The huge amount of information provided by Helot kept Qiushui Yaoyuexian's brain working non-stop. If things really developed as he said, the struggles among the major guilds inside and outside the game would become more intense.

Everything must give way to survival!

Therefore any means will be allowed!

Qiu Shui Yao Yue Xian's He Luo Te asked: "Can you help me... or should I say, do us a favor?"

"The Shanhai Fengshen Guild's request for my help must be a big deal. Tell me first. If it's within my ability, I won't refuse."

"Have you ever heard of the Redemption Society?"

Helot thought for a moment and said, "It's a strange name. It's definitely not among the top ten super guilds."

Qiushui Yaoyuexian: "Yes, it is not one of the top ten super guilds, and it is not even a large guild, but it has actually completed the control of several super guilds."

Helot was very surprised: "Will Redemption be so powerful?"

Qiushui Yaoyuexian explained: "The Redemption Society was originally a commercial guild established by several multinational consortiums. They have been promoting the apocalypse theory since the emergence of this strange game, selling their doomsday fortress to wealthy people all over the world, and making a lot of money from ticket sales. Now, as the game's impact on the real world increases, many guild leaders and top players have been lured over by them.

Even within our Shanhai Fengshen Society, there are people working for the Redemption Society, and I have received their secret invitations as well."

Helot said, "What do you want me to do?"

"Venom, ranked second on the rank list, publicly joined the Redemption Society and publicly displayed the skills he acquired from the game in his live broadcast room, preaching that the Redemption Society's superheroes will save the world.

He even openly challenged... the Soul Eater during the live broadcast!"

Qiu Shui asked Yue Xian to send a video to Heluot.

Helot still had some impression of Venom, not only because he had been able to occupy the second place in the ranking for a long time, but also because this guy was very high-profile.

Venomous is the most popular anchor. He has a high level, good skills, and is willing to share his understanding of the game. He has a lot of fanatical fans.

It's just that this guy was extremely unlucky in all the previous "Number One in the World" competitions, and was eliminated in all of them because of premature encounters with Soul Eaters. During his live broadcast, Meng Du often challenged Qiu Shui Yao Yue Xian, but Qiu Shui Yao Yue Xian never gave him any response.

Therefore, in the eyes of many players, Qiu Shui Yao Yue Xian's title of the second best in the world is not true. Her luck is really too good. She encountered the Soul Eater in the finals for three consecutive times.

It is understandable that Meng Du challenges Qiu Shui Yao Yue Xian. After all, they have never fought in the world's number one competition.

But this guy dares to challenge the Soul Eater. Is it because he has taken too many drugs?

Helot opened the video with great curiosity.

This was the first time Helot saw the true appearance of Venom.

In the game, Venom's character is a Tauren Lightning Shaman, holding a battle axe in one hand for close combat and a lightning flag in the other hand to summon thunder. The attack attribute is maxed out, and the simple and intuitive violent output makes the live broadcast effect very exciting.

The real Venom is a very muscular white man, wearing a Viking horn helmet and a beard tied into small braids. He sits in a comfortable chair, with a table full of beer and food. He holds a beer bottle in one hand and drinks it in big gulps, while the other hand continuously applies electricity between his fingers.

He was madly killing monsters in the game, talking nonsense all the time, using all kinds of slang and dirty words.

Ignoring those unpleasant swear words, Venom is indeed constantly exporting the heroic savior theory: the impact of the game on the real world will inevitably trigger a super evolution, and the evil monsters in the game will one day break into the real world.

"The end of the world will surely come, and countless ordinary people will die. Don't trust the gun in your hand, as bullets cannot penetrate the shield created by spells or skills. Also, don't believe that all beings are equal under nuclear war. Truly powerful creatures will not die unless they are directly hit by a nuclear bomb, and perhaps they will not die even if they are directly hit.

Only we, the awakened heroes, can save the world and protect human civilization.

I have seen some other awakened heroes, and their strength is far inferior to mine. It is no exaggeration to say that... I am the most powerful person now, and those rich people are trying to please me, hoping that I can protect them..."

When Venom was bragging, someone in the livestream said, "The most powerful person must be the Soul Eater."

Venom sneered: "I admit that the Soul Eater is very powerful in the game, but in the real world, he may be a weakling. Anyway, I know some guys who awakened and can use undead magic, and they almost killed themselves.

The Soul Eater is so powerful because he transformed himself into a lich, but in the real world, he is probably just a sick guy who can barely breathe when he walks.

Believe me, he is an autistic patient with no social skills. He doesn't even dare to come out of his room that stinks like a cesspool.

Soul Eater, you bastard, I challenge you. Tell me the time and place, and I will shove your head up your asshole in front of everyone in the world...”

Helot closed the video and said to Qiushui Yaoyuexian: "I know you showed me this video to stir up my hatred for Mengdu. You succeeded!"

If Qiushui Yaoyuexian showed this video to the Soul Eater, he would probably treat this guy as an idiot and continue to ignore him.

But Helot would not allow others to insult his father.

Qiushui Yaoyuexian said: "Mengdu is live streaming most of the time, so it is not difficult to track his whereabouts. It's just that Mengdu is very powerful. Not only is the Redemption Society behind him, but also his former employer, the 'Stars and Stripes' Guild.

We have always had the plan to hunt him down when Meng Du is broadcasting live, but if too few people go, we can't kill him, and if too many people go, we will be easily exposed. If we fail, he will curse us all over the world.

If you can kill him once, we will give you a high reward."

Helot said: "Venom is ranked second in the level ranking. I'm not even level 60. How can you have such confidence in me?"

Qiushui Yaoyuexian smiled and said, "Other people may not understand you, but I know your details very well. The nominal ruler of Jiaotu City is Duoluotiia, and you are just a player who got lucky and got on her good side. But in reality, it's just the opposite. You are the real ruler of Jiaotu City, and Duoluotiia got on your good side.

No matter how strong Venom is, there is still a big gap between it and the powerful NPCs. The Rotten Court is your brothers' home ground, so hunting Venom can only be considered a difficult challenge for you."

Helot thought about it.

The vicious one must be taught a lesson.

Qiu Shui has asked Yue Xian to help him so many times, it’s time to return her favor.

Besides, they still give money.

"I will give him an unforgettable hunt."

Hailuot accepted the task, Qiushui Yaoyuexian asked: "How much is your fee? How much is it for killing Mengdu once? I'll have someone prepare the money."

Helot smiled and said, "After you see the effect, you can give me any price you want, but I only want game currency."

Qiushui Yaoyuexian was originally worried that Helot Lion would ask for too much, but "any price you want" was equivalent to just charging a friendly price. He only accepted game currency because he was afraid of being tracked by people if he accepted real money.

"I understand! If you ask the Soul Eater's brother to kill someone, we will definitely give you a price that matches your status."

"Give me the information about the poison. The more detailed the better."

"no problem!"

Qiu Shui invites Yue Xian to say goodbye to Heluo Te.

It wasn't long before the detailed information about the poison was delivered to Helot.

Star-Spangled Dragon is one of the top ten super guilds. After becoming a Lightning Shaman through an encounter, Venomous Dragon received full training from Star-Spangled Dragon Guild and was able to secure the second place in the ranking list most of the time.

Meng Du was not in the same physique as he is now before. He was severely obese back then.

From the moment magic began to appear sporadically in the real world, Meng Du's body quickly transformed into the muscular man he is today.

Meng Du has a very high understanding of the game world and has his own unique fighting style. He is extremely powerful in both close combat and long-range attack. Except for the Soul Eater, no player dares to say that he will definitely win, so he has the confidence to constantly challenge Qiu Shui Yao Yue Xian.

As for his strength outside the game, the Shanhai Fengshen Guild does not have a high opinion of him.

Venom is more because of his popularity, becoming a salesman that the Redemption Society has lured in. Just by randomly picking a few actors and having them lose a few games, the illusion that he is the first savior is created.

He drank and ate without restraint, and took advantage of his improved physical fitness to eat "drugs" like candy. When the drugs took effect, he was even more outspoken and dared to curse anyone.

When he is no longer useful, he will definitely be redeemed and abandoned like garbage.

But now Mengdu, a powerful and popular troll, is really useful.

People like Qiushui Yaoyuexian would definitely not argue with Mengdu. If he accepted his challenge, winning would be a given, "You are the second best in the world"; if he lost, he would be scolded even more miserably, "This is what the second best in the world is?"

After reading Meng Du's information, Heluot took the time to watch a few of his live broadcasts. He could deeply understand how Qiu Shui Yao Yuexian felt when facing such a person.

Moreover, Mengdu kept provoking the Soul Eater during his live broadcast, and because the Soul Eater did not respond, he cursed even more harshly.

The way to death!

Prepare to hunt Venom...

In the following period of time, Helot familiarized himself with the poison while teaching Drunk Thousand Lamp.

Although I can't go to the player world, I need someone there to do things for me.

In order to teach Jiuzui Qianzhan better, Heluote also asked Xingkong to read more books related to the sacred professions, especially Jiuzui Qianzhan's profession "Priest".

Priest is a jack-of-all-trades profession that can resist injuries, attack, assist, and heal. It can be put into any team combination, or act alone. It can't be the best in every aspect, but it wins in being very comprehensive.

Just like being drunk, leave things to her, she may not do the best, but she won't mess it up for you.

Real life has made Jiuzui Qianzhan develop a very self-disciplined habit. She can handle the work of the Yamata no Orochi Guild, the Eight-Arched Ape Guild, the Death Chamber of Commerce, and the Death Legion at the same time, and can also be available to Helot at any time.

One teaches with heart, the other learns with heart, and Jiuzui Qiandeng's ability to interpret spells outside the game grows rapidly.

One day after the teaching, Drunk Qianzhang said to Helot: "Today, I was called to take the test again. Fortunately, you taught me the technique to suppress the magic power, otherwise I would have been discovered like the others.

The pressure from a big country scares the big guys. The ugliness of reality is more distorted than in the movies. They will go crazy sooner or later. If it weren't for you, I would probably go crazy with them.

I really enjoy the sacred feeling you interpreted for me, which makes me feel like my soul has been cleansed. But what I don't understand is... you are obviously a necromancer, why are you so familiar with the sacred spells, one of which is positive energy and the other is negative energy. "

Helot explained: "Energy is never opposite. On the contrary, different energies have many points of mutual connection. Positive and negative can offset each other, but they will not destroy each other as the purpose of their existence. Understanding the opposite energy actually helps to understand the energy you are good at.

I found that some players simply define holy energy as justice and all negative energy as evil. Consolidating justice by criticizing evil can certainly significantly improve one's own strength, but this kind of holiness is narrow-minded. Because in order to maintain justice, evil must exist, and if there is no evil, evil will be created.

Holiness is a pure magical energy, and death is also a pure magical energy. Only by treating different energies objectively and equally can we truly understand and utilize them..."

After saying this, Helot also demonstrated a ball of purifying fire that he had summoned.

Although there is the offset of its own negative energy, it can still maintain a visible white ball of fire.

This made Jiuzui Qiandeng look a little obsessed.

After a while, when Helot extinguished the purifying fire, Jiuzui Qiandeng remembered something important: "I got an important clue about the Azure Society. I should be able to get their accurate intelligence tomorrow."

"Very good, I'll wait for your news tomorrow." Then Helot asked again: "Last time I transferred energy to your body in the game, and now I have some new ideas. Are you willing to cooperate with me in the experiment?"

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