Xingkong stood up, closed the book in his hand, and a piece of armor on his upper arm popped open to reveal the storage room inside. He stuffed the book into the storage room, closed the armor, and then pulled out the two-handed sword from behind.

The silver skull turned towards the attacking player bandits, green soul fire flickering in its eye sockets.

"The Rotten King's Court is ahead. Thank you for the ride. We will separate here."

After that, several nozzles extended from different positions of the Starry Sky Armor, and high-pressure air jets pushed the steel body into the air. Then a stronger air jet erupted, and the Starry Sky soared into the sky, and disappeared in the gray clouds in the sky in the blink of an eye.

The four members of "Thunderbolt 403" looked up at the gray sky, but could not find the mysterious passenger.

Black and White Peach: "Did he... run away?"

Yanyu Chuhua: "It seems like he ran away!"

"When he drew his sword, I thought he was going to help us fend off the bandits."

"That's what I thought."

Yu Yaowan and Shu Cha Cha came over on their skeleton horses and said, "Boss, what should we do?"

Yanyu Chuhua waved the magic wand in her hand: "Fight with them!"

More than a dozen skeletons were summoned by Yanyu Chuhua, and then the other three companions were commanded to form a battle formation. There were four barrels of magic gems in the carriage. Even though he knew that there was a high probability that the whole group would be wiped out, he still wanted to drag a few people to drop levels with him.

In front of us, the skeleton horses were galloping, creating a cloud of dust. We could see fifteen player bandits. They were all wearing black linen smocks, black turbans to hide their identities, and cowboy hats, just like they were in a western movie.

There was no way to escape in this vast wilderness.

Negotiation is impossible, as the player bandit’s goal is very clear… they want both money and their lives.

The bandits were getting closer and closer. Yanyu Chuhua and the others held their weapons tightly, ready for the first round of attack.

At this moment, a whistling sound suddenly came from the sky, as sharp as the whistling of a bomb before it hits the ground in movies and TV dramas.

Then a black shadow slammed into the ground, and the potential energy of the fall broke through the hard ground, raising the dirt and rocks more than ten meters high. Accompanied by a shock wave, a huge sound spread outward.

The player bandit who was rushing in the front was covered in the smoke and dust. He could not see what was happening in the smoke and dust, but he could see three white lights flying up into the sky and disappearing into the horizon in an instant.

That was the white light of the player's death. Judging from the path, he crossed the plane and returned to his own plane to be resurrected.

The remaining player bandits immediately stopped the running skeleton horses in the face of the attack. They reorganized into a circle with various weapons in hand, and the mages quickly cast status magic on themselves and their companions.

Their skillful response to emergencies showed that they were by no means ordinary player robbers, but trained professional players.

The mud and rocks fell, revealing a deep pit in the middle. Although there was smoke and dust, a black figure could still be seen floating up from the pit. When the smoke and dust became lighter, the shape of the black figure appeared.

Yanyu Chuhua and the others immediately shouted excitedly...

Brother Bonebreaker is reliable!

He prevented the alchemical creatures from escaping!

It was Xingkong who intercepted the robbers with a falling bombardment posture. The steam engine installed inside the armor allowed him to maintain a stable floating posture, and the heavy two-handed giant sword was easily held in one hand. The magic array built into the armor was activated layer by layer, and black flames like ribbons surrounded him.

The engine's afterburner made a huge roar, and the strong airflow raised the dust that had just fallen.

With a loud bang, the starry sky burst out from the dust.

What is this!

The players and bandits who saw the starry sky for the first time couldn't help but show surprised expressions.

Is this an alchemical puppet?

No... the alchemical puppet cannot perform such delicate movements.

Could it be an alchemical creature that evolved from an alchemical puppet?

The player bandits did not have much time to judge, because the attack had already arrived, and the two-handed giant sword was swung to cut out an arc-shaped sword aura of more than ten meters.

As long as one has a little practical experience, one can tell the power contained in this strike from the sharp sound of breaking through the air.

The bandits used their long-standing collective defense skills, tacitly activating their defense skills at the same time. The mage players combined their defense skills in series to form a solid defense wall.

Xingkong swept forward with all his strength and hit the defensive wall, causing a loud bang.

The player bandits were unharmed.

One of the players took over the command and shouted, "The enemy is suspected to be an alchemical creature. Judging from the attack strength, the level is between 50 and 60. It is a small boss. We can deal with it. Use the E87 tactic to assist in paying attention to everyone's status and increase the blood line in time.

superior! "

The player bandits once again demonstrated their excellent qualities and completed the changes to the new formation with simple commands. Two players who were obviously melee professions rushed straight from the middle, and four other assistants detoured from the two sides. The others found their positions and prepared for a boss battle.

Two skeleton hands were released by the wizard and reached out to the starry sky. A large spider web was also woven in the air.

Facing the siege, two larger nozzles extended from Xingkong's back. With full thrust, he rushed up into the sky like a cannonball, and drilled through the gaps that the spider web had not yet sealed. The two skeleton hands even grabbed nothing.

At this time, Xingkong also realized that this was definitely a professional player team that only a large player guild could afford, and it was very likely from a super player guild.

As the Mourning King's decay approaches, the players following the plot are becoming more and more crazy.

Facing such a team, timely risk avoidance is a good choice. But Xingkong did not leave, but accumulated a certain amount of energy and dived down again.

He accelerated headfirst, running the engine to the maximum. The black flames around him became more intense, and the soul fire in his eyes filled his eye sockets. He raised his two-handed giant sword, and all the accumulated energy was transferred to the sword, which looked as if there was a black dragon entwined.

There was a continuous sound of thunder in the sky, and the sword was smashing down with such domineering force as a mountain.

The player bandits looked up at the sky, and only then realized that they had underestimated the strength of their opponents.

Xingkong slashed down the giant sword, leaving a sword mark several dozen meters long in the air. All the attached energy exploded at this moment, and the open spider web was shattered by the fierce potential energy like a real spider web. All the energy hit the ground almost intact, and the shields held up by the players collapsed.

As the ground shook violently, a small mushroom cloud rolled up...

Then more than ten white lights emerged from above the mushroom cloud and flew towards the sky.

Yanyu Chuhua and the others were a little dumbfounded: What on earth did Brother Broken Bone ask us to transport? It’s too powerful.

But when the dust settled, the silver metal skeleton in black armor had disappeared, leaving only two pits, one large and one small, on the ground.

Yanyu Chuhua and the other three did not dare to stay any longer and quickly drove the carriage away.

At this time, Xingkong had already arrived at the Rotten Royal Court.

The Rotten Court is one of the only seven super cities in the plane of the Land of Death. It has a continuous wall of bones, with countless skeleton hands extending from the walls, which will grab anything that tries to climb over the wall and enter the court.

Outside the city wall is a bubbling moat. The green water is highly corrosive and if bones fall into it, they will be dissolved within seconds.

Every few steps on the city wall, there is a pointed undead tower guarded by a corpse wizard. A circle of vampire bats hang upside down on the edge of the tower.

What is even more eye-catching are the undead dragons flying high in the sky. Most of them are bone dragons, stretching out their tattered bone wings and spewing white mist-like death dragon breath from time to time.

There are not only bone dragons in the sky, but also large groups of ghosts wandering around seemingly aimlessly.

Just from the visual field, one can deeply feel the gap between the Scorched Earth City and the Rotten Royal Court. When seeing the starry sky of the Rotten Royal Court for the first time, Dorothea felt that she was overestimating her own abilities.

Can such a magnificent city be taken down by your small scorched earth city?

But once the Rotten Wasteland becomes truly chaotic, everything is possible.

In order to avoid being chased by the bone dragon, Xingkong landed on the ground when he flew near the Rotten Court and walked into the city.

At the city gate, we encountered a group of terrifying knights running out.

They all wore oily black full body armor with patterns representing the rotten royal court carved on the armor. The undead horses they sat on were also covered with armor plates, some of which had bones stuck in them, and it was unknown which unlucky skeletons were hit by them.

Facing the oncoming Terror Knight, Xingkong immediately made way in the middle of the road.

However, when this group of Terror Knights were about to charge forward, they all stopped in front of Xingkong. The leading Terror Knight with more gorgeous armor asked Xingkong: "You look like an alchemical creature, but you are not! What are you?"

Xingkong didn't expect that he would encounter trouble before entering the Rotten King's Court.

He saluted the Dread Knight and replied, "My lord! I am a dead soul just like you."

"Undead!" The Terror Knight observed the starry sky: "You are indeed an undead, but this is the first time I have seen such a special undead. Your body is made of steel, but you have ignited the soul fire that only undead have.

I can see that you are definitely a kind of undead with very strong fighting power... I want to recruit you now, kneel down before me!"

Xingkong maintained a humble and dignified attitude and replied: "I'm sorry, sir, I have to disappoint you. I am a free undead and I don't want to be recruited as a servant yet."

All the Terror Knights drew their sabers together, waiting for their leader's order to chop this arrogant special undead into pieces.

The leader of the Terror Knights issued a warning: "Your freedom is not up to you. Pledge your loyalty to me, that is your right choice, otherwise I will extinguish your soul fire with my own hands."

It's really bad luck!

Faced with the approach of the Terror Knight, Xingkong was planning to start the neat engine and fly away, and wait for another opportunity to enter the city.

At this time, the roar of a bone dragon came from the sky.

A skeleton dragon suddenly landed on the ground, shook its body, and transformed into an undead horse wearing bone armor. On the horse sat a knight wearing a human skin mask.

The leader of the Terror Knights immediately saluted when he saw the knight: "Master Soul Eater!"

The Undead Dragon Horse walked close to the leader of the Terror Knights. The Soul Eater glanced at the starry sky and said, "An undead with a metal body."

The leader of the Terror Knights said, "I think he is an alchemical creature, and I am about to capture him for questioning."

The Soul Eater laughed contemptuously: "I can tell the difference between alchemical creatures and undead. Just like I can still see you guys disobeying the orders of the Sorrowful King from the sky, there are many skeletons in the Rotten Royal Court, but they are not for you to practice ramming and trampling."

The Soul Eater's words were extremely cold. He even knocked on the vest of the Terror Knight leader's horse with the staff in his hand, and the bones stuck on it fell to the ground.

The leader of the Terror Knights said unconcernedly, "It's just a lowly skeleton."

Soul Eater: "Skeletons are lowly, but the orders of the ruling king are incomparably noble. Babbitt, to whom you are loyal, is only an assistant minister. You still have a long way to go before you can become the ruling king, and you also have many enemies.

Do you want me to tell Lord Babbitt what just happened?"

When the Soul Eaters brought out the Sorrowful King and Babbitt's assistant, the Terror Knight leader immediately became cowardly: "I'm sorry, Master Soul Eater. I was eager to carry out Master Babbitt's orders, so I bumped into the skeletons that were blocking the road. Please don't hold me accountable for my mistakes, Master Soul Eater."

The Soul Eater said, "If you are so anxious to carry out Lord Babbitt's orders, why do you stop here?"

"Let's go now." Although the Terror Knight was somewhat unwilling, facing the Soul Eater who was deeply trusted by the Sorrowful King, he had no choice but to leave quickly with his subordinates.

After the Horror Knights walked away, the Soul Eater said to himself, "The current Rotten King's Court is in chaos. The majesty of the Sorrowful King is increasingly unable to suppress the order of the court that is getting out of control. There are both opportunities and dangers here. Be more careful next time. You won't be lucky every time."

After saying this, the Soul Eater pulled the reins.

The undead dragon-horse stood up, and in an instant turned into a bone dragon, carrying the soul-eater into the air.

Xingkong and others turned around and walked into the city gate only after they could no longer see any trace of the Soul Eaters.

The undead like pointed buildings very much, and the undead in the Rotten Court seem to have a more persistent preference for this type of building. Walking in the Rotten Court feels like walking in a gloomy gray stone forest. Looking at the moon hanging on the spire in the mist and listening to the ubiquitous moans, you can't help but feel a lifeless sense of depression.

Fortunately, the corrupt plot of the King of Sorrow attracted a large number of players, diluting this feeling of depression.

These players rushed around everywhere, looking for tasks they could take on in the royal court. Even if they were rejected and kicked out, it did not affect their enthusiasm at all.

Change an NPC and continue to tangle.

Of course, the competition for resources between players is also the main content of the royal court every day. Xingkong had just walked one block when he saw five PKs between players. An undead tower was affected by the battle and collapsed.

The battle attracted the Bone Dragon Knights who were patrolling in the air, and the players who were afraid of being caught and imprisoned fled in all directions.

This kind of farce was repeated everywhere in the royal court, causing Xingkong to fear that he would be ambushed, put into a sack, and taken away for dismantling.

For safety, Star Sky attacked an undead, pulled off its smock and put it on himself.

The Soul Eater was right, the Rotten Royal Court was truly a mess!

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