My cemetery is connected to the game world.

Chapter 63 Searching for Bone Dragon

If there is a born bone dragon.

Based on the size and military configuration of the team transporting floor drain mercury, its location should not be far away.

It should be a day’s journey!

The undead can keep marching without resting. Even if there are skeletons of infantry units in the team, they can go far in a day.

Helot drew a fan shape on the map, and then drew a circle based on the location of the attack on the mercury convoy. This area should be the area where the "Bone Dragon" is located.

But this area is still very large. Even if all the vampires are spread out, it will be difficult to discover them in a short time.

At any moment, Ultado will discover that he has been deceived and realize that the existence of the "Bone Dragon" may be exposed. Once Wuerta strengthens the defense around the "Bone Dragon", it will be much more difficult to snatch it.

Helot said to his subordinates: "I estimate that Wuerta will not use too many troops to protect the 'Bone Dragon'. Too many troops will be easily exposed. Once our city lord knows about it, Scorched Earth City will definitely do its best. Rob, other lords will also take action.

We now have a chance to snatch the 'Bone Dragon', but the time window is very short, and we must find the specific location where the 'Bone Dragon' is hidden as soon as possible.

Do you have any good ideas? "

Captain Monte said: "I suggest sending vampires to search this area immediately. Since there are undead garrisoned, there should be traces to check."

Frank looked at the map drawn by Helot and said, "I can organize the mages to start a divination, and maybe we can narrow down the area that needs to be searched."

Helot looked at Frank. He was stroking his beard very seriously, not like he was joking.


Since there is no good way, the only choice is to let the mages try the divination technique in mysticism.

"Frank went to organize mages to conduct divination, and Captain Monte went to select vampires with good eyesight to prepare for an aerial search.

Howl hid the Burning Troopers, ready to go at any time. "

"Follow the order!"

The subordinates went to do their own things.

The message from the Soul Eater came over: "I have entered the Rock Wilderness. Have you found the location of the Bone Dragon?"

Helot informed the Soul Eaters of the area where he estimated the "Bone Dragon" would be, and then said: "This area is still too big. Frank is leading the Azure Mages to conduct divination, hoping to narrow the area."

In the woods, Frank led twelve magicians who were proficient in occultism to form a circle, holding special spells with their fingers, and reciting incantations together. In the open space between them, the black mist of light kept rolling upwards, and symbols with some meaning flashed from time to time in the mist.

Herot has studied occultism, and different mages have different interpretations of the divination oracles. Knowing the truth through divination is no easier than winning a lottery ticket.

The soul eater quickly replied: "Leave the matter of finding the bone dragon to me."

Herot asked: "Can you find the bone dragon?"

"Of course! Four years ago, I gave up my identity as a human and became a lich because I was tempted by the inheritance of a lich."

"What inheritance?"

"Dragon Witch! He has a very strong spellcasting ability and can obtain power from the undead dragon. The final form is to fuse the undead dragon and transform into a dracolich. My main job at the Sorrow King is to train the bone dragon. As long as there are really bones here, The dragon exists and I can find it.

Wait for my news! "

A dragon's roar came from the distant sky, and the pressure from the ultimate creature swept over the woods.

Monte ran over in a panic: "Counselor Broken Bones, there are undead riding bone dragons flying towards here. Do we want to fight them?"

On the other side, the blue mages who were doing divination quickly changed their spells, and an anti-air attack magic gradually took shape during the injection of magic power.

Helot just said calmly: "Don't panic, that's my brother, who came here specially to help me snatch the bone dragon.

Inform the entire army to stand by and be ready to attack at any time! "

Helot raised his head, and a bone dragon flew past the sky at high speed with its bone wings. The knight on the back of the bone dragon stretched out his hand and waved downwards, and a long trail of black mist trailed behind the knight.

Helot waved his hand to the bone dragon that was retreating.

Captain Monte stared blankly at the back of the bone dragon and couldn't help but said with respect: "Is that the soul eater?"

Herot replied: "It's him."

Even though the bone dragon disappeared in the dim sky, Monte still looked at the direction it left and said: "I haven't seen Lord Soul Eater for a long time. I didn't expect that he is so strong now. It's a pity that he followed the King of Sorrow. , otherwise the Marquis would not have a headache for these disobedient lords."

Frank floated over and said with a smile: "Fortunately, the Lord of Dorothea has obtained the Bone Broken Consultant. I believe that the Bone Broken Consultant will achieve more than the Soul Eaters in the future, and the Azure Society will never offend Dorotea." The city lord made a mistake.”

Now the Azure Society regards Helot as very important. The Burning Cavalry used continuous actual combat to make Frank re-evaluate the value of the old cemetery. As long as this undead army can form a large scale, it will definitely create a place for the Azure Society that can carry its faith. Kingdom of the Dead.

Moreover, he also showed such good magical talent that Master Laem was willing to be signed with him.

The leadership qualities and commanding abilities he displayed in this war are also needed by the Zhanlan Association.

It can be said that Frank has now reshaped his impression of the young human in front of him, and has a budding bold idea about his future and the future of the Azure Society.

At this time, Helot only wanted to snatch away the "Bone Dragon" as soon as possible before Ultado could react!

Urtado led his army towards the border at full speed. The more they ran, the more they felt something was wrong.

Why are the traces left by the cavalry on the front increasingly sparse?

not good!

Wu Ertado stopped the running ghost horse and looked at the wilderness to the east. There was no trace of any large cavalry in the gray mist.

No! There was no large group of cavalry at all. This was a trace deliberately created by the mages. Now that the magic power of those mages was exhausted, the traces were not perfect.

The troops that infiltrated from Scorched Earth City did not run eastward at all, nor did they run south, let alone to the west away from Scorched Earth City.

Then they ran north.


Wurtado felt that his heart, which had stopped beating for a long time, seemed to be beating violently again.

Their goal is "Bone Dragon"!

But how did they know that "Bone Dragon" existed?

In order to hide it from Dorotea and other lords, I only placed a small number of elite troops at the "Bone Dragon", and I tried my best to avoid going there to check.

Could it be that Dorothea already knew that I hid a "Bone Dragon"? She sent this infiltration army not to prevent me from rescuing the mud-rock basin, but to intercept the mercury from the ground leakage and then grab the "Bone Dragon" .

She even attacked the mud basin just to mislead me!

Ultado looked back at the cronies he had brought... Are there traitors among them?

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