My cemetery is connected to the game world.

Chapter 58 Attack the Red Stone Stronghold

The red stone stronghold was built around an iron mine, covering an area of ​​about six square kilometers, the size of a small city.

However, the red stone stronghold does not have the same defense system as a city. There is only a stone low wall built around the camp. The high part is two meters and the low part is just over one meter.

War horses can easily cross it.

Some defense towers were built behind the low wall, with skeleton mages guarding them.

Monte and Bresini turned into bats and entered the red stone stronghold to investigate, and Frank also separated some ghost clones to sneak into the camp.

After they came back, they unanimously determined that... the defense of the red stone stronghold was very sparse.

This was just as Helot expected.

Dorotea's army is still on its way to the Mud and Stone Basin, and the news of the war may not have reached Mercury Fortress yet, let alone the Red Stone Stronghold on the northeastern border of the Rock Wilderness.

As the strongest lord under the rule of Scorched Earth City, Wuertado was at the peak of his reputation during this period. The other lords had no strength or motivation to attack him.

In his opinion, Dorotea did not dare to lead an army to attack the Rock Wilderness without being sure of victory.

It can be said that this period of time is when the vigilance of Rock Wilderness is at its lowest.

Investigation feedback also proves this judgment.

Then there are the troops in the red stone stronghold.

The main force in the camp is skeleton miners, numbering between 20,000 and 30,000, and their weapons are mining picks.

Then there are about three thousand walking corpses.

Walking zombies are undead that are a little more advanced than skeletons. They are more powerful, but move very slowly. In undead wars, walkers are generally not used for offense because they are too slow, but walkers are a good unit for defending the city.

With rough skin and thick flesh and a lot of blood, no matter what kind of army it is, it will take some time to gnaw down an army of zombies. This gives the defenders the opportunity to deploy troops and form formations.

There are also a small number of warning ghosts and fewer corpse witches.

With vampires being monopolized by Dorotea, ghosts have become the only aerial power available to other undead lords, and they are often gathered together on standby.

There are about 500 ghosts in the red stone stronghold. After they are scattered inside and outside the camp, they become very sparse. The entire early warning circle is full of loopholes.

Corpse witches are high-level undead, all of them are mercenary-level or above, and have very good magic talents.

There are about a hundred corpse witches in the red stone stronghold, scattered in towers throughout the camp, able to provide magical support to any area of ​​the camp from high altitudes.

After the investigation, Helot and the others returned to the hiding place of the army, drew a map on the ground, and discussed how to attack the red stone stronghold.

After some discussion, everyone agreed that the biggest threat in the red stone stronghold was the three thousand walking corpses and the corpse witch hiding in the tower.

Although there are many skeleton miners inside, most of them are digging holes inside the mine. As long as the entrance of the mine is blocked, they cannot get out.

Five hundred scattered ghosts were, to a thousand vampires, a plate of snacks.

The walking zombies that resist beatings and the corpse witches that provide magical support are very troublesome to deal with. As long as they are delayed for a certain period of time, the skeletons in the mine may rush out, and then the vampires and the Burning Cavalry will be trapped in a bitter battle under siege.

However, as a sneak attack party, it still has great advantages.

After spending some time, a raid plan was drawn up, and then Helot assigned combat missions one by one.

Monte led the vampires to transform into bats and set off first.

Then came the Azure Society mages led by Frank, who were arranged in the second attack wave. This was also a bold attempt by Helot. The mage group stood on the front line and carried out fire coverage at close range inside the Red Stone Fortress.

Helot and Howl led the Burning Cavalry in the third wave of attacks. When the defenders of the red stone stronghold were attracted to one side by the mages' firepower, the Burning Cavalry broke through the low wall from the other side and launched a decisive blow.

The mages of the Azure Society marched toward the south side of the redstone stronghold, while the Burning Cavalry turned to the north.

The vampire who arrived first was the first to attack.

The bats take advantage of the darkest moment of the moon to quietly approach the red stone stronghold from all directions. The ghosts wandering around the periphery are completely unaware that they have become prey. They often only feel that something is falling around them, and then they are there. The rapid and sharp attack turned into a wisp of smoke.

The vampires switched between human and bat forms, releasing sword skills and spells in an explosive manner. The ghosts outside the red stone stronghold were eliminated layer by layer.

In silent assassinations one after another, the vampires broke through the low wall and entered the red stone stronghold. They flew at low altitude in the shadows, ascended around the defense tower, and then rushed into the defense tower, silently killing the skeleton mages inside.

The penetration continues…

The mages of the Azure Society arrived at the offensive position.

Since all the ghosts on the periphery and the skeleton mages in the defense tower have been killed, the mages can calmly arrange the magic array and prepare large-scale attack magic.

One hundred high-level mages formed ten magic circles. They stood around the magic circles and chanted spells together. The lines of fire rose from under their feet and connected to each other. The nearby magic elements seemed to have encountered a suction machine, and were driven by the magic power to flow into the center of the magic array.

The magic circle gradually became brighter, and majestic energy gathered until the moment when the magic spell was completed.

At this time, an infiltrating vampire accidentally triggered the warning spell.

A siren sounded from inside a tower, and at the same time a warning beam shot up from the top of the tower, exploding into a brilliant display of fireworks in the air. All the undead in the camp were alarmed and looked in the direction of the alarm.

The other towers that were alerted simultaneously released detection magic. More and more vampires were discovered, and more warning beams were launched.

"Enemy attack!" An old voice that sounded like it crawled out of a grave resounded over the entire camp.

At the same time, on the south side of the red stone stronghold, ten light balls as dazzling as the sun rose into the sky, and then drew a parabola in the dark night and hit the towers in the camp.

The corpse wizard in the tower immediately activated defensive magic, but the hastily activated protective shield was too thin. The fireball jointly cast by ten high-level mages of the Azure Society hit the tower like a meteor, and the protective shield did not have any slowing effect. , shattered instantly.

The tower was knocked down by the fireball and then shattered in the subsequent explosion.

Just as the first wave of fireballs fell, the second wave of fireballs rose into the air and hit the target tower.

The zombies guarding the red stone stronghold gathered in formation and moved towards the south side of the camp at a slow pace. The corpse wizard in the nearby tower cast different status magics on the zombies, and the corpses were enveloped in the colors of various buff magics.

The skeletons in the mine also rushed out one after another. They lined up outside the mine with mining picks in hand. Every time they completed a formation of a hundred people, they moved towards the south side of the camp.

The mage group is always the priority target to be eliminated in war.

In this war, the mage group is just a bait.

Herot and his burning cavalry appeared on the north side of the red stone stronghold, with eight hundred cavalry arranged in three columns.

Howl, who was riding a terrifying black spirit horse, asked Herod for instructions: "Master, do you want to attack?"

Herod nodded.

Howl drew his sword and raised it above his head, shouting: "Light the fire!"

All Burning Cavalry ignite their own flames, and the fire is connected to the fire, and the fire helps the fire burn. The three cavalry lines form three sea of ​​​​fire offensives.

Howl shouted again: "Burning Cavalry, attack!"

Howl took the lead in charging forward, and the Burning Cavalry swung their burning whips and raised waves of fire to charge forward together.

The cavalry roared like thunder, and the earth trembled.

The sea of ​​​​fire rushed close to the red stone stronghold, and the burning war horse jumped over the ridiculous low wall. In front, there are walking corpses and skeletons with their backs completely exposed. What the Burning Cavalry have to do is to swing the fire whip and whip it down hard, and then engulf the opponent with flames.

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