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Chapter 117 Reminiscing after a gap of several years

"Uncle Bradley!" Herot called him following the meaning of Emperor Bradley: "It is an honor to be your tour guide to the Royal Museum. I will try my best to use the knowledge I know to tell you the stories of the collection here."

Being called uncle, Bradley laughed: "Let's get started... I just saw the first imperial constitution, you can tell me from there."

Of course Bradley would not be ignorant of the history and significance represented by the first imperial constitution, and Helot knew that this was a test.

As for the assessment standards and what decision Bradley will make, it is not yet known.

Then just say whatever you know, only talk about history and not your own position.

Emperor Bradley's body is very stable. When he walks, his momentum is exuded unconsciously, making people clearly feel his powerful strength.

Golden blood is the bloodline inherited from the Bradley family, giving each Bradley member extremely strong individual strength. The blood of direct members of the Bradley family is pure gold. During battle, the energy contained in the blood can be transformed into golden armor, maximizing combat effectiveness.

This is also the reason why the 12th Duke of the founding of the People's Republic of China regarded Bradley as the leading brother, because the leading brother is really good at fighting.

Helot followed in the footsteps of Emperor Bradley and walked to the booth where the first imperial constitution was placed.

The contents of Helot's account of this constitution all come from imperial history books and authoritative historical materials, including the backgrounds of the thirteen families who signed it.

Emperor Bradley listened quietly, staring at the constitution in the glass cover without asking any questions.

After reading the first constitution of the empire, Emperor Bradley walked straight past several exhibits and came to the stand of a scarred battle armor.

Duke Kelleus of the Wild Lion must always be at the forefront in every battle. His battle-mad bloodline makes him more courageous as he fights. And after he is injured, the blood he sheds will turn into a blood oath contract, allowing the mad lion warriors who signed the blood oath to explode with stronger fighting power.

In order to protect Kelleus, a good brother, Bradley's ancestors would give him a set of high-quality armor every battle, but after every battle his armor was left incomplete.

This set of armor is the best preserved.

After listening to Herot's story, Emperor Bradley walked to the next exhibit without saying a word.

Another item belonging to one of the founding Dukes.

This imperial emperor has a very strong purpose.

The Oath of Glory Empire's account of the history of the founding of the country is still very objective, and it highly recognizes the achievements of each founding duke, allowing everyone who reads this history to feel the brotherhood between them.

It’s just that your grandparents can be brothers, and even the empire they built can be ruled by you together. You can point at my nose and scold me in my palace, or even rush up and beat me up, and then after a drink, we go hunting together to find women.

But when it comes to the sons and grandsons, the emotion is different.

Then happened a history that the empire still dares not face directly... the bloody chaos.

Herot followed Emperor Bradley as he looked at the exhibits one by one. As he narrated, it seemed as if a magnificent historical picture of the founding of the country was unfolded.

After viewing all the representative exhibits of the thirteen families, it was noon.

Bradley, who was a little tired, found a random step and sat down. He patted the seat next to himself and said to Herot, "Sit down too. I don't think you are a person who pays much attention to the etiquette of monarchs and ministers. Nowadays, young people The ideas are very avant-garde.”

Herot sat down next to Emperor Bradley: "Uncle summoned me to the Royal Museum, probably not to listen to me tell stories from hundreds of years ago."

"You guessed wrong. I just want to hear you tell that story. There are not many people who are qualified to tell me that history. You are probably the only one who can let me listen quietly."


Emperor Bradley smiled bitterly: "Because the Claude family has no brother's blood on their hands."

This sentence is correct!

At that time, the Claude family was not qualified to get involved, and they were not qualified to be cut down.

"The decline of the Claulund family was also a blessing."

Emperor Bradley nodded and said: "It's a kind of luck! You may not know that I was very happy when I learned about your coming to Covenant City. Originally, I wanted to wait for a while to see you again, but I couldn't help but tell you this morning You make an appointment to come here.”

Helot replied: "This does confuse me."

"That's because you don't understand the loneliness that being an emperor has to endure. We hold tightly to the power that our ancestors of the third generation have won for us, but in our hearts we are extremely envious of our ancestors of the first generation for having a group of brothers who can rely on us in life and death.

This time it was a reminiscence between two families hundreds of years later, and it was not a pretty statement. "

Herot smiled and said: "I will definitely go to the palace to visit you uncle often in the future."

Bradley looked at Hailot as if he were a nephew: "The door of the palace is always open to you. I heard from my guard that you found a job at the Tomorrow Group."

"Yes! My father didn't want me to guard a manor full of undead like him, so he sent me to Covenant City to study. After graduating from the Royal Academy, I applied for a technical department under the Tomorrow Group. I just reported today. There was an accident when I was working, and I couldn’t take office smoothly.”

Helot's experiences in Covenant City were all found out.

There is no information about his parents. He has lived with a host family since he was a child. At the age of fifteen, he moved into an apartment on Lekali Street in New Bay Area. The monthly income from unknown sources is enough for his daily expenses.

He was very low-key in school and had excellent grades. He majored in energy and machinery.

Getting a job at Tomorrow Group is through normal campus recruitment.

If he hadn't suddenly gone to Hog Town in the northwest and inherited the Claude family, he would have been a very ordinary mechanical engineer.

Emperor Bradley smiled and said: "There is no future in working in a company. The Clolund family has been silent for long enough, you should come and work for the empire.

If you have an uncle who is the emperor of the empire, your career will be very smooth. "

Helot guessed that this should be the ultimate purpose of Emperor Bradley summoning him.

"Uncle, I know nothing except designing machinery, and I like my major very much."

Emperor Bradley said: "I will arrange a part-time government job for you that will not affect your hobbies. You will have free time and receive the salary and benefits of a full-time public employee."

Now there is no reason to refuse.

"There are two salaries available! Thank you, uncle."

Emperor Bradley laughed and stood up: "Just wait here for a while. The person responsible for arranging your new job will be here soon."

Helot realized that his part-time job in the government should not be an idle job that only paid and did no work.

Bradley left, leaving Herot standing alone in the empty museum hall.

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