My cemetery is connected to the game world.

Chapter 37 Emergency Change of Direction


Dorotea was surprised that Herot actually proposed to buy food for her.

Living food is not necessary for vampires. Vampires can eat it or not. There is nothing that a glass of blood wine cannot solve. Even if there is no supply of blood and wine, the vampire will not starve to death. At most, the power it can exert will be reduced.

This is the advantage of the undead compared to the living. Basically, there is no need to consider logistics.

Dorotea said firmly: "I don't need food!"

"No, you need it!"

"Why do you think I need food?"

"Do you know why the Zhanlan Association purchases food in large quantities?"

Dorotea looked at Herot and replied: "They use food to win over the creatures who believe in death. I warn you, I will never allow you to sell food to the Azure Society. Once their power is restored, they will definitely rob my Scorched Earth City. "

Herot took out another bottle of wine and a wine glass.

He first poured half a glass of bright red wine into the wine glass, then took out a knife and made a cut in the palm of his hand.

The smell of blood instantly stimulated the vampire's instinct. Sharp fangs protruded from the corners of Dorothea's mouth, and her eyes became even redder.

She didn't know what the broken bone Heroot wanted to do, so she sat there and watched quietly with restraint.

Helot clenched his hands and dripped his own blood into the wine glass. The blood halo spread and quickly merged with the wine.

After the bleeding stopped, Herot pushed the wine mixed with his own blood to Dorothea.

"The needs of living beings for food are not only to fill their stomachs, but delicious food is irresistible bait for them. Therefore, the food transported across planes by the Azure Society at high prices can win over the living beings who believe in death.

You can do the same. "

Dorothea picked up the wine glass and took a sip. Her eyes immediately shrank sharply. She couldn't help but take a big sip, then raised her neck and drank the rest of the wine.

Relishing the lingering fragrance lingering on her tongue, she couldn't help but ask, "What kind of wine is this?"

"Wine! A wine made from fruits that grow in the sun. The more sunshine, the better the quality." Helot said with a smile.

The main food source in the Land of the Dead is bread mushrooms, and the taste of this stuff is hard to describe. In the player communication forum, as soon as bread mushrooms are mentioned, there will be tons of complaints. The wine brewed by bread mushrooms was also sprayed all over the body.

Therefore, among the players, there is also a group of merchants who transport food to the Land of Death. However, the carrying capacity of space luggage is limited, and the tolls are still high, so the price of food in the Land of Death has always been high.

But no matter how high it is, there are still players who consume it. After all, it is much cheaper than running to the living plane by yourself.

Food is a consumable product. After eating one meal and thinking about the next, it is definitely a business that can make a lot of money.

Herot discovered that he must have inherited his mother’s excellent business genes.

Dorotea recalled the aroma of the wine and asked Herot: "Wine is a rare delicacy for vampires, but why should I purchase food to win over the creatures who believe in death? The undead are the masters here."

"The undead are the masters of the land of death, but vampires are not." Herot continued to pour wine for Dorothea: "Some undead believe that vampires are not pure undead. The Lord of the City should know that."

Herot pushed the wine without blood to Dorothea.

Dorotea corrected: "It's not that some undead, but many undead think so."

"So, you are not favored, and even when faced with the collapse of order in the rotten wasteland, your subordinates dare to oppose you. If you just want to defend Scorched Earth City, you can continue the old ruling strategy; but if you have Aim higher and if you don’t make new strategic adjustments, your end will come soon.”

These words were very harsh, but Herot's identity allowed Dorothea to suppress her anger and listen quietly.

"How to adjust?"

"Maybe you haven't realized it yet, but you are doing it. Winning over the Azure Society is actually winning over the creatures who believe in death. It's just that you don't realize what benefits wooing the Life Sect can really bring to Scorched Earth City."

"Other than letting them fight for me, I can't think of any use for the Psychiatrists."

Helot has become accustomed to not having too high demands on Dorotea's enlightenment. Seeing that she had drained the wine in the glass, he patiently explained while pouring the wine: "The survival of living beings will inevitably produce the circulation of materials, that is, transactions. The more frequent the transactions, the larger the scale, and the faster wealth will be accumulated. Scorched Earth City If we can extract more taxes from it, we will naturally be able to get money for military expansion."

Dorotea is still very sensitive about money.

You must know that she gave Herot an official position and a status equivalent to the captain of the Vampire Guard Squadron, and even gave him a personal guard, but she didn't spend a single coin.

Dorotea sipped the wine, her ears twitching: "Keep talking!"

"Scorched Earth City is one of the few cities in the land of death that is willing to accept living beings, but the food supply determines that the population of living beings that the city can bear has reached its limit. If a large amount of cheap food from the living world enters Scorched Earth City at this time, it will definitely spread Creatures from all over the Land of Death are attracted here.

At that time, City Lord, you only need to lie down and collect the money, and you will also have money to buy more and better weapons from me. "

Dorothea thought about it for a while, and then expressed her concerns.

"A large number of creatures coming to Scorched Earth City will definitely enhance the strength of the Azure Society."

"Lord City Lord, moving closer to the Creature Sect is your biggest and possibly only advantage in fighting for hegemony in the Rotten Wilderness in the future. There is no fundamental conflict between the philosophy of the Azure Society and the purpose you want to achieve. They want land, just give them a piece of it.

Instead, they need your legal recognition of their access to land. The Land of Death is the place where the undead die. No matter how powerful the forces of the living beings are, they cannot shake the rule of the undead here. "

After listening to Helot's analysis, Dorotea's spirit immediately improved, and the resentment accumulated at the meeting was swept away.

She drank all the wine in one gulp and praised Heroot: "You are simply the wisdom given to me by the God of Death. Last time I let the soul eaters slip away from me, this time I will never let you go again." .When the soul eaters change their minds and come back to me, with you brothers, who will still be my opponent in this rotten wilderness!


Don't just laugh!

My advice is undoubtedly going to help you survive from the dead end and then rise to the top, so you can just praise me with a few words while smelling of alcohol?

What about real rewards?

But Helot waited until the end and did not wait for Dorothea's reward. Instead, she snatched away the remaining wine.

Euphemistically called: they are all from the same family.

Who is your family member?

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