My cemetery is connected to the game world.

Chapter 103 Qiushui invites the Moon Fairy to come

The results of this visit to Hog Town were beyond Helot's expectations, and the potential conflict between the Clallund Manor and the town was thus resolved by Reinham.

Helot was riding in the skeleton carriage, looking at the eerie woods, thinking about the tourists who would be scared by the ghosts and running away in the future, and couldn't help but make himself laugh.

Crowlund Manor Undead Theme Hotel.

It’s such a superb gimmick and idea. I wonder if the undead in the manor will like it.

Philolo looked at Herot with dead eyes: "Master, what are you laughing at?"

"When I just met Reinham, he gave me a way to ease the relationship between the manor and the town, which is to open part of the manor to the outside world. If it can be transformed into a hotel, the name of the Duke of the Dead will definitely attract many curious people. Come to Hogtown for a trip.

Of course, the excitement will destroy the tranquility, and I respect the thoughts of the undead living in the manor. Kurt, you have served the Crowlund family for hundreds of years, and the Crowlund Manor is also your home. I want to hear your true thoughts. Are you willing for outsiders to disturb the peace here? "

Kurt replied: "Master, we are used to quietness, but we have also experienced bustle. The training we have received is to serve the master and guests. I will be very happy if there are many guests visiting Claulund Manor, I think the other servants will be happy too."

It seems that the undead in the manor are not opposed to change.

Helot thought about it and said: "How to open the manor still needs to be decided after the new mayor takes office, but no matter what, there are too few undead servants in the manor. I will bring more undead into the manor, you and Mainu I'll train them as soon as possible.

The valuables in the manor also need to be protected, and they are all concentrated in non-open areas and handed over to vampires and ghosts to guard. The open areas are all decorated with purchased art.

Openness is just our attitude towards integrating into Hogg Town, and we cannot cause too much damage to the manor. "

Kurt nodded: "I took note of it, Master."

Firollo asked: "Do I also need to be trained? In the dungeon of the vampire castle, I even poured wine for an old elf."

"You don't need to undergo training. You and Bressini will go to the Imperial Capital with me."

Bresini asked: "Where is the imperial capital?"

"It's a completely different place than here."

The skeleton carriage drove into the gate of Claulund Manor.

At night, Sanders Grain Company's carriages continued to deliver grain supplies to the Crowlund Manor. Such a large amount required several days of non-stop transportation to transport it.

Herot handed over the task of counting the grains to Kurt. After a good night's sleep, he entered the game world with the first batch of grains, and then transported them to a warehouse in the living area of ​​Scorched Earth City.

Players saw so much food when they entered Scorched Earth City. Cars full of flour, fruits and vegetables in frames, and hundreds of hams weighing more than ten kilograms. It looked straight into the eyes of the players who could only eat bread mushrooms to satisfy their hunger all day long. If it were not for the escort of vampire guards, there would definitely be a looting.

The guild leaders all rushed to the warehouse without Helot's notification.

Seeing that there was so much food, everyone felt reassured.

Dorotea possesses this "big killer weapon" in the Land of Death, and is definitely a seed player for the Seven Rulings. It would be difficult for Scorched Earth City not to develop.

Hailot added the initially selected personnel to the "Death Legion" and "Death Chamber of Commerce" respectively. The backbone team was established, and subsequent personnel and funds were quickly in place.

Helot did not waste time on legion building and business association operations. Being a boss would squeeze out the abilities of employees and set goals for them to accomplish. If they did well, they would be rewarded, and if they did not do well, they would be punished.

The boss’s energy should be focused on the most important areas.

For Helot, the most important place is the family cemetery, and everything he does is to release the family cemetery.

Herot delegated the authority of the Legion and the Chamber of Commerce, ordered the vampire guards to keep an eye on the warehouse, and turned around to find Frank.

At this time, a conversation request flashed.

It’s the autumn water that invites the Moon Fairy!

I can't find my dad, so he came looking for me...

Hailot connected the communication: "Boss Yuexian, what do you want from me?"

"I have something to do with the Soul Eater, but I can't contact him. Do you know where he is?"

Helot remembered his father's advice: "I don't know! The level gap between us is too big, and he never takes me to play. Last time, he said he would go into seclusion to level up, so he asked me not to disturb him and turned off all communications."

"Can I contact him outside the game?"

"Can't get in touch either."

How could Qiu Shui invite Yuexian to believe it?

She came to the Land of the Dead with a guild mission. One of the missions was to rely on the help of the Soul Eaters to take a shortcut in the plot of the Decay of the Sorrowful King. As a result, the Soul Eaters simply disappeared.

After exhausting all methods and still being unable to contact the Soul Eater, Qiu Shui invited Yuexian to think of the Soul Eater as having a younger brother, and he had even helped him kill a BOSS.

This is the last clue to find the soul eater. Qiushui Yuexian will not be easily fooled by a few words: "I am in Scorched Earth City now, can we meet and talk?"

Helot thought for a moment, and decided to meet her and let her give up.

"I'm going to No. 63 Tibia Street in the Creature District of Scorched Earth City. When you get there, tell the ghost inside that you're looking for me, and he will let you go to the second floor.

I'll wait for you on the second floor. "

"Okay, I'll go now."

Herot took Firollo to Tibia Street and asked Bresini to find her father.

When I arrived at the library, I asked Frank for a reception room.

After a while, a female player was brought in by one of Frank's clones.

This is the first time that Herot meets Qiu Shui and invites the Moon Immortal.

She wore the paladin armor, which was famous for being as thick as a fortress, with the elegance of a flying fairy. She did not go in directly, but carefully looked at every corner of the room at the door. Some light spread under her feet, obviously using detection skills.

The vigilance is so high!

After confirming that there was no danger, Qiu Shui invited Yuexian to walk in. Her heavy armor made her footsteps sound heavy, but her body movements did not show any clumsiness.

She walked up to Helot who was sitting in the chair, her eyes as sharp as swords: "I have something important to do with the soul eaters!"

"No matter how important the matter is, you should take some time to explain it clearly." Hailot used magic to make a bone chair for Qiu Shuiyuexian: "Let's sit down and talk."

Qiu Shui invited Yuexian to sit down helplessly: "Can we talk now?"

With such a straightforward personality, no wonder your father avoids you.

Helot took out an apple from the space package and threw it to Qiu Shui Yaoyuexian: "Tell you something to eat...tell me why you are looking for my brother?"

Qiu Shuiying Yuexian looked at the apple in her hand and was a little stunned. She didn't expect that she could eat such a thing in the land of death.

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