My cemetery is connected to the game world.

Chapter 343 Return to the Ice Castle

Outside the north wall of the ice castle, tens of thousands of undead stood on the ice field, their bodies covered with ice and snow, icicles hanging between the bones of their skeletons, and the outer layer of the zombies was wrapped in ice.

Helot and Melissa walked to the city gate, and the watchman on the top of the city shouted inside: "Her Royal Highness Princess Snow is back! Mr. Claulund is back with Her Royal Highness the Princess!"

The thick city gate was opened, and the watchers gathered inside the gate, looking at Helot and Melissa in surprise. In fact, most people did not think that Princess Emma Lubeli could come back. The loss of the cold demon was equivalent to the natural death of humans. This was an irreversible rule.

But Princess Emma Rubelle was standing there now. Even though the color of her eyes and hair had changed, everyone who knew her knew that this was the pride of the snowy mountain... the Snow Princess.

The watchmen made way to welcome Princess Emma Rubelle and saluted Mr. Claulund for saving the princess.

Helot and Melissa walked into the city gate together.

The castle gate in front opened and Duke Erwin walked out quickly.

When he saw Melissa, his face was also full of surprise. He walked up to his daughter and took a closer look at her, and said excitedly: "Welcome home, my daughter!"

"Father! It was Mr. Claulund who saved me."

Duke Erwin turned to Helot and said, "You really brought my daughter back healthy! Come, let's go into the castle and talk. I can't wait to hear your adventure stories. They must be very exciting."

Duke Erwin walked into the castle holding Princess Emma Luberi in one hand and Helot in the other, shouting, "Tell the kitchen to prepare a table of food quickly, and go to the cellar to bring up my treasured wine."

Duke Erwin had also been to the polar regions for training, and he knew that what people who came back from the polar regions wanted most was a hearty meal and some warm wine. So he took Helot and Princess Emma Lubeli straight to the restaurant, urging the chef to serve the food as soon as possible.

After sitting down at the main seat, Duke Erwin noticed that a woman in a smock had been following Helot. The woman lifted her hood, found a random seat and sat down without saying a word, with an arrogant and hateful look on her face.

The strong feeling of pressure made Duke Erwin nervous. He could feel the woman's power, and this feeling of oppression was very familiar.

Duke Elwin was secretly on guard and asked Helot, "Who is this lady? She doesn't seem to be from the Ice Castle."

Helot asked Keshia: "Do you want to introduce yourself? Or should I introduce you?"

At this time, the chef brought some appetizers. Kaishia pulled the dishes in front of her and started eating them without answering Helot's questions.

Kaishia's submission was an order from the great polar being, and she was dissatisfied with Helot.

Melissa introduced: "Father... this is Madam Keshiya."

Hearing this name, Duke Erwin was so surprised that he almost jumped out of his chair.

Ever since the Elwin family built the ice castle on the snowy peak of the iceberg, Madam Keshia and her tribe have been constantly attacking the castle. It is unknown how many members of the Elwin family have died at the hands of this madam. come this Madam Kaishiya is a human?

"Are you kidding me?"

"They are not kidding you!" Kaishiya stopped eating, looked at Duke Erwin and said contemptuously: "I am Kaishiya, but I am no longer the mistress..."

As she spoke, Kaishiya's appearance changed, her skin crystallized and she looked like a cold demon.

Duke Erwin recognized the voice and the familiar face. He stood up, and his body quickly transformed after the Northern Lights bloodline was activated, and a solid ice blade condensed in his hand.

Helot quickly stood up and shouted at Keshiya: "What are the orders I gave you, Keshiya? Don't provoke me, otherwise you will never be able to return to the polar region."

Kaishia glanced at Helot, changed back into human form, and continued to eat.

Duke Elvin could not quite understand this scene. If he had not recognized that this person was Madam Keshiya, he would have even thought that this Keshiya was a fake.

How could Madam Kaishiya obey the orders of a human?

Being scolded, he didn't resist at all!

Seeing that his daughter was sitting there without moving, Duke Elvin lifted the cold demon state and waved his hand to let the guards who rushed in go out.

He stared at Kaishiya who was eating, not daring to relax at all, and asked, "Who can explain it?"

"Let me tell you..." Helot sat down and told the story of the bond between Keshia and the Elvin family.

Duke Elvin could not have imagined that Madam Keshiya, who had been fighting with his family for hundreds of years, was actually the ancestor of his family.

He drank the entire glass of liquor in one gulp, unable to suppress the complex emotions in his heart: "No wonder the family origin story left by our ancestors is so strange. His father was killed by his beloved cold demon, and he himself was almost killed by the cold demon's mother. His twin sister became the mortal enemy of the Erwin family.

Keshia, I should kill you here and end this hatred."

The family's mortal enemy entered the ice castle alone, which was the best opportunity to surround and kill her.

Helot reminded Duke Erwin: "Keshiya is my servant now!"

Duke Erwin stared at Keshiya and said to Helot beside him: "Her hands are stained with the blood of the Erwin family. Hand her over to me. You can ask me for any conditions you want."

Madam Keshiya looked at Duke Elvin and prepared for a fight.

Helot said: "My Lord Duke, you should know that there are some great beings in the depths of the polar regions. They are the creators of the polar regions. Keshiya's mother did not kill the ancestors of the Elche family. It was the will of some great being or they jointly conveyed.

Now Keshia is carrying another will of the great beings."

Duke Erwin: "What is the order?"

Helot went on to talk about what happened in the polar base, especially the polar ecology created by the great beings: "They used ice walls and storms to isolate the polar region from the outside world, leaving only the icebergs and snow peaks as an exit. The ice castle could be built here because they assumed that the Elvin family belonged to the polar region."

Duke Erwin calmed his somewhat agitated emotions.

If there had not been the intervention of the great polar being, the child born from the union of the human and the cold demon would have surely died, and naturally there would have been no Elche family today.

Now Kaishiya is carrying out the mission assigned to her by the great polar beings. If I kill Kaishiya here, it will obviously anger the great polar beings.

Duke Erwin restrained his edge again: "Of course I respect the great beings in the polar regions."

Kaishiya sneered: "This is your best chance to kill me. After I complete my mission, I will still kill all of you!"

Emma Lu Bailey said at this time: "Your first opponent is me."

Kaishiya said disdainfully: "You are all going to die!"

Kaishiya's arrogant attitude made the atmosphere in the restaurant tense again.

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