My cemetery is connected to the game world.

Chapter 361: The Book Thief Chick

In the next two games, Helot's opponents were ordinary players of level 50+... and he won easily.

Qiu Shui invited Yue Xian to fight, and Jiu Zui Qian Lan also had a fight.

All of the Soul Eater's opponents surrendered.

There was no difficulty on any day of the competition.

The preliminary round was over, and the Soul Eaters went to investigate the Tomb of Salsas. Qiushui Yaoyuexian and Jiuzui Qiandeng showed no sign of leaving.

Because the other party was present, the two women didn't know how to explain their other purpose for coming here.

Helot took out the bottle he got from Qiushui Yaoyuexian and said, "I made a wrong judgment! These are soul fire particles, but they are not the soul fire particles of the Sorrowful King. As long as the quantity is not large, it is not dangerous to use...

Do you want to take it back? Or do you want to let me study it?"

Since Helot had said this in front of Jiuzui Qiandeng, Qiushui Yaoyuexian simply replied: "We are relieved once we confirm that there is no danger. Can I know what research you are going to do with it?"

"Just like you, I use these particles to make my own energy transporter. Jiuzui Qianzhan is now cooperating with me to do experiments in this area, and our cooperation is going very smoothly."

Qiu Shui invited Yue Xian to see Jiu Zui Qian Lan and found out the reason why she stayed.

Then he said to Helot: "I have reported the benefits of giving you the particles to study to my superiors. We only have one request, which is that we hope you can share your research results with us."

Among the group of players, no one understands souls better than the Soul Eaters.

If I could get the Soul Eater research line at the cost of one particle, it would definitely be a good deal. And since I could get two soul particles from the Yamata no Orochi Guild, I could get two more!

Helot: "Of course we can share our research with you, and you also need to share your research with us."

"Deal!" Qiushui Yaoyuexian readily agreed: "I'm leaving... I still have a lot of intelligence on potential opponents to look at."

Qiu Shui and Yue Xian left contentedly.

Jiuzui Qiandeng stared at the bottle in Helot's hand and asked, "Are these the particles floating in the sky above the Rotten Royal Court?"

"Yes!" Helot used the method Frank taught him to make the particles inside emit light, and then said: "Even the Soul Eaters and I have not found a way to collect this thing. I don't know how the Yamata no Orochi Guild did it. The knowledge of this world is as vast as the ocean. No matter how much knowledge one or two people have, there will be blank areas."

Jiuzui Qianzhan looked at the glowing thing in the bottle and actually showed a trace of fear: "I heard that these particles...some people became brain dead because of collecting these particles."

"What else do you know about this particle?"

Jiuzui Qianzhang shook his head: "This is the top secret of the Yamata no Orochi Guild. If you want to know, I can find a way."

"No need!" Helot refused: "This kind of secret cannot be kept secret. The Yamata no Orochi Guild is in a very awkward position now. Everyone wants to win him over, and everyone has the ability to kill him. They can now use this unique thing to get the best of both worlds, but sooner or later they will have to hand it over!

Unless... they can gain the power to become the third pole in the game world."

"Yes! The guild is now making a huge gamble. They have put all their strength on the corrupt plot of the Sorrowful King and are madly exploiting everyone. What I have heard and seen has made me extremely eager to gain a powerful force that can protect me and my family when I need to resist."

Helot nodded in agreement: "We all have families that need protection."

Jiuzui Qiandeng asked enthusiastically: "So...what is today's special training?"

Helot shook the bottle in his hand: "Since Qiushui Yaoyuexian lent me her particles, I have some new ideas. This is actually the soul fire particle of the undead dragon, and the undead dragon is the ultimate form of the undead created by the god of death. The soul fire must have properties that we don’t understand yet.

One of them should be to break through the world barriers and accelerate the exchange of energy.

This is the theory, but how to implement it requires experimentation.

Before that, I need to assess the strength of your soul. Since I cannot touch you, I can only reach your soul through energy penetration. It may cause damage to your soul, and the process will be very painful. "

Jiuzui Qiandeng smiled and said firmly: "I just want strength, I am not afraid of pain."

A picture suddenly came to Helot's mind, and he couldn't help but say, "Very exciting! Let's start..."

Helot and Jiuzui Qianzhan began to experiment with souls and fragments of the undead dragon's soul fire.

In the Immortal Tower, the starry sky is like a search engine embedded in the knowledge base. He finds relevant books according to his needs, reads them, and passes the content to Helot, sometimes adding his own understanding.

However, when he was looking for books related to the Undead Dragon Soul Fire, he found that some books were missing.

Xingkong told Aisheliya about this. Aisheliya found that the books were really not on the original bookshelf. She immediately yelled angrily: "It was that bastard Chike who did it! Halikaran, Halikaran!"

The entire Immortal Tower was filled with Asheliya's screams, which frightened the other Immortal Mages so much that they trembled.

"Here I come!" Harry Karan flew up on the gray crow, looking timid as he thought about what he had done to make Aisheliya angry: "Did I do something wrong again?"

"You're wrong to know Chick!" Aisheliya pointed at the bookshelf and said, "How do you explain this book thief who borrowed a book from here last time and didn't return it?"

Harry Karan was helpless: "I remember you helped him find these books, right?"

"Why didn't you stop me?"

If Harry Karan had eyes, they would have popped out of his head.

"Me? Is this my fault?"

"It's not your fault! Is it my fault?" Aisheliya put her hands on her hips and said, "Find Chike and ask him to return the borrowed books."

Harry Carron: "I wonder where Chick lives?"

"Don't you know you can't find it?" Aisheliya turned her head and said to Xingkong, "You are the one who found out the book is missing. You are responsible for taking this stupid skeleton to find Chike."

Xingkong was also a little dumbfounded. Although I wanted to find Chike, what did the responsibility of losing the book have to do with me?

But looking at the performance of Harry Karan, you can tell that there is no point in reasoning with Aisheliya, he just does whatever she tells him to do... and avoids getting scolded.

"Okay, I'll find Chick."

After sharing the responsibility for losing the book, Aisheliya turned around and flew away in anger.

Harry Karan finally dared to move: "How do we find Chick?"

Xingkong asked, "When did Chick borrow these books?"

"While we are translating the Book of God."

Xingkong asked again: "What is in the Book of God? I need to check these books related to the Undead Dragon Soul Fire."

Harry Karan thought for a moment and shook his head in confusion: "I don't remember. Aisheliya and I only remember that we once translated the Book of God with Chike, but now we can't remember the contents of the Book of God. Aisheliya's bad temper is also related to the translation of the Book of God. Her temper was not so terrible before!"

After saying that, Harry Karan immediately looked around in fear, fearing that what he had just said was heard by Aisheliya.

Xingkong remembered what Chike had said to him.

"Young dead soul, there are some things you cannot understand, and some things you cannot see. When God is about to descend, only those who possess divinity are qualified to receive God's items."

“It’s normal, Aishelia and Harikaran didn’t know what I was talking about at the time.

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