My cemetery is connected to the game world.

Chapter 113 I’ll give it to you

The door is closed.

Anthony said: "When I get to Covenant City, I will report the materials related to the Deep Prison. I believe that the Imperial Security Administration will pay attention to this illegal association and allocate personnel to investigate and annihilate it.

My men and I will do our best to protect you from reaching the Covenant City safely. "

Helot took a sip of coffee. It was very, very bitter.

"I absolutely believe in your loyalty to your profession, Sheriff. There's just one thing I'm confused about. You seem to be very interested in me as a maid. You always look at her secretly after interrogating the murderer."

Firollo sat on a chair by the door, holding the cup with both hands and staring at the juice inside, wondering whether this was something he could drink.

When she heard Helot talking about herself, she immediately raised her head and said, "Master is right! This guy has been peeking at me!"

This is very embarrassing!

Especially Fiorro still looks like a teenage girl.

In order not to be misunderstood as a psychopath, Anthony immediately explained: "I'm just curious... why a girl at such a young age can be a spellcaster. As far as I know, spellcasters will suffer spells if they make mistakes in their spells." Backlash, only those with mature minds and thoughtful minds dare to practice spells.

Even so, the mortality rate of spellcasters when practicing spells is very high, and living spellcasters are often tortured by counterattack spells. "

After Anthony was cursed, he specifically killed the conjurer.

Conjurers are powerful and rare, simply because they are too difficult to practice.

Children's minds are immature and their minds are too active, so they are not suitable for practicing spells at all.

Helot said with a smile: "Firoro likes spells, so I let her learn it. It's her own business to learn how well she learns it. If she suffers the backlash of the spell and dies, it will be her own misfortune.

Anyway, the Claulund family lacks everything, the only thing they don't lack is servants. "

When Anthony first heard Herot's words, he felt that he was too ruthless and irresponsible as a master. But when he heard the last sentence, he realized what it meant that Claude had no shortage of servants.

He couldn't help but look at Firollo, and then at Bressini who was drinking juice.

Although he couldn't see anything unusual, his intuition told him... they were not human!

Looking at Firollo again, this is indeed not what a normal human little girl would look like. She doesn’t even need to wear makeup when filming a horror movie.

Anthony sighed: "The servants of the Claulund family are really amazing!"

Philolo said: "You should be amazed! Then you should be pleasantly surprised. Now you have met the best spellcaster in the world, who is much stronger than the spellcaster who cast the spell on you. As long as I Just move your mouth and you can easily remove the remaining curse from your body."

Ever since Fiorro heard Herot say: No matter how many levels of extraordinary beings you have, you will not be able to compete with you.

She is extremely confident, and now she is facing the spell that she is naturally best at, and she looks even more arrogant.

Anthony had always suspected that the curse he had suffered had not been completely removed, but no problem could be found no matter how many tests he took. The doctor attributed everything to an old injury in his abdomen. The knife wound almost cut him off at the waist, and his internal organs needed to be taken out, sewn, and put into special containers for nourishment.

Although his life was saved in the end, his body collapsed.

One of the reasons why he paid attention to Firollo and even invited Helot here was to find out whether there was any curse left in his body.

Now it’s confirmed… there is!

Moreover, this inhuman little girl can also clean herself up.

"What do I have to give?"

"What do you have to give?"

In response to Filolo's rhetorical question, Anthony found that he seemed unable to pay for the treatment. After retiring, he became an Imperial Sheriff. Most of his salary was used to buy medicine. He was usually quite generous, so he only had a very small amount of savings.

But Anthony still looked at Herot and said: "I can pay!"

Helot took out a bottle of full recovery potion and put it on the table: "I think with your salary, you can't afford the cost of this treatment. Even if you borrow the money, you can't pay it back."

The deep purple full-effect recovery potion is constantly emitting a halo.

"What is this?" Anthony asked.

"Filoro can only remove the curse remaining in your body, but to treat your old injuries, you need this bottle of full-effect recovery potion. Its effect can be regarded as the reshaping of the body. Even people who are dying can jump after drinking it. Get up and run eight thousand meters, not to mention your injuries."

Anthony was very skeptical: "There is no way there is such a potion in this world."

"Nothing is impossible in this world!"

Anthony stared at the potion on the table. Although he tried his best to deny that such a potion could exist, his stronger mentality was to hope that it existed.

Physical recovery is not only about getting rid of the torture of pain, but also about finding the past self. Now I am really a waste.

However, he also knew that if such a potion existed, he could probably only pay for it with his own soul.

Anthony looked away: "Mr. Claude, I cannot afford the cost of this treatment."

Anthony's final performance surprised Helot. He thought that a warrior should be willing to sacrifice everything to get back the lost power. This time, his judgment obviously did not apply to Anthony.

At this time, after Bresini finished drinking her own juice, she directly took the juice from Filolo's hand: "Poor master, I can't even send out the full-effect recovery potion. If you don't drink it, I’ll just take it.”

Anthony immediately asked Herot: "Mr. Claude, are you going to give this potion to me?"

"Although you didn't give me a chance to pretend, it made me more sure that giving it to you was the right decision. Some things are priceless, and I just saw it in you.

Take it, this thing is not too precious to me. "

Helot pushed the full recovery potion towards Anthony's position.

Anthony couldn't believe that such a valuable potion was given to him like this.

"Do I really not have to pay anything?"

"What do you think you have that is worthy of me using this bottle of potion?"

Anthony thought about it and realized that he was indeed not worth such a powerful potion, even if he had to sell his soul. If the powerful people suffering from old illnesses knew that there was a potion that could cure them, they would really be willing to pay anything.

"I..." Anthony picked up the full recovery potion: "The only thing I can say is 'thank you'!"

After speaking, Anthony pulled out the cork, raised his head and drank the entire bottle of potion in one gulp.

Not a drop is left!

He let Helot see that he would not deliberately leave some for his own benefit, and he accepted all the kindness without missing a drop!

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