My cemetery is connected to the game world.

Chapter 56 Three-party joint operation

Master Laem heard the information revealed by Helot and asked hurriedly: "Has the food you mentioned arrived?"

Helot smiled and replied: "It's in my old cemetery. Twenty tons of flour, three tons of fruits and vegetables, one ton of bacon, five hundred kilograms of cheese, and three hundred kilograms of butter. I only charge gold for payment."

Helot then gave Master Laem a list and the price of the food.

Helot has calculated that gold is cheap in the game world, but food is expensive in the land of death. Even if he sells this batch of food to Zhan Lan Association at a very low price, he can still make ten times the profit.

Sure enough, Master Laem was very satisfied with Helot's offer.

He pointed to the food on the table and asked Helot: "Is all the food you bring here of this quality?"

Helot pinched a piece of bacon and chewed it in his mouth, and said: "Of course it's a quality. Whatever I eat, I will provide for the brothers of the Azure Society."

This is a delicacy that ordinary people cannot enjoy in other planes of life.

And the price is so low.

With a stable food supply, the Azure Society can definitely attract more soul sects to join, and it can also improve the cohesion of the society.

"I want them all!"

Master Laem revised the manuscript and included the instructions.

Satisfied, Herot left the dungeon with the manuscript.

After meeting Dorothea, Herot told her: The Azure Society is willing to support a group of mages.

Dorotea was very happy.

She manages the city very sparsely, but she still has some military skills. If she doesn't have some special skills, she will definitely not be able to hold the position of city leader.

Attacking the Mud and Stone Basin, stationing troops at the Sinking Pass, and defending the Scorched Earth City all require a large number of troops. The army mages in Scorched Earth City were continuously split up, and it was difficult to separate a team of mages with enough strength for infiltration operations, and she was not willing to throw precious mages into a battle where life and death were uncertain.

The Azure Society is willing to provide a mage group, which not only reduces the pressure on Scorched Earth City, but also provides insurance for this vampire squadron.

Dorotea immediately called the commander of the 4th Squadron, Monte, and placed the entire 4th Squadron of the Vampire Guards under the command of Special Advisor Shattered Bones.

Monte didn't expect that the human criminal he captured with his own hands would become his boss in just three days. Although he felt a little dissatisfied, this was the city lord's order. As a member of the Vampire Guard, he could only accept this order.

Dorotea was afraid that Monte would not listen to Herot's orders, so she specifically warned: "This battle is not only an infiltration behind enemy lines, but also an attempt to cooperate with the Azure Association!

We will face more difficult wars in the future. When vampires are rejected by most undead, even if the Azure Society cannot become our friends, we cannot let them stab us in the back.

The Broken Bone Advisor shoulders the important task of communicating with the Azure Society. This joint operation is of great significance. You must accept the command of the Bone Broken Advisor without any reservation. If Consultant Broken Bones comes back and says that you don't obey orders, you have to know what will happen to you! "

Monte immediately stood up straight and saluted Dorothea: "In order for the vampire to stand on the top of the dead, I am willing to give my heart to the Marquis."

Then Monte saluted Helot: "In this battle, the Fourth Squadron of the Vampire Guard will resolutely implement any instructions from the advisor."

The armor on Monte's body struck loudly and forcefully.

"We are all for victory!" Helot turned to Dorotea and said, "I will take Captain Monte to meet with the liaison officer of the Azure Society to discuss a joint combat plan."


Herot took Bresini and Monte out of the vampire castle, and the entire Scorched Earth City entered a state of war.

The vampires rushed into the houses of the undead, drove out all the undead inside, and formed on the spot to join the army of Scorched Earth City.

In this way, under the command of the vampire, a large number of skeletons walked out of the city gate and lined up in rows in the flat wilderness.

A dark cloud-like ghost army floats above the skeleton army.

Skeleton horse chariots gathered on both wings of the skeleton army. Standing on the chariots were the spellcasting units of Scorched Earth City's military sequence.

Finally, the vampire warriors wearing full body armor lined up neatly and walked out of the city with loud steps.

Dorothea and her vampire generals ride at the forefront of the vampire army on ghost horses.

The army sets off!

All the skeletons turned towards the direction Dorotea was pointing, like a white tide.

Following the army were the players participating in the battle. Most of them chose to join the Scorched Earth City camp. After all, Dorotea's military strength far exceeded that of the Mud and Stone Basin, and Lord Pozo was a big grudge waiting to gain experience.

Of course, there are also players who are highly skilled and brave enough to join the Mud and Stone Basin. In the past, in this kind of war, high risks meant high returns.

While the players in Scorch City were actively participating in the war, Helot met Frank and gave him Master Laem's manuscript.

Master Laem's instructions must be obeyed.

Even though this time it was a joint battle with vampires, his former and current enemy, Frank still promised to contact a hundred high-level mages to participate in the battle.

One hundred high-level mages are definitely a super luxurious configuration for an army of less than two thousand. It can be seen that what Master Laem said was different from what he thought in his heart. He also wanted to try to cooperate with Dorotea.

Hailot immediately contacted Yanyu Chuhua and immediately increased the price to purchase small particles of chaos crystals.

There are currently less than 600 Burning Cavalry in the old cemetery, and 800 Burning Cavalry must be gathered when the infiltration operation begins.

There must still be small particles of chaos crystals in the player market, and they can be collected as long as the money is available.

Yanyu Chuhua said there was no problem.

The next step is to discuss where to stab the first knife.

The Rock Wilderness is to the west of Scorched Earth City, about two hundred kilometers away. Most of the terrain is plain, with a small portion of low barren rocky mountains. There is no place that is too dangerous, and it is very suitable for large groups of undead to fight.

It is also suitable for insertion of highly mobile armies.

The mineral resources in the Rock Wilderness are very rich, and ordinary skeleton soldiers are equipped with simple armor, shields and iron swords. In order to protect his minerals, Ultado, the lord of the Rock Wilderness, built many strongholds in his territory to station troops and protect the mines.

The largest stronghold is Mercury Fortress, which has an underground mercury mine and is considered the capital of the Rock Wilderness. Ultado and the main force of his army are also in Mercury Fortress.

Heroot doesn't have the guts to attack Mercury Fortress. But he has the courage to pretend to attack Mercury Fortress, and it's very bold!

After consulting Monte and Frank, Helot took his own fingerprint on the map.

"A night raid on the red stone stronghold on the border of the Rock Wilderness!"

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