Herot took Frank to the old cemetery, where he opened a tomb passage leading to another world.

Passing through the long tomb passage and exiting the tomb door, you arrive at a richly decorated room.

Frank looked left and right, and then asked: "I can feel that we have crossed the barrier of the plane, but this feeling is different from what I imagined. It is like walking from one world to another.

where is this place?

This place is filled with the aura of the undead, but it is indeed a world dominated by living beings. "

Herot walked towards the door and said, "This is my home, Claulund Manor."

Frank followed: "Your family must be very rich..."

Helot opened the door.

Butler Kurt, who was waiting outside, saluted with the servants: "Master, good afternoon!"

Frank was startled by such a greeting and said, "Your family is really rich!"

Outside the room is a spacious and bright corridor, with soft velvet carpets on the floor and detailed and exquisite stone carvings on the walls. The light transmittance of the large windows is very good, so that the corridor does not appear dim, and the high-ceiling design does not appear oppressive.

Frank knows his stuff. This is definitely not a castle for war. It focuses on the comfort of its residents rather than its defensive performance against foreign enemies.

Because it is impossible to live comfortably in a well-defended fortress.


Only super rich people would waste money like this.

These servants did not carry offensive or defensive weapons, they were all full-time servants, and they were all dressed very decently. The fabrics on their clothes looked very rare and expensive at first glance.

It's just that... they are very weak.

Helot said: "This has just been renovated. It was still very dilapidated a few months ago. Let me introduce to you, this is Kurt, the manor's butler. If you need anything, just ask him."

Kurt, this is my friend Frank. "

Kurt saluted Frank very elegantly: "Dear Mr. Frank! Welcome to Crowlund Manor. Please treat this place as your own home. I and the servants here will provide you with the best service."

Frank was also a decent undead. He nodded in return: "Thank you, Butler Kurt."

Helot asked Kurt: "Where are Reinham and the Iron Cavalry?"

Kurt replied: "Mr. Rineham is in the wine cellar choosing wine for lunch, the cavalry is exercising at the training ground, and Bresini and Ferolo are also at the training ground."

Helot said to Frank: "Let's go to the restaurant and talk about things to do. Remember... I have a special relationship with my mother."

On the way from Scorched Earth City to the Old Cemetery, Herot told Frank something.

"I understand, I will never reveal your secret."

"follow me……"

Along the way, Frank was just like Bressini when she first came here, always feeling that his eyes were not enough.

So luxurious!

The armor and weapons are full of carvings that have absolutely no actual combat value but are absolutely exquisite. They are also placed there as decoration to set off the master's taste.

There is a mural every three steps, and there is definitely a sculpture within ten steps.

Through the windows along the way, you can see the fountain square outside and the large gardens, which truly gives you different views outside the windows.

There are also many things that I can’t even name, but they look very valuable at a glance.

If it weren't for his status as a guest, Frank would really want to create dozens of clones and watch with dozens of pairs of eyes.

After passing through long corridors, we finally arrived at the restaurant.

Mayinur has already prepared today's lunch with the maids. There are exquisite dishes on the table, and servants are standing around to respond to needs.

Helot sat down on the main seat.

Kurt pulled out a chair next to the main seat for Frank, and Maynur placed a set of tableware for him.

Frank sat down and said, "I am an undead and do not need to eat."

Maynur said with a smile: "Every guest has tableware. This is the host's respect for the guests. As a ghost, I feel very honored to entertain such a powerful ghost like you."

"Thank you, beautiful lady..."

At this time, Reinham walked into the restaurant with a bottle of wine in his hand: "If I could, I really want to live here all my life. There are endless food to enjoy and endless wine to drink. This is what the Duke was like hundreds of years ago. Home life.

You will definitely make money by opening a hotel...

have a guest? Sorry, I was rude! "

Reinham saw Frank, immediately handed the wine in his hand to the servant beside him, bowed forward and apologized.

Then I discovered that the other person didn't seem to be a human being.

"This is Frank." Helot introduced: "A friend of the Claude family, a friend for a long time."

a long time……

The undead servant here once served the founding duke. This undead is probably a friend of the founding duke.

Reinham saluted again: "It's a great honor to meet you, Lord Frank."

"You are Reinham." Frank remembered Helot's description, so he took on the attitude of an elder: "You are a promising young man. Sit down and let Helot tell you why you invited me here."

Tieqi, Bresini, and Fiorro walked into the restaurant from outside.

Ferolo was surprised to see Frank and asked: "You, why are you here?"

Helot gave Bresini a hint in his eyes and said, "Mr. Frank was invited by me. There are some things that require his help."

Bresini held Filolo's hand: "Let's go change clothes."

Herod nodded.

Bresini pulled Filolo out of the restaurant. You could hear Filolo still asking curiously: "Frank was brought to work by the owner, right?"

“I’m not here to work, I’m here to provide a helping hand.”

"Frank will definitely make a lot of money by working in a factory..."


After Firoro walked away, Frank said: "Master Firoro is more powerful."

Reinham noticed this detail.

The reason why Helot invited this friend of the founding Duke should be to deal with the high-end combat power sent by the prison or the torturers, so Frank's strength is at least the second level of extraordinary.

But such a powerful undead actually showed great respect for Firollo, even though there was a gap in their superficial status.

Frank is Herot's guest, and Firollo is Herot's servant. How can a guest respect a servant so much? Unless Frank knows what kind of undead Fiorro is, his respect is for the superior undead.

What kind of undead is Philoro?

Reinham couldn't help but guess the type of Firoro. It looked like a vampire, but it was definitely not!

At this time, Herot said: "She keeps getting stronger! Very fast! Let's eat and talk about what we need to do.

Reinham, yesterday you went to Hog Town to meet the newly appointed mayor. What did they discuss? "

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