My cemetery is connected to the game world.

Chapter 156 An oath that cannot be broken

Helot waved to Melis: "Your Highness Maelubelli, I have a battle plan."

Melis walked up to the map. The light coming from the window was very dim, and she could barely see clearly that it was a map of the Iron Stone Community.

"Team leader, please call me Melis. I am currently the assistant officer of the 13th Investigation Bureau of the Imperial Military Police."

Melis is very serious about her work, and she doesn't want her other identity to affect Helot.

"Okay, Commander Melis!" Helot didn't care about the title. He pointed to a facility on the map and said: "I want everyone in the Iron Stone community to be infected with the same undead magic at the same time. This one can carry the undead magic and spread it on a large scale. The medium of transmission can only be air. There is an air machine room here, and the large air fan inside draws air from the surface through pipes, which is the main source of air in the Iron Stone Community.

As long as the concentration of magic in the air is high enough, magic can be released to all residents of the Iron Stone Community at once.

I judged that a large undead magic circle must have been set up by the Deep Prison here to pollute the incoming air, and then cast it on the entire iron ore mining area. "

Melis immediately covered her mask: "Are we also under this magic now?"

"No!" Helot opened the mask, inhaled a little unfiltered air, and analyzed the ingredients inside: "The amount we inhaled is very small, and it is not enough for the magic to work. It will take about a month of continuous inhalation before it will work." It affects the soul. The Deep Prison must maintain this concentration of magic in the Iron Stone Community for a long time, and the magic circle in the air machine room must still be running."

Melis said worriedly: "Since the air machine room can extract air from the outside and pour it into the Iron Stone Community, it can definitely discharge the air containing this kind of undead magic."

"Theoretically yes! But expelling such magic to the outside will dilute it quickly, so that it cannot reach the concentration that can make the magic effective. However, such magic will eventually cause some damage to the body of ordinary people, especially the soul. Very weak person.”

Melis said: "Let's destroy the magic circle here."

"Yes, this is our next battle plan. Are you familiar with Iron Stone Community? Do you know how to get there faster and safer?"

Melis looked at the map, and then used her fingertips to condense ice and draw a line.

"Go from here. The rock formations in this area are low, and the 'Commander's' size cannot enter. If it is an ordinary corpse puppet, we can easily deal with it with our strength, but we don't know how many mechanical corpse puppets there are."

As a mechanical designer, Helot said: "It is more difficult to create a mechanical corpse puppet than to mechanically transform the human body. Its advantage is probably that it is not disturbed by human emotions and is more responsive to commands. You see the mechanical corpse puppet Does it have eyes? This shows that the mechanical zombie relies more on vision, and the mechanical modification of the human body can use the biological magnetic field to perceive the outside world.

Vision is easily disturbed, and Xuebian is too brainless. Bressini, next time you encounter a mechanical zombie, you should deal with it. Your subspace movement will restrain it. "

A slight bat sound came from outside the door.

Helot said to Howl: "You go back and stand by, and everything will be fought according to the prepared plan."

"Yes, Master!"

Herot opened the door to the family cemetery and Howl walked in.

The tomb door is closed.

Melis finally recognized Howl's identity: "He, he, he is Howl, the commander of the skeleton army, one of the seven terrifying knights under the Duke of the Undead!"

The story of the Duke of the Dead is well known to everyone, and some of the powerful undead who are loyal to the Duke of the Dead are also well known to the world. In addition to the Bone Dragon Oaks, the mount of the Duke of the Undead, there are also seven terrifying knights who command the undead army.

Just now, Melis was guessing that the heavily armored skeleton might be Howl, but at this time, Howl's burning skull made Melis unable to confirm her guess.

Until I saw the tomb gate of the legendary Claulund family cemetery.

At this moment, Melis finally knew what secret Helot had asked her to keep.

The Clarence Family Cemetery is the strong foundation of this undead family. All the undead armies commanded by the Undead Duke come from this cemetery. When the Claude family cemetery was invaded by unknown forces, the undead army was all destroyed in the war to retake the cemetery. Seven terrifying knights disappeared forever in the cemetery.

The cemetery fell, and without the energy of death, the bone dragon Oaks fell into a deep sleep.

Since then, the Claude family has been in decline.

Later, some people also imagined that the Claude family would retake the cemetery and the undead army would come to the world again. But hundreds of years have passed, and nothing unexpected has happened. Not a single undead has come out of the cemetery. There are fewer and fewer undead in Claulund Manor, and the decline of the family has almost disappeared.

Now, Howl, once one of the Seven Dread Knights, appears.

Does this mean that the undead army of the Clairund family has also returned!

She wanted to tell Emperor Bradley the news immediately, and tell her father the Ice and Snow Duke immediately, but the oath she had just sworn prevented her from doing so.

It’s about the honor of Erwin’s ancestors!

"Remember your oath!" Herot reminded Melis.

Melis said very proudly: "Of course I remember. The Erwin family swore to guard the northern border for the empire, and they never broke their oath no matter how difficult it was."

Helot reminded: "But the Erwin family also participated in the Blood Rebellion."

Melis' pride immediately disappeared.

Yes, the Erwin family participated in the Blood Rebellion as a side that supported the royal family, and personally suppressed the brother families who had sworn an oath together in the Covenant City.

This is a stain that cannot be washed away.

Therefore, after the Bloody Rebellion, the Erwin family swore an oath to always guard the northern frontier for the empire and stayed away from the center of power of the empire.

Soon Melis said firmly to Herot: "I will not break my oath!"

"Then let's start taking action! Let's change the formation this time." Helot ordered: "I will be the vanguard in front and responsible for the reconnaissance, Ferolo will support in the middle, and Melis will stay behind..."

Melis said: "I should be in front!"

Melis did not trust Helot's strength, and did not have the practice of letting mages be the vanguard. It was the duty of the spell-casting units to be good forts.

Helot stepped on the shadow on the ground and said with a smile: "No one here is more suitable to be a vanguard than me... Bresini will continue to guard the sky, is that okay?"

The sound of bats was heard outside the door again.

Firollo: "I'm sure there will be no problem!"

Melis had no choice but to say: "Okay, you are the team leader, I will listen to you. If you encounter trouble that you can't handle, remember to replace me."

"I can't handle it, I will definitely replace you! Get ready to go..."

Helot read the map again, and after writing down the route, he put the map away and packed it up, and then stood behind the door with Firollo and Melis.

Bresini jumped down gently and slowly opened the door: "No corpses were found nearby, but we are not sure whether there are any in the room. The owner must be careful."

"Xuepetan is following me, don't worry."

Helot walked out of the room and activated the cloak's "invisibility" skill.

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