The Royal Mechanical Administration officially started the research and development of the fourth-generation mechanical humans on the first day of its establishment. However, apart from the foundation of the Weasel Machinery Factory, it had basically nothing else, which meant starting from scratch.

Helot and Terenas became extremely busy, purchasing equipment, recruiting personnel, planning and coordinating, and they wished they could split their work into ten people.

Melissa was also busy and disappeared. The Bone King and the Corpse King were killed one after another, and the surviving Corpse Stitchers all hid. In order to prevent the Deep Hell from reviving, she led the 13th Investigation Team to search for Corpse Stitchers all over the world, and at the same time investigate the whereabouts of the executioners.

Everyone is troubled by things.

Not long after, Irina told Helot that the divine energy application laboratory had been built.

The public name is "Missa State Import and Export Product Evaluation Laboratory", and its main business is to research the goods exported by the Mass State into the Empire, and then make improvements to meet the requirements of the Empire. Since many of the products of the Mass State use divine energy, the laboratory has hired some clergy from the Mass State, and a senior priest serves as the general manager.

Helot forged an identity as a member of the Mass Church through the foreign agency of the Imperial Gendarmerie.

Preacher Joshua, seventh degree priest.

The real Joshua died unexpectedly while on a missionary mission to a remote area of ​​the empire. Only the Imperial Gendarmerie knew of his death, and the Mass Theocracy thought that he was in the deep mountains and forests and difficult to contact.

Therefore, all the documents and items that Helott got from Joshua were genuine and could be used as long as the photo was changed. As for the anti-counterfeiting mark on it, the seventh-level priest was not worthy of the Mass Theocracy using a high-level identity mark.

In fact, a decent hand at divine spells is the best proof of identity.

The Import and Export Product Evaluation Laboratory of the Church of the Holy Land has just been established and is currently recruiting staff.

Helot changed into a black priest's robe, wore a black missionary round-brimmed hat, gold-rimmed round glasses, and made a little disguise on his face. He then carried an old suitcase and went to the "Mass State Import and Export Product Evaluation Laboratory" to apply for a job.

The "Miss Theocracy Import and Export Product Evaluation Laboratory" has rented an entire floor in a building as an office space. The first batch of recruits are busy at work, and a large number of Mass Theocracy's products are piled against the wall, waiting to be registered and put into inventory.

Helot noticed that the variety of these goods was very diverse, even children's toys could be seen in large quantities.

"Excuse me, are you Father Joshua?" A young priest came up to Helot and asked immediately after seeing his attire.

Helot nodded and saluted: "My name is Joshua. I received an interview invitation yesterday."

The priest said enthusiastically: "After seeing your resume, the Richmond priest was very impressed by your previous missionary experience. Nowadays, few priests are willing to spread the glory of God in places where life is difficult. You are a great missionary.

Please follow me, the Richmond priest is waiting for you."

The young priest took Helot into an office.

The priest Richmond was a very fat man, and he needed a special chair to fit his body. When Helot entered the room, he also noticed that the door of the office was specially widened.

"Father Joshua, please take a seat!" Priest Richmond, wearing a four-cornered priest hat, looked at Helot with great admiration: "I saw the resume you submitted. Being able to preach in a mountainous area without roads for four years is a very impressive resume for you. It will be enough for you to be promoted to a sixth-level priest after returning home.

I don't understand why you came to the Mass Church's Import and Export Product Evaluation Laboratory to apply for a job?"

Helot replied: "If it is just a simple promotion, the third-level priest is probably the limit for an ordinary priest like me. I came to apply because the general manager here is a priest."

The Richmond priest showed an expected expression: "It is indeed difficult for ordinary priests in the monastery to be promoted. Second-level priests need the recommendation of priests. If you work well here, I can write a recommendation letter for you.

I saw in your resume that you taught yourself mechanics?"

Helot answered, "Yes. I was interested in mechanics when I was in Pruman Monastery. During my missionary work in the Glory Oath Empire, I worked in a machinery factory for a while to save money for the missionary work, and I learned a lot about mechanics."

"Your knowledge of mechanics is what we need." Richmond said with great satisfaction: "The 'Mass Theocracy Import and Export Product Evaluation Laboratory' is an independent non-governmental organization established to allow the products of the Theocracy to occupy more of the Glory Oath Empire market. Our job is to evaluate and improve all Theocracy products entering the empire, and then provide feedback to the Theocracy's companies on our suggestions."

Helot pretended to be curious and asked, "Is this a non-governmental organization? I thought this laboratory was established by the Church."

Richmond was afraid that Helot would refuse to join, so he immediately explained: "You know that the bureaucracy of the Church is very serious. If we belong to an institution directly under the Church, we can't do anything. Now the competitiveness of the Church's products has declined sharply. There must be an independent institution that is not influenced by bureaucracy to point out the direction of improvement for the Church's enterprises.

This is a great cause, just as great as your missionary work in the mountains!"

Helot asked again: "Where does the funding for this laboratory come from?"

"Where does the funding come from?" Priest Richmond shook his head. "This is a laboratory secret. I cannot tell you."

In fact, Priest Richmond didn't know who provided the funding for this laboratory. Someone came to him and offered him a high price to be the general manager of the laboratory, so he just took the money and came.

Helot knew the details of the Richmond priest.

In the Mass Church, there are some priest families. No matter how stupid a family member is, he can be promoted to priest smoothly. Richmond is a member of such a priest family.

Richmond had no status in the family and had no other source of income except the monthly salary that a priest could receive.

There are many priests like him in the Mass Kingdom, and some institutions will hire these priests to gain some conveniences. This is how Richmond was hired as the general manager of the "Mass Kingdom Import and Export Product Evaluation Laboratory."

It is unknown how many times the money of Tomorrow Group has passed through the accounts of the "Mass Ecclesiastical Import and Export Product Evaluation Laboratory", and Richmond could not find out even if he wanted to.

Helot wanted to ask something else.

Priest Richmond said seriously, "If you stay and work, you don't need to go around preaching and accumulate a resume. A letter of recommendation from a priest is much more useful than any of your efforts. If you leave, you probably won't meet a priest who is willing to recommend you in the future."

Helot was convinced: "Okay, Your Excellency the Priest, I am willing to stay here and work."

Priest Richmond laughed again: "This is definitely the best choice you made."

"It's just... I can't work here full-time. I run a missionary agency in Covenant City and need to spread God's gospel to God's believers. I come here to work to earn the money needed to maintain the missionary agency."

Talking about God, Richmond immediately sat up straight and said, "Preaching is always the first job of a priest. I will arrange a job that suits you and does not take up too much time..."

After the salary was negotiated, Helot officially became an employee of the "Mass State Import and Export Product Evaluation Laboratory" as Priest Joshua.

He is actually responsible for all work arrangements of this laboratory behind the scenes.

The application of divine energy to the Chaos Engine was quietly carried out, and the priests of the Mass State who worked for it thought they were improving the goods exported by the State to the Empire.

With someone to share the workload, Helot developed the Chaos Engine very quickly.

As theory is transformed into practice, some ideas are realized and some problems arise.

For example, if the sacred energy protection layer is too thick, it will affect the effectiveness of the protected energy, and if it is too thin, the protection will be insufficient. Helot wants to design a new sacred energy protection layer structure to achieve the most ideal state of energy protection and utilization.

But after several attempts, I couldn't find the right direction.

In addition, the generation, circulation, and consumption of divine energy could not reach the state envisioned by Helot.

All these problems stem from the lack of knowledge about the divine energy.

Moreover, the more deeply he developed the chaos engine, the more overwhelmed Helot felt. It was like asking a middle school student to draw a triple spiral ray diagram. How could he possibly do it if he didn't even know the formula?

The angel Durlaye is very powerful, but his knowledge of divine energy is incomplete.

It's time to go to the Holy Continent...

So Helot arranged a "business trip" for himself.

Richmond priest gave the "business trip mission" to Helot: "You are now the best employee in our laboratory. Several improvements you participated in have been reported back to the Church and have been highly recognized by related companies. You are a talent, and talents need to be cultivated well.

The laboratory is sending you to the south for an inspection this time. You must seize the opportunity to study hard. It will definitely be helpful for your future."

The briefcase contained inspection items and travel expenses.

Helot said devoutly: "Thank you for your favor to me, Master Priest. I will complete this investigation with all my heart, and will also try my best to pass on the divine light to every place I go."

"God will bless you!"

Holy continent.

The largest plane among all known planes in the Origin World, it has vast land, endless ocean, rich resources, and a climate suitable for living creatures.

The diverse races, scattered villages and cities, and countless secret realms make the Holy Continent the most attractive plane for players.

Someone has done statistics and found that 50% of all players choose the Holy Continent as their first choice when entering the game.

The reason is that this place is very suitable for players' early development.

Even if you don't upgrade and become a pure life player, the scenery of the Holy Continent is enough for players to appreciate for a lifetime.

In the Holy Continent, the City of End is a special city.

The original name of the End City was Heguang City. It was a very prosperous human city-state and also a very beautiful city. A large river flowed through the edge of the city. The high city and low river made the river surface appear very bright under the sunlight, which was the origin of the name Heguang City.

However, at the end of the war of "Angel's Sorrow", the defeated Lucifer opened up the passage between the Holy Continent and Hell. The monsters from Hell swarmed out and captured Heguang City, killing everyone in the city.

Upon hearing the news, the angels drove the invading monsters from hell back to hell from the ruins of the city and left an army of angels to guard the place.

Heguang City was renamed Zhongyan City.

"The power of Hell is constantly seeping in from the abyss channel opened by Lucifer. The rivers have dried up and the fertile land has turned into yellow sand. In addition to angels, there are also warriors who volunteer to guard the city, most of whom are players. The rewards for taking on quests to kill monsters from Hell are very rich, but of course the chance of being killed by monsters is also very high."

When Qiushui Yaoyuexian heard that Helot was coming to the End City, he took the initiative to act as his guide and stood outside the city to introduce the origin of this city.

They rode their horses and stopped at the city gate.

The energy that seeped in from Hell turned the area around the End City into a yellow sand desert, but the city still retained its post-war appearance, with a layer of yellow sand blown by the wind covering the broken city walls and collapsed buildings.

Even the city gate in front of him was only left with one gate. The walls on both sides had all collapsed, leaving an empty doorway without even a door.

The angels stationed here had no intention of repairing the city, as the remaining intact houses were enough for them to use. The warriors who came to guard the city also had no intention of repairing the city, as they didn't know if they would be back the next day, so naturally they didn't think about making themselves comfortable.

Player: A rare view of a deserted city in the west. It won’t be seen after it’s repaired.

Therefore, the City of the End that Helot saw seemed more desolate than the City of the End he knew before, and it was more lifeless and even less vibrant than the City of the Undead.

"That is the abyss leading to hell. Monsters from hell often crawl out of it, and monster waves appear every once in a while. I spent my time from level 60 to level 67 here. At that time, several important members of the guild gathered together to take on quests and kill monsters from hell in order to level up. Following them, you can level up quickly."

Along with Helot came Jiuzui Qianlan.

The Hell Abyss she was referring to was a huge crack less than 500 meters away from the End City.

That was once the riverbed of a big river, and the middle section, about a thousand meters long, collapsed downwards into a bottomless abyss, and the end of the abyss was hell.

The ground on both sides of the crack was full of traces of large-scale magic. The terrain was not only uneven, but also had many strange colored glaze rocks burned by high temperatures. You could faintly hear roars coming from the abyss. The monsters in hell were violent and fond of killing, and would rush out to attack at any opportunity.

Qiushui Yaoyuexian agreed with Jiuzui Qianzhan's words: "Leveling up here is indeed fast. You can stay here for a while, and the two of us will help you reach level 60."

Helot: "If you can reach level 60 here, I will give each of you a big red envelope. Let's go, first go to the city to find the Angel of Light. I wonder if Dulaye's letter of introduction will be useful."

Jiuzui Qiandeng: "I think the most useful thing is your wisdom and knowledge, the angel of light will definitely see it."

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