Herot just remembered that there were no mummies in this world, so he explained to Black Light: "A mummy is a kind of undead mummy that has been treated with a special method. It is good at curses, poison magic, and has strong melee capabilities. In addition to being unable to fly, mummies More powerful than vampires."

Since the power in the game world has grown stronger, Helot has been thinking about how to bring out the undead in the game world without letting these undead have anything to do with him.

Now a tombkeeper organization has appeared, which may be a good cover for smuggling the undead.

There had never been a mummy in the Crowlund family's undead army before, so the mummies could be packaged as the indigenous undead of this world.

In an ancient tomb lives a special group of undead mummies, their names are mummies.

Just like most vampires in this world, they all come from a buried underground city.

An accidental geological change opened up the passage from this ancient tomb to the surface, and the mummies who had been buried for countless years came to the surface for the first time. They were very angry at the corpse-sewers' desecration of corpses, and decided to join the tombkeepers who were enemies of the corpse-sewers.

In a short period of time, Helot made up a story in his mind.

I also carefully considered the feasibility of bringing a mummy into this world.

The mummy moves flexibly, and after putting on human clothes, its movements are not much different from those of humans. The only thing that is difficult to hide is that the mummy's head is also wrapped in a shroud, but wearing a hat, a high-collar windbreaker, and trying to be active at night can still effectively hide the identity of the undead.

Key mummies can be upgraded with walking corpses. Since the unification of Scorched Earth City, I have one-fifth of the mineral production capacity of Scorched Earth City. The output of mummies is stable and can be transported in large quantities.

In this way, the mummies can be smuggled over to strengthen their own strength, and it can also help the tombkeepers to attack the corpse stitchers.

Get it in one fell swoop!

Black Light didn't know the origin of the mummy, but when he heard that the mummy was more powerful than a vampire, he immediately became energetic.

"Why not let them join our Gray Light Society? The Gray Light Society is full of undead!"

Helot replied: "Your Gray Light Association is engaged in intelligence, and Mummy is engaged in fighting. They have different jobs but they all work for me. In essence, they are still the undead of the same family.

You tell Gu Mu again that if the 'ordained ones' lack funds, there are donors willing to provide them with money. The funder has no conditions attached to them. As long as they kill the stitchers, the funds will not be cut off. "

Hailot considered pulling out a secret financial chain from the Tomorrow Group to provide financial support to the "ordained ones".

With money and thugs, the "ordained" can afford to fight against the prison for a long time, and the prison will naturally have no energy to do other things.

The "white glove" of the deep prison cannot be moved, and the torturers have to die in person.

The more he thought about it, the more Helot felt that the "ordained one" had appeared too soon, and that the knotted knot he faced was showing signs of loosening.

Black Light didn't know what caused Helot's sudden excitement, but since he was the object of Gu Mu's allegiance, he was naturally the object of his allegiance.

Just do what your master says.

"Okay, I will tell Gu Mu what Mr. said. Look...the ship is back!"

Helot looked at the dark sea and couldn't help feeling that cats have good night vision. He could only see a little light after being reminded.

As the light gradually brightens, the fishing boat gradually reveals its outline.

After waiting for a while, the cavalry jumped ashore, and the fishing boat turned around and sailed into the night again.

The cavalry brought the spell left by Kram.

Herot took out the fire diamond again and put it in his hand, then recited the spell...

The magical pronunciation resonated with the magic circle engraved in the fire diamond, and a line of fire shot upward from the top of the fire diamond. As the mantra was recited, Firewire wrote a text in the air, and finally left a string of passwords.

Imperial Bank vault safe.

The place where Lord Seacombe hid Perfect Metal was unexpected, but is being cleared.

It is much safer to put it in the vault of the Imperial Bank than to put it at home.

So, next stop... Imperial Bank.

Hei Guang said: "I won't go. I will go back to the church and tell Gu Mu what you said."

"Goodbye, thank you for your hard work tonight."

"It is an honor to serve you."

Black Light saluted Helot, then jumped onto the roof, transformed into a black cat, and ran quickly along the eaves.

Helot took the cavalry to the Imperial Bank.

Show your password!

Hailot and Tieqi were taken to a VIP room.

After a while, a manager of the Imperial Bank walked in holding a wooden box that was two meters long.

Carefully placing the long wooden box on the table, the manager saluted Helot: "Dear Sir. This is an anonymous deposit. According to the agreement signed by Imperial Bank and the customer, anyone can use the correct password. Just take it away.

No one has opened it since entering the Imperial Bank until now. You can check the seal on it. If you have no doubts, please sign this. Once signed and effective, it will have nothing to do with our Imperial Bank. "

The manager puts an agreement on the table.

The cavalry stepped forward and easily picked up the wooden box and presented the side with the seal in front of Herot.

Helot checked the integrity of the seal and found that it had not been damaged or repaired.

"I am sure that I have received the consignment in good condition." Hailot signed the signature pattern left in the fire diamond.

The manager picked up the agreement, went through the final verification process, and then said to Helot: "Thank you for your trust in Imperial Bank. When you need to store valuables in the future, please choose Imperial Bank first.

This room is for your use, I won't disturb you. "

The manager bowed and left.

The door is closed and the restrictions above are automatically activated.

Imperial Bank's confidentiality and security measures are indeed in place.

Now let’s see what perfect metal looks like.

Helot took out the fire drill, found a gap in the wooden box to seal the formation, and stuffed it into it.

The fire drill burst out with dazzling firelight again, the light spread along the formation, and the seals were lifted one after another. The sound of mechanical locks running came from inside the wooden box again, until finally a "click" was heard, and the wooden box automatically opened a crack.

Metallic light shot out from the gap.

There is some expectation!

Helot stretched out his hands and opened the upper cover of the wooden box, and brighter metal light illuminated his face.

There was a silver metal block lying inside the wooden box. Its length reached both ends of the wooden box, and it must have reached two meters. The width is larger than two palms, and the thickness is about ten centimeters.

When you press it with your hand, it feels like metal.

But judging from the fact that the Iron Rider can be easily picked up, it is not very dense, or it may have special properties inside it to reduce weight.

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