulder passage, Howl swung a knife and chopped off the head of a nearby corpse witch, and then shouted: "Burning Cavalry, light the fire!"

In the boulder passage, blazing fire burst out from the bodies of all the skeleton cavalry, and the sea of ​​fire offensive formed violent air waves in the passage with tongues of fire erupting outward.

Howl rode the terrifying black spirit horse and ran up the boulder through the void. He wielded his horse-killing sword and slashed at the corpse witch above with the black sword.

The corpse witch raised his bone staff and used a shield to block Howl's blow, and asked angrily: "Who are you?"

Howl grinned and said: "The loyal servant of Scorched Earth City's special affairs advisor Lord Bonebreaker... the terrifying knight Howl Burning Bones. My master wants the bone dragon you have here!"

After saying that, Howl retracted his sword, and then used the terrifying black spirit horse's short leap and dive to use his combat skills to slash down hard.

Corpse Witch once again put up a shield to barely block it.

Looking outside the mountain, the skeleton cavalry and vampires who were originally fighting merged and rushed towards the open stone door. The skeleton cavalry lying on the ground also stood up again, and charged towards this side with fire erupting from their bodies.

The smoke and dust fell in the distance. Where there was the Scorched Earth City army, it was just the dust mist blown up by a group of mages casting spells.

There was a melee in the canyon, and the Corpse Witch found that he had far underestimated the strength of these skeleton cavalry. The fire between them fueled the fire, and in a short time, the canyon, which was not very wide, was burned into a big furnace.

Then a large group of vampires rushed down from the cliff.

There's actually... why is there a bone dragon inside!

The corpse witch saw a lich on the back of the bone dragon, and the pressure of high-level undead and ultimate undead creatures came down like a landslide.

But the corpse witches in the canyon were rushing to fight. They had to deal with the fire offensive of the burning skeleton cavalry, and also had to fight the vampires and bone dragon mages falling from the sky.

It’s over! Lost!

The guarding corpse witch struggled to hold on in the face of Howl's stormy offensive.

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