This is how a three-person leveling team is formed. The combination of knight, mage, and priest is also very classic.

After purchasing a batch of potions and necessities in the player market of End City, Qiu Shui invited Yue Xian to take on some bounty missions, and then led the team down into the abyss.

The abyss looks like a big rift, but in essence it is a space crack connecting the planes. The direction inside is uncertain, and behind the crack on the cliff may be an unknown space. For players, this is a perfect place to level up and get materials, so when the Helot team first entered the abyss, they encountered many player teams. However, as they continued to go deeper, the three of them became an isolated army.

Walking on a stone beam suspended in the middle of the rift, Qiu Shui Yao Yuexian, who was at the front, was looking at a brief mission description while Helot, who was the first to enter the abyss, was introducing the situation here.

"The energies of Hell and the Holy Continent collided here, causing the gravity and space here to become chaotic. Although the abyss maps created by players are constantly being updated, they cannot be fully trusted. Sometimes experience is more important.

The mission is to... destroy a pack of Flamestone Hounds, just ahead."

Helot walked in the middle of the team. He looked down and saw the light band at the mouth of the rift valley far away. The gravity in the rift valley was indeed varied, and people with poor sense of direction could easily get dizzy. It took Helot some time to adapt after entering the abyss.

Jiuzui Qiandeng walked at the end, replenishing the buffs for the two people in front from time to time. There could be hell monsters hiding anywhere in the abyss, and most of them were very cunning. They would suddenly attack when people approached, so everyone had to be in the best condition at all times.

She explained to Helotte about the Flame Stone Hound, a monster from hell: "The Flame Stone Hound is a common creature from hell. They like to live in groups and build nests out of melted rocks. The attack power of these monsters is not high, but they reproduce very quickly. When their number reaches a certain level, they will evolve into hell hounds, or even mutate into three-headed hell hounds.

The angels of the City of End will regularly send out angel patrols into the abyss for reconnaissance. If they discover powerful creatures of Hell, they will send out battle angels to directly destroy them. Those that are slightly weaker will be assigned to the warriors of the City of End in the form of missions.

The group of Flamestone Fierce Dogs we are going to wipe out this time consists of about 200 Fierce Dogs, among which there may be two or three Hellhounds, so the risk factor for us is relatively low."

Helot stretched out his palm, and a cloud of smoke gathered in his palm: "Sometimes people are more dangerous than monsters. Since we entered the abyss, there have been thieves following us."

Qiushui Yaoyuexian continued to move forward, and then landed on a small platform on the opposite cliff with a small jump: "So you also noticed the tail behind us! The other party is a very powerful thief. Although I can sense his presence, I have not been able to lock his position.

Looks like someone recognized me. In the player's black market, the bounty for losing a level is very high."

Helot and Drunken Thousand Lights jumped back and forth.

Jiuzui Qiandeng did not look for the thief's traces. She asked quietly: "What should we do? If the other party finds the 'Number One in the World' alone, they will definitely send an assassination team."

Qiushui Yaoyuexian said, "I am not the best in the world. There is only one person who is the best in the world. Broken Bones, do you have any ideas?"

Helot: "I have found his location. The rest depends on your choice, whether to kill the thieves who are following you, or to ambush and wipe out the assassination team."

Qiushui Yaoyuexian was very surprised: "How did you find the location of the thieves? The environment here is simply the home ground of thieves. There are too many places to hide."

"I have my own way." Helot always has a shadow assassin following him. This is also his home ground. The thieves who followed him could not escape the detection of Xueban: "Then it's your choice."

Qiu Shui Yao Yuexian knew that Heluot had too many unknown secrets, and finding the thief should be a skill he mastered.

"Now that we have discovered the thieves, we have the initiative. My idea is to hunt down this assassin team. A whole team of elite players being demoted collectively is definitely an unbearable loss."

The complex environment of the Abyss makes it impossible to implement the human wave tactic. Since the opponent wants to hunt down the world's number one, they must send out an assassination team composed of high-level players.

Qiu Shui and Yao Yuexian wanted to use this opportunity to weaken the enemy's strength.

She looked at Helot and Jiuzui Qianlan for their opinions.

Helot: "I don't care."

Drunk: "I don't care anymore."

The three of them agreed and an anti-hunting plan was quickly formulated.

Then Qiu Shui invited Yuexian to lead the team into a crack, and in front of them was the lair of the Flame Stone Fierce Dog.

Not far behind them, a team of nine kept following closely, and together with the thief who was following and pointing out the direction in front, the Redemption Society dispatched ten people at once to hunt Qiushui Yaoyuexian. The leader was Jin Mark, who won the first prize in this year's World No. 1 Competition. He was a human two-handed swordsman. All the team members were masters urgently dispatched by the Redemption Society. There were three people in the top 100 of the ranking list, and one of them was the thief who was following Qiushui Yaoyuexian in front.

After walking for a while, they encountered the thief who was following them.

He habitually hid in the shadows, not revealing himself even to his teammates: "Qiu Shui Yao Yue Xian and the others are just ahead, and it looks like they are going to destroy a lair of Flame Stone Fierce Dogs. It's strange, given Qiu Shui Yao Yue Xian's level, she shouldn't take this kind of ordinary bounty mission. This is a training mission that only players who have just arrived at the End City will choose."

Jin Mark was also puzzled: "It is indeed very suspicious! Now the influence of the 'Sorrowful King's Decaying Plot' is spreading throughout the Land of Death, and the battles between the ten super guilds are extremely fierce. A powerful and influential player like Qiu Shui Yao Yue Xian actually left the Land of Death and came to the End City at this time, and arrived secretly, so he must have an important mission.

Can you tell the identities of the two people following her? "

The thief replied: "They are both wearing cloaks, so I can't tell what they look like without seeing their faces. But judging by the skills they use, one is a priest and the other is a fire magician."

It was a very normal adventure team, but because of their normality, they were unable to determine Qiu Shui's purpose in asking Yue Xian to do so.

Jin Mark: "Whatever Qiu Shui wants to do by inviting Yue Xian to the Abyss, killing her will solve everything."

The thief agreed and said, "When they attack the Flame Stone Fierce Dogs, we will attack from behind. Kill the mage first and then the priest. Qiushui Yaoyuexian is not a soul eater. Facing our siege, she will definitely die this time!"

"You continue to follow them. We will keep a distance behind them. Qiushui Yaoyuexian is very alert, so we must not let her discover us. When they start to attack the Flame Stone Fierce Dog, you send us a signal."

"Okay!" the thief agreed, and there was no more sound in the shadows.

Jin Mark led the team and continued to move forward slowly.

Not long after they left, a man in adventurer's clothing appeared at the place where they had just stopped. It looked like the Archangel Raphael, but without angel wings on his back.

"This strange necromancer came to the End City to study sacred science and has a good command of fire magic. I just don't know if he has discovered this team of adventurers who are going to ambush them. When he faces a threat later, should I help him or just wait and see?

According to the prophecy, he may be the key to finding Gloria Monroe."

Then a woman wearing the same adventurer's clothes gently floated down beside Raphael. She said worriedly, "Raphael, you promised the commander that you would not enter the abyss to look for Kalemonroe without permission. Return to the End City quickly before Faruwa finds out that you are gone."

Raphael refused to listen and said, "Mirika, I came to the End City to become a disciple of Kalemonroe, but he disappeared. As an archangel who will become a disciple of the Angel of Light, I have the obligation to find my future mentor. Don't scare me with Faruva. ​​As my deputy, you just need to listen to me."

Milica was very military-like: "Yes, Archangel, I obey your orders and will use my life to protect your safety."

"That's right. Come on, Battle Angel, let's go see how the Necromancer handles this ambush."

Raphael and Milica jumped forward lightly.

At this time, Helot and his companions had already arrived outside the lair of the Flame Stone Fierce Dog.

A deep cave emitting high temperatures, with red flames flickering inside. Outside the cave was solidified lava rock, and on the layers of porous rocks lay four Flame Stone Fierce Dogs, who were responsible for guarding the nest.

These canine hell monsters were the size of calves, with dark red fur all over their bodies, and the tips of their fur were burning red. When someone approached, the Flame Stone Fiery Hounds, with their highly developed sense of smell and hearing, would immediately stand up, showing their sharp claws and fangs to the approaching humans, and barking violently.

The Flame Stone Hounds in the cave responded quickly. They ran out barking and soon gathered into a pack of more than 200 dogs.

There were three stronger hellhounds standing in front of the pack. The hellhound in the middle had a head-like protrusion on each side of its neck, and it was obviously mutating into a three-headed hellhound.

Qiushui Yaoyuexian's strategy was to alarm the Flame Stone Fiery Hounds. These hell monsters, who lived in groups, would swarm out and attack humans in small numbers. This way, most of the Flame Stone Fiery Hounds could be eliminated at once, and then the task could be completed quickly by entering the lair to clean up the remaining Fiery Hounds.

Leading people to level up requires efficiency. Solve the task here and then quickly move on to the next task point.

Qiu Shui Yao Yuexian lifted his cloak to reveal a set of shining high-grade armor. He held a sword in one hand and a shield in the other and slammed heavily on the ground. A halo flashed under his feet, providing a layer of defense for everyone within the halo.

A thousand drunken men chanted spells and sprinkled holy blessings over Qiu Shui Yao Yue Xian's head.

In front, the Hellhounds and the Flamestone Hounds charged forward, spreading out to both sides like they were hunting, trying to attack from the sides and rear. The dogs kept barking, their eyes blazing with fire and looking extremely fierce.

Qiu Shui invited Yue Xian to face the enemy head-on and stabilize their own formation.

Helot patted her shoulder from behind: "The thief has sent a signal, and the assassination team is on the way."

Qiushui invited Yuexian: "According to the plan, it depends on your performance."

"I have a big surprise planned for them."

Helot cast fireballs at the approaching Flame Stone Fierce Hounds, Qiu Shui Yao Yuexian's heavy sword chopped a Hellhound to the ground, and the sword tip swept out air blades to cut the four Flame Stone Fierce Hounds into two pieces.

The Drunken Thousand Lanterns casts Holy Star Rain to continuously output holy attacks to the entire field.

A normal monster-killing and leveling process is in progress.

Jin Mark led the team to follow the direction indicated by the thief's signal and rushed over at full speed. He knew that a small group of Flame Stone Fierce Dogs would not be too difficult for Qiu Shui Yao Yuexian, so he had to launch a sneak attack as soon as possible while she was still restrained.

Join the thieves.

Thief: "Just ahead, follow me."

Jin Mark had already seen the fire ahead, and the barking of dogs was as loud as thunder.

He drew out his two-handed sword and activated the charge skill. The other members also used all their acceleration skills, casting buffs on each other while running. The team moved forward at a very high speed, and in a flash they saw groups of Flame Stone Fiery Dogs, as well as Qiu Shui, Yao Yuexian and the other two who were surrounded by the dogs.


Jin Mark led the crowd out, aiming his sword at the mage who was casting fire spells.

After just a few steps, he instinctively sensed the approach of danger.

Then he saw layers of magic circles expanding outwards under the wizard's feet, and a large amount of black death energy emerged.

This is not a fire magician at all, it's a necromancer!

He released multiple complex magics...

Visual barrier.

Helot, Qiushui Yaoyuexian and Jiuzui Qiandeng stopped their attack at the same time. They disappeared from the sight of the Flame Stone Fierce Dogs, and the dogs immediately switched their attack targets to Jin Mark's team.

Then, negative mental attacks such as sadness, pain, and despair put layers of negative states on the members of the assassination team.

Poisonous vines of corpse flowers sprouted from the ground, and the summoned skeletons almost filled the entire space.

"Retreat!" Jin Mark realized that this was a counter-ambush prepared by Qiu Shui Yao Yue Xian for him, and decisively issued a retreat order. He believed that as long as he tried his best to break through, he could still escape.

But they hit an invisible wall.

Forbidden barrier!

Jin Mark chopped at the invisible wall with all his might, trying to forcibly chop the barrier with an overload attack.

However, the feedback from the attack told him that this was not a forbidden barrier at all.

It's a space barrier!

What level of mage is the other party who can easily create a space barrier?

"Kill the wizard!" Jin Mark reacted quickly and gave the order again.

However, when he led the team to turn around, he found that Qiu Shui, Yao Yuexian and the other two were missing.

Affected by visual barriers.

The wizard in the team immediately used the exorcism skill to eliminate the visual impact, but there was no response.

Absolute magical power suppression!

What kind of wizard is this?

The assassination team was in a closed space, surrounded by flame stone dogs, poisonous corpse flowers and skeletons, but they didn't even know where the enemy was.

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