My cemetery is connected to the game world.

Chapter 375: Big Level Difference Competition (4000)

Game start.

After a trance-like transition, Helot stood on the competition field.

His opponent is a level 71 elf, and the clothing and tattoos on his face indicate that he is a druid who uses the energy of the earth.

One minute pre-game preparation.

The elf player pressed his hands on the ground. With his body as the center, the flat playing field quickly became undulating. Some thatch grew out like crazy, and in a blink of an eye it grew into a bush more than one meter tall.

The grass spread towards Helot's half of the field. When it was about to reach Helot's feet, the green grass withered instantly and then rotted into ashes.

Helot said to the elf player: "Just create an environment that is beneficial to the elves on your side. Don't be greedy and turn my side into a grassland."

The elf player was hiding in the bushes at this time and did not respond to Helot's words.

In the past few days of continuous competition, Helot has proved to players all over the world that he is a force that cannot be underestimated. He can easily summon an army of undead, and his undead spells are never limited to those given by the system. He can also use all kinds of wonderful spells at will. His strength is completely inconsistent with his current level.

The players who made it here all have their eyes set on the top ten winning rewards, and they will definitely not make any mistakes.

Since the elf player is already hiding in the bushes, he will naturally not make any sound to expose his position.

Helot was also adding various buffs and spell shields to himself. He stretched out his hand to summon the "Old Codex". Silver armor was attached to his body, and a flaming fox tail ribbon was wrapped around the outer layer of the armor.

The Millennium Burial Objects special effects were activated, and a huge coffin stood behind Helot.

This was the first time Helot had fought against a player above level 70, and in the player level rankings, there were less than 500 players above level 71. Many players who had reached level 70 were unable to comprehend expert-level expertise and were trapped by the doubled experience amount and could not improve, such as Jiuzui Qianzhang.

There is not only a huge level difference between Helot and his opponent, but also a difference of two ranks in expertise.

But this elf player is still so cautious...

It looks like a tough battle.

This time, Helot did not summon a skeleton army, but instead summoned a poisonous vine of a corpse flower.

The huge corolla carried Helot up, and the toxins corrupted the nearby grass. Some small corpse flower vines grew out and continued to spit toxins into the surrounding grass.

The elf players sensed the death energy spreading over them, and immediately increased the output of earth energy. Some grass hardened into bushes, and then into tree men. These tree men were not afraid of the poison, and stepped forward to pull out the small corpse flower vines and tear them into pieces.

Before the game started, both sides began a magic confrontation during the pre-match preparations.

A minute passed quickly.

A giant black crow flew up from the grass. Its wingspan was two meters and its sharp beak shone like cast iron.

A strong wind blew up as the crow's wings flapped, and it made an unpleasant and piercing cry. The sound waves mixed with the cyclone formed two whirlwinds that strangled Helot.

At the same time, a giant bear several meters tall stood up from the grass. Its fur was dark brown, its claws were sharp, and its fangs in its mouth were as long as daggers.

In addition to crows and brown bears, there seemed to be other wild animals rising and falling in the bushes. They hid their bodies and fanned out to surround the sky-high corpse flower vines under Helot's feet.

The elven druids can not only transform themselves into beasts, but are also proficient in summoning beasts to fight for them.

It was because Helot knew the characteristics of the Druid profession in advance that he chose to summon the poisonous vines of the corpse flower at the beginning.

This variant of the corpse flower vine is characterized by its height. Because of its heaviness, it almost gave up the flower crown bite attack and chose to attack with a large range and large dose of toxins. According to Helot's current magic power, the coverage of the toxins of the sky-high corpse flower vine is enough to fill the entire arena.

The moment the game started, the poisonous vines of the corpse flower released a poisonous circle, and the green poisonous mist spread all around along the ground. The grass withered and rotted layer by layer, revealing the wolves hiding inside.

The exposed wolves stood up and transformed into werewolves, revealing their sharp claws and fangs as they pounced on the corpse flower vines.

The druid, who was hiding somewhere, used the energy of the earth to fight the toxins of the corpse flower vines, allowing the grass to cover the poisonous area again.

The giant bear charged at the poisonous corpse flower vines.

The Flint Giant was summoned and blocked the giant bear head to head and shoulder to shoulder.

In the air, crows rushed towards Helot from three directions with two attack cyclones. The sound was amplified by the wind and became even louder. It not only attacked people's hearing, but also had a mental impact similar to the scream of a ghost.

The mental barrier that Helot had reinforced for himself in advance was not afraid of this level of mental attack. He swung the staff sword in his hand, and an arc-shaped air blade was cut out. At this moment, all the flaming fox tail ribbons on his body were wrapped around his right arm, and a lightning-like fire shot out, igniting the cut air blade.

The fire blade exploded, shattering the two cyclones and then cutting the Crow airspace into two.

The crow disintegrated in the air, breaking into yellow-green light particles that fell down.

On the ground, the werewolves that were gnawing on the poisonous vines of the corpse flower were all poisoned, and their bodies were quickly corroded by the toxin and decayed into particles.

The flint giant and the giant bear were still fighting each other.

After blocking a wave of attacks, Helot launched a counterattack.

He raised his staff sword high, the tip of the sword gleaming, and a large magic array unfolded in the air. In the array, magic circuits and floating patterns continued to combine, constructing another magic array upwards, and continued to construct...

The three layers of magic circle were completed and merged into one magic circle.

"Death ray"

The magic circle turned black, and then a gray eye opened. Pale rays shot downward from the eye, and as the eye turned, it plowed the ground again and again. Wherever it passed, the plants were instantly deprived of their life and vaporized. Even the energy of the earth could not replenish the grass.

A boar man over two meters tall stood up from the grass. His upper limbs were extremely strong, making his body look like an inverted triangle. In his hand was a javelin made of earth energy, which he threw with all his might towards the eye that was emitting death rays in the sky.

The powerful energy contained in the spear shattered the eyes.

The boarman once again condensed a javelin and threw it at Helot.

Helot summoned a bone shield to block, then threw a fireball at the boar man.

The boar man transformed into a nimble leopard and burrowed into the grass.

Taking advantage of the geographical position, Helote, who was in a commanding position, set fire to the grassland.

The elven druid countered each move and launched a counterattack from time to time.

In this game, it turned out that a player in his 50s took more initiative than a player in his 70s, which surprised all the spectators watching the game.

The dark horse Broken Bone is too dark!

And the gorgeous magics one after another were like an NPC participating in a competition. If his level was a little higher, even if he had entered the threshold of level 60, perhaps the game would have been over.

On the field, Helot transformed into a magic bomber, constantly covering the grass below with magic. Regardless of the bombing effect, the visual sense was definitely enjoyable, and more and more people came to watch the game.

Especially after several other popular matches ended, the number of viewers for Helot's match jumped to the first place.

Some players have already asserted that Bonebreaker will win this game, but some senior commentators have different opinions. They pointed out that Bonebreaker's seemingly spectacular magic bombardment is actually a waste of his magic power. His opponent has more game experience, defends very well, and his counterattack is also very dangerous.

"Bonebreaker had no choice but to use magic like this because he knew that once he stopped suppressing the magic, he would not be able to withstand the druid's full-force counterattack. That was an absolute power gap that could not be made up by technology.

But according to Bonebreaker's level, he has done very well, and even if he loses, he will still receive praise. "

At this time in the Tomb of Salsas, the Soul Eater who had finished the game continued to explore, occasionally paying attention to Helot's game.

He had been exploring this man-made passage for a day.

It was not because the passage was long, but because a kind of maze-like magic trap was deliberately set up inside. The Soul Eater was trapped in the magic maze, constantly spinning in a circle. He tried many times to use the Eye of True Vision to see the correct path, but the person who set up the magic trap was obviously much stronger than him, and he could not break it by force.

Now you need to find the magic structure used in this magic trap, and then use skills to break it.

The Soul Eater continued to walk back and forth in the maze, carefully feeling the flow of magic energy here and outlining its magic circuits in his mind.

This is a very time-consuming collection and requires repeated verification.

"If Helot encountered this situation, it would be easy for him to solve this maze."

The Soul Eater was confident in his son's knowledge.

But Helot is not here.

He needs more patience to solve the difficulties he encounters.

Fortunately, it does not affect the goal of being the best in the world.

The Soul Eater took another look at Helot's game and said, "It looks like he's going to win again. He's worthy of being my son!"

On the field, Helot continued to maintain high-intensity magic coverage.

Part of the reason is, as some commentators have said, he wants to use magic to suppress the opponent so that he can't release powerful attack skills calmly. His current magic defense strength is not enough to withstand a full-strength attack from a level 71 druid.

Another reason is to paralyze the opponent.

This is because this large-scale magic bombardment consumes a lot of mana, and a fully dominant necromancer is not known for his mana. Even if he has top-grade equipment to supplement his magic power, it can only be increased to the normal level of a mage.

Wait until Bone Crusher has used up all his magic power before attacking again, and you can win easily.

That's what the druid thought.

That's what Helot made him think.

No one knew that the "Old Code" could convert a certain proportion of control into mana. Helot's magic power at this time was much greater than others imagined.

Feeling that his magic power was "exhausted", Helot gradually reduced the strength of his spells.

The audience commented, "As expected..."

Some commentators were even more excited: "Look, Bone Crusher is no longer effective! His attack won't pose much of a threat to a level 71 high-level player, and will instead quickly drain his mana.

But he had no choice, and probably wanted to use a gorgeous magic show to complete his personal farewell to this "World's No. 1" competition.

Thanks to Broken Bone's wonderful performance, I think maybe in two years, he will be qualified to compete for the second place in the world.

Look, Druid's counterattack has begun. He is a very strong player with a very good sense of timing. "

In the stadium, a large flock of crows flew up from the grass.

They first scattered, then attacked Broken Bone from all directions. At this time, Broken Bone's magic power was almost exhausted. Although he tried his best to use magic to kill the crows that attacked him, there were too many crows, and his magic was no longer so sharp.

The crows approached, some of them gathered to form an Elf Druid, and the other crows gathered behind the Druid to form a pair of crow wings. The Druid showed the claw sword equipped with both hands, rushed forward, swung the claw sword to cut out three long blades, and cut off the poisonous vines of the Sky-reaching Corpse Flower.

Helot spread his silver wings in time and avoided falling.

The druid obviously knew through intelligence channels that Bonebreaker's Silver Armor had the ability to fly, so he temporarily added a flying transformation to himself. Now he, who was good at close combat, was close, but the mage had no magic power.

Victory is within reach.

The Druid pressed forward, ready to end the match with a quick and fierce combo.

However, he heard his opponent say, "Got you!"

The druid's combat instinct told him that something was wrong, and he quickly changed from charging forward to retreating, reacting extremely quickly.

But Helot has already closed the net.

Powerful magic energy burst out from his body and concentrated at a point in front of his eyes.

Mind attack!

The druid thought that Helot had no magic power left, so he didn't put on too strong defense. He thought it was just a harvest, but he never expected that his opponent still had magic power, and so much of it.

how can that be!

The audience also thought it was impossible.

Because even if you add up the highest mana values ​​of level 50 equipment, it is impossible for there to be too much magic power left after Bone Crusher releases so many large-scale spells.

You can’t take medicine in competition.

Where does Bonebreaker get so much magic power?

In the air above the stadium.

This time, the druid was facing each other, and received the full-power mental attack at close range, and immediately lost control of his body. Then, he was kicked away by Helot, flying in a parabola in the air, and finally fell outside the field.

The negative state of the mind crit ended, and the druid got up from the ground outside the field. His physical strength of level 71 was still good, and the heavy attack did not cause fatal damage, but according to the rules of the game... he lost.

The two teleported away from the arena.

Players have started math competitions, counting on their fingers the maximum amount of mana that Bonebreaker possesses, and then calculating the approximate mana consumption of each of his spells based on the game videos.

No matter how you calculate, you can't predict that he will have enough magic power left, releasing enough magic power to put a level 71 druid out of control.

This kind of control spell has a very poor effect when used by a low-level spell against a high-level spell. There is a gap of two levels between the two, and Bone Crusher needs to be injected with very high magic power to cause the druid to lose control.

But I can’t figure out where the magical power of Broken Bones comes from?

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