Helot asked: "How important is it? I still have things to do."

Frank replied: "Only by using a magic book written by yourself can you exert its full power. Do you see the adventurers in the reading hall downstairs? They are all studying the most basic magic theory attentively, thinking that they can use it A magic book written by myself.

This process will be long, but it is definitely worth it, because what they finally gain is not only a magic book of their own, but also an absorption of magic.

I can see that Master Ra'em thinks highly of you, don't miss this opportunity. "

Herot agreed: "What should I do?"

"First sort out Master Laem's manuscript, and I will prepare the materials for making the magic book. Let's get started..."

Frank's body shook violently, and then one turned into two, two turned into four, and four turned into eight. In a short time, the surroundings of the rectangular table were filled with Frank's separated ghost body.

The ghosts moved in perfect harmony. They used magic to move the required materials from the surrounding cabinets to the center of the table, and then divided their labors to process the paper, ink, glue and all the materials that would be used.

The preparations for making the magic book are proceeding in an orderly manner.

Helot found a corner of the table where the ghosts would not be disturbed and sat down. A ghost brought him ink and a quill.

"Writing records knowledge, knowledge opens up wisdom, and the power of wisdom is endless."

Frank's voice echoed in Helot's ears.

Helot used magic power to gather his spiritual power, and his spiritual consciousness entered a state of selflessness. Then he picked up Master Laem's manuscript and read it, and he suddenly saw a whole new world. The words on the paper floated up, and I was floating in a dark universe.

The sound of Master Laem's recitation sounded in my ears, and the words were connected into sentences, forming magic circles.

The illusion shook, and Helot suddenly felt like he was sitting in a class at the Imperial Academy. On the podium is his magic tutor, and the blackboard is filled with magic knowledge.

The magical knowledge I had learned before burst out like a spring.

A lot of inspiration filled his mind, and an impulse that could not be released without writing it down made Helot quickly pick up a quill, dip it in some ink, and start writing furiously in the blank space of Master Laem's manuscript.

Helot didn't notice that a black round hole slowly opened above his head. Stars lit up one after another inside the black hole. Although they were very sparse, there seemed to be countless stars waiting to be lit in the deep and boundless space.

The ghosts raised their heads and glanced at the black hole above Helot's head. They all immediately lowered their heads and accelerated the progress of their work.

After an unknown amount of time, Helot put the last stroke on the last page of the manuscript.

After taking a long breath, I felt that my body and mind were not exhausted from excessive thinking, but instead felt extremely relaxed and happy.

Looking at Master Laem's manuscript again, it has changed beyond recognition.

At first, Laem's manuscript was very neat, and the elegant font showed the cultivation and magnanimity of a master.

Now, the words are filled with annotations. The densely packed text and symbols fill the originally artistic manuscript like graffiti. If it is seen by someone who does not know the value of it, there is a high probability that it will be lumped into a ball and thrown into the wastebasket in disgust.

Frank's voice sounded behind Helot: "It seems that I completely underestimated your ability before. Your annotation is simply a broader extension of Master Laem's wisdom using another magic system.

Master Ra'em has brought a treasure to the Azure Society!

Are you ready to make a magic book? "

Helot looked up and saw that all the ghosts in the room disappeared, and Frank returned to his previous appearance. After expressing admiration for Herot's annotations, he placed the magic book in his hand on the table in front of Herot.

The book cover is made of some kind of animal skin. After being dried, hardened and enchanted, it has a simple and thick texture. There are blank papers inside, each piece of paper is emitting fluorescence, and a faint ink halo is swimming on the paper.

The book is ten centimeters thick, as thick as a brick.

Helot replied to Frank: "I'm ready, what should I do?"

"Turn to the last page."

Helot turned over the blank magic book and opened the back cover.

Frank continued: "Write the author's name at the end. Master La'em's full name is Saidu Icemist Tree La'em, and your name."

Helot picked up the pen and asked, "Do you need my full name?"

"No need, names are just carriers of wisdom."

Helot wrote "Seydu Icemist Tree La'em" on the last page, and then "The Old One".

"Okay! What to do next."

"Look above you."

Helot looked up and saw the black hole opened above his head, with stars twinkling inside.

"what is this?"

"This is the mysterious realm, which will be opened by wisdom. What you have to do now is... to imprint the wisdom into the magic book.

Open the title page, write your message, and let the starlight of wisdom descend. "

Herot turned the magic book to the front and opened the title page.

Pick up a pen and write "Death is never the end of life, it is just the continuation of life in another way.

——Seydu Icemist Tree La'em"

When Herot wrote the last stroke, the stars in the black hole above his head fell one by one. Their tails are sprinkled with light powder, and they are circling according to the thread trajectory. Listen carefully and whispers come from them, like a group of naughty goblins.

When the last starlight escapes, the black hole shrinks and closes.

All the starlight fell on the manuscript written by Laem and Helot, soaking it with light powder. The words on the paper shimmered, peeling off the paper layer by layer.

Spin, spin...

The blank magic book on the table turned to the next page, and the flying words fell into an orderly arrangement. The ink halo on the paper passes over the words, completing the printing of the words. The light on the paper slowly dimmed as the words were entered, a gray-black breath emerged, dead bones appeared on the paper, and the ghost's chant faintly echoed between the words.

The moment the last word was printed in the magic book, the pages of the open magic book were quickly turned and closed.

The magic book automatically straightened itself in front of Helot.

Frank, who had been standing behind Helot, said, "This is the last step. Please name this magic book that belongs to you and Master Laem... Just say it."

Herot thought for a moment and said, "Old Code."

The texture of the book cover began to change, and the magic words of the "Old Code" appeared.

Frank said happily: "Successful! Feel its power. This is just its unfinished power. When you and Master Laem complete it, I can't imagine what it will look like."

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