My cemetery is connected to the game world.

Chapter 377: The Drunken Lamp in the Experiment

It worked!

Even without Helot's answer, Jiuzui Qiandeng knew that she had succeeded, because in reality she had already felt that she was getting energy from the game world very smoothly. If the energy she could get before was just a trickle, now it was a big river. She sat up and raised her hands, the holy light in her hands was dazzling.

Tears flowed from the corners of Jiuzui Qianlan's eyes.

I won the bet, the gamble in which I staked my life... I won!

"I should be the strongest person in the world now... No!" Jiuzui Qianzhan immediately suppressed his arrogance and regained his humble and virtuous appearance: "I should be the third most powerful person in the world. The first and second must be you, teacher, and the Soul Eater."

Helot smiled and said, "Be more confident, you are the strongest! But being strong has a price, you lose the privilege of resurrection in the game. If you die here, your soul will not go to the resurrection point, but will disintegrate. Without a soul, you will also die in reality."

Losing the privilege of resurrection was a known consequence, and Jiuzui Qiandeng had already taken it into consideration: "I will be more careful in the game world in the future. Besides, in reality, isn't human life also disposable?"

"You are right. Life is disposable. Now let's start a round of tests to see if the Undead Dragon Soul Fire Particles have any other effects on you."

"Okay..." Jiuzui Qiandeng, who was outside the game, stood in front of the mirror. The sacred energy made her already beautiful even more elegant. Her friendliness always made people want to get close to her and talk to her. Especially her eyes, which seemed to be burning with fire, and were charming and seductive. Even she herself could not help but be attracted by the woman in the mirror: "Teacher, my appearance seems to have not changed, but it seems to have changed from the inside out. There seems to be fire in my eyes..."

Jiuzui Qiandeng looked closely at his eyes in the mirror.

"This is a good influence. It is an ultimate creature of the Undead Dragon. There is something special in its soul fire. Next, I need to observe whether there are any changes in your body. First, remove your makeup and take off your clothes, leaving only your underwear!"

"Yes, teacher! Please wait a moment!" Drunk Qiandeng ran to the bathroom.

Helot didn't have to wait too long. Jiuzui Qiandeng, wearing only her underwear, stood in front of the dance mirror again. She knew that Broken Bone was not someone who would be dazzled by beauty, so she didn't deliberately make any unnecessary movements in front of the mirror and just stood there straight.

But I still asked carefully: "Teacher, do you have a woman you like?"

The figure of Melissa instantly appeared in Helot's mind. He wondered how she was doing now. Was the bloodline restoration operation successful?

I'll go back after things here are over.

"Don't ask questions that are not related to the experiment." Helot said lightly: "Turn around slowly..."

Jiuzui Qiandeng obeyed the instruction and turned around. With her basic dance skills, her movements were light and beautiful to watch.

"Stop!" When Jiuzui Qiandeng turned to the side, Helot stopped her: "There is something on your waist, what is it?"

Jiuzui Qiandeng turned his head to look at his waist, then reached out and touched it: "Nothing?"

"Yes!" Helot said confidently, "Keep turning, let me see your back."

Jiuzui Qiandeng was a little scared. She turned her back to the mirror and asked worriedly, "Teacher, what is that?"

Helot observed the back of Jiuzui Qiandeng, focusing on her waist, and said, "Follow the method I taught you to release the energy."

"it is good."

Jiuzui Qiandeng silently recited the sacred scriptures and immediately felt herself filled with unprecedented power. Divine energy overflowed from her skin and her entire body radiated a holy light.

Helot said, "Keep this energy output, focus it on your waist, and try to focus it as much as possible... Very good, keep focusing."

At this time, Jiuzui Qianzhan, who was controlling the concentration of energy, felt a sudden sharp pain on both sides of her waist, as if something pierced through her from left and right. She reached out and touched a hilt with one hand, and the tip of the sword with the other.

When he looked down again, he saw that he had indeed been stabbed by a dagger.

However, the sword seemed to be made of bone, and no blood flowed out. Besides, apart from the slight pain just now, the body did not seem to feel any discomfort from being pierced.

There was no one in the room who attacked him.

Jiuzui Qiandeng didn't dare to move, and asked for help: "Teacher Broken Bone, what's wrong with me?"

Helot did not answer, but looked at the bone sword that pierced both sides of Jiuzui Qianzhang's waist with great interest: "Try to see if you can pull it out."

"Should I pull it out?" Jiuzui Qiandeng was a little scared. She held the hilt of the bone sword. The feel of her hand and body told her that the bone sword was not stabbed into her body by something, but: "It seems to be inserted into my vertebrae? No, it is growing out of my vertebrae. Should I really pull it out?"

"Try it. If it doesn't come out, don't pull it out."

"Okay, I'll try." Jiuzui Qiandeng was still a little scared when a bone sword grew out of his body.

Jiuzui Qiandeng pulled out the sword with all her strength. She could feel the vertebrae at her waist that were embedded with the sword opening up, and then the bone sword was pulled out smoothly by her. There was no bleeding, and the skin was intact, as if it had never been pierced.

At this moment, Jiuzui Qiandeng's attention was all on the bone sword in his hand.

It has no hilt, and the blade is not sharp. It looks like bone, but has the texture of jade. It is called a sword, but the round tip of the sword obviously does not have the ability to directly injure. It is more like a sword-shaped staff, which can hit the enemy close to it when necessary...

"Teacher, what is this?"

Helot accurately stated: "The soul fire particles of the undead dragon are fused to give you an attached creature. You need to find out how to use it yourself. Now, apart from the addition of a bone sword, there are no other changes in your body. Of course, it is also possible that some changes are slow and take time to discover.

Next is energy detection.

You lie down, relax your body, and don’t resist the energy invading your body.”

"Okay..." Jiuzui Qiandeng replied, and then found that there was no place to put the bone sword in her hand. She stabbed the bone sword towards her waist as if by magic. The round-headed sword tip actually pierced through her body, and the whole sword was fixed on the vertebrae again, and then retracted into the body as the energy returned.

The skin remains intact.

The new discovery caused Jiuzui Qianzhang's second personality to burst out, and he imitated the anime characters and posed in a beautiful posture.

Then he realized that someone was watching the live broadcast, so he immediately apologized to Helot and quickly lay down in the chair.

"Sorry, teacher."

"It's okay. This sword really makes you very unique. Start the energy penetration and relax..."

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