My cemetery is connected to the game world.

Chapter 138 The Burning Fortress

The suddenness and high speed of the attack made the layers of defense in the Broken Forest useless. The defensive zombies move slowly, which means they can only eat dust behind the cavalry.

The Burning Cavalry encountered no decent obstacles along the way, running through the forest as if they were in an uninhabited land.

Five hours later, the Burning Cavalry rushed out of the forest path, with a large open space in front of them.

The Rottenwood Fortress is there, alone and exposed in front of the coalition forces!

Due to the lack of stone, the main body of the Rottenwood Fortress is a civil structure. The logs are inserted side by side into the earth wall, which is the wall of the fortress, with a height of less than ten meters. Then build some arrow rests on top, stuff them with corpse spear throwers, and then build the city defense system of the Rotten Wood Fortress.

Such a city defense is better than nothing. The army that can reach here cannot be stopped by such a simple city defense.

Lord Hansal still relies on his huge army of zombies and defensive camps scattered throughout the forest.

Its combat philosophy is "delay time, and you can wait for a turn."

Now, the zombie army stationed in the fortress is sent to the border to snatch stones.

The forest defense system was penetrated.

The Rottenwood Fortress was nakedly exposed in front of the coalition forces.

After Howl led the Burning Cavalry to rush out of the forest, they charged towards the Rottenwood Fortress without stopping. The following Burning Cavalry changed formations to both sides and spread their wings.

Following Howl's order, all the Burning Cavalry ignited their flames together. The sea of ​​fire offensive was launched, and the cavalry line set off a rolling wave of fire and pressed towards the Rotten Wood Fortress.

The roar of the dragon rang out in the sky, and the ghost dragon flew over the sea of ​​​​fire, leading a large number of bats towards the wall of the Rotten Wood Fortress.

At this time, a harsh bone whistle sounded inside the Rotten Wood Fortress, and the defenders climbed up the city wall in panic. They didn't know how the intruder suddenly appeared here, let alone what the wave of fire was that was sweeping over here.

Were all the defenders in the forest camp silently wiped out?

But no matter what happened, war has come, and the invaders are rushing in front of us.

The undead heroes who climbed onto the city wall roared loudly and commanded the defenders to attack the incoming fire waves.

Corpse spear throwers threw wooden spears, and sporadic spells flew off the walls and crashed into the fire waves. In the explosion, some of the flames dimmed but quickly brightened again.

The fire wave continued to charge towards the city wall, speeding up instead of slowing down. The horses' hooves were galloping like thunder, as if they were going to directly knock down the thin city wall?

Behind the fire wave, a row of earth-gray magic balls flew up in a parabola, crossed over the sea of ​​fire, and landed on the outside of the city wall.

The magic ball drilled into the soil, followed by violent vibrations. The ground was bulged by the powerful energy erupting underground, and the raised soil pressed the thin wooden city wall inward.

The sea of ​​​​fire rushed in at this moment, and inside was a dense queue of burning cavalry. They waved their riding whips, stepped on the wall that turned into a slope, rushed to the high point, and jumped down towards the chaotic undead defenders behind the wall.

Like a waterfall of fire, it forms a spectacular spectacle.

The burning cavalry who entered the city did not fight on the spot with the defenders. They continued to charge. They galloped across the board, whipping fire whips at all the undead they saw. The wooden buildings were set on fire, and the walking corpses moved slowly amid the burning, and finally fell down. Burnt into huddled black coals.

Waves of fire swept into the fortress along with the burning cavalry.

The ghost dragons and vampires who entered the fortress early drove straight in from the air and headed straight for the fortress in the middle of the fortress.

Herot led the Death Legion to arrive last. He did not lead the team to charge at the wall set ablaze by the Burning Cavalry, but instead rushed towards the gate of Rottenwood Fortress.

The vampire team responsible for responding took advantage of the chaos and killed the guards at the city gate.

When the city gate opened, Herot led the death army to rumble through the city gate and run along the middle avenue towards the fortress at the end.

Helot shouted in the legion channel: "Don't stop, no matter what you encounter, don't stop. Leave this to the Burning Cavalry, our battlefield is inside the fortress! The vampires have already rushed in, support them, and kill the mummy of Hansal!" "

The fortress is getting closer and closer. It is the only stone building in the entire fortress. Inside is Hansal and his personal guards. The Fourth Vampire Squadron, led by Monte, has already entered the fortress, and the command system of the Rottenwood Fortress has been completely cut off.

It would be difficult for a thousand vampires to defeat Hansal quickly.

Above the fortress, the ghost dragon was hovering there. Ferolo listened to Helot's words, "Just put curses in the sky and don't fight on the ground. Your mission is to let both warring parties see you flying in the sky."

Helot led the Death Army to the fortress, and all the players dismounted and rushed toward the collapsed fortress gate, screaming.

As the legion commander, Helot rushed to the front. After entering the fortress hall, he was faced with a large group of zombies guarding here. These walking corpses were all wearing chainmail armor, iron helmets on their heads, holding a machete in their hands, and their faces were covered with green blisters.

"It's a poisonous zombie that has evolved from a walking zombie! Be careful with the corpse poison and avoid close combat! Necromancers, release all the summons!"

Seeing the invaders entering the fortress, the Poison Corpse rushed forward with staggering steps and twisted body.

Helot waved his hand and summoned a large group of skeletons, and then waved his hand to summon the demonic corpse flower and poisonous vines. Other necromancer players also summoned skeletons and other undead summons, and pushed these cannon fodder forward toward the poisonous zombies in the fortress.

The blisters on the attacked poison zombie's face exploded, green venom splashed everywhere, and poisonous mist spread.

Fortunately, there are undead summons to hold up the front, and the non-necromancer players in the back can only use magic and combat skills to cover the front with firepower.

As more and more players poured into the hall, the firepower output became more and more fierce. The poisonous zombies could not break through the dense skeletons, but were harvested row by row by the surging magic combat skills. Soon, the undead guards in the hall were The army was slaughtered.

Hailot commanded on the legion channel: "Drunk Qianzhan, you lead the Eight-armed Ape Battalion and take the left corridor to attack the left fort. With One or Two Bones, you lead the Evil Bone Lingran Battalion and take the right corridor and attack the right fort. The others will attack with me. Main building. Don't be brave after discovering Hansal, pester him first and wait for support.

When you see a vampire being besieged, give priority to rescue, do you understand? "



The Death Legion divided their troops in the hall, and Helot led the team along the hall stairs to attack the second floor of the fortress.

On the second floor, scenes of battles between vampires and defenders began to appear. The arrival of players greatly reduced the pressure on the vampires.

The player rescues the vampire and then joins forces to kill them through the second floor.

I rushed to the third floor and saw the mummy.

Mummies are an advanced form evolved from walking corpses. They are wrapped in thick shrouds and hold Pharaoh's staff in both hands. It no longer moves as slowly as a walking zombie, has strong defense and attack power, and can release poison-attribute spells and curses.

Except that it can't fly, its overall combat capability is comparable to that of a vampire.

Therefore, the vampire's attack was blocked by the mummy here, and the two sides fought an evenly matched war of attrition.

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