The Beast Controlling Family: I have an illustrated book of all spirits

Chapter 307 Sword Qi Bone Ring (Please subscribe and vote monthly)

The sky in the secret realm looks extremely clear, even the clouds are extremely rare.

A large green cedar forest spreads across the plain.

At this moment, a tall and thin figure, wearing a black spiritual robe and holding a six-color bee, flew past.

Only halfway through the flight, the figure fell towards the green fir forest.

In front of him, another treasure-hunting rat appeared at this moment.

The treasure hunter squeaked.

He seemed extremely excited.

The figure immediately followed the treasure hunter's gaze and headed towards the jungle.

"Emerald Vermilion Fruit Vine?" The figure is Ye Xingliu who took the Bone Transformation Pill and changed his body shape.

He murmured in surprise, and then released the blue-eyed golden-eyed tiger again, and the golden-eyed tiger flew towards the emerald red fruit vine.

Only halfway down the long cedar forest, countless vines were seen flying up and entangling towards the green-eyed tiger.

These vines are all emerald in color.

The Emerald Vermillion Fruit Vine is also known as the Bloodthirsty Vine.

Underneath its beautiful appearance, it is a natural jungle hunter. Any creature entangled by it will be poisoned to death by the emerald poison seeping out of it.

Then it will take root in that creature, suck the blood, and produce red fruits.

Therefore, this emerald red fruit is also called blood fruit.

It's just that this is the case, and many monks flock to it.

Although this spiritual fruit is only a second-level middle-grade spiritual fruit, one single fruit can be worth ten years of hard work in physical cultivation of the same level.

This kind of spiritual fruit has long been extinct outside. There are two types of spiritual medicine in the world of immortality, one without seeds and the other with seeds.

This emerald red fruit is the former.

So even if the monks wanted to plant it, they couldn't.

"Roar!" Facing a large number of emerald vines, the green-eyed tiger jumped high and avoided the entanglement.

And with his backhand, several rays of claw light flew out, cutting off many long fir trees around him by their roots.

This emerald red fruit vine is particularly powerful in the forest. The first thing Ye Xingliu needs to do is to destroy the forest.

Otherwise, he and the injured Jin Jinghu might not be able to kill the Emerald Vermilion Fruit Vine.

But there were too many vines and green fir trees, and the emerald vines were everywhere, so he released the injured lizard male again.

In addition, two second-level mid-grade flying swords were slashed out at the same time.

In an instant, the jade juice splashed wildly, corroding many long fir trees, which was enough to show the toxicity of the jade vine.

As the long fir trees were cleared away and turned into a clearing, a huge emerald vine was revealed, wrapped around the largest long fir tree.

The color of this jade vine is the same as that of long fir trees. It is not easy to identify, and it is the same size. If it is not cleaned up, it will be hard to see.

Ye Xingliu's eyes flashed with spiritual light, and a spiritual talisman appeared in his hand, heading directly towards the roots of the emerald vine.

As the cold crystal talisman fell, it was instantly frozen. The terrifying frost greatly slowed down the emerald vermilion fruit vine and made a crisp sound.

At this moment, a flying sword flew by and cut off the jade vine by its roots.

And even if the roots are broken, those emerald vines are still tumbling in the air, and their strong vitality still allows them to survive.

But after ten breaths, everything slowly became limp.

"It's a pity that this fruit is not fully mature yet!" Ye Xingliu put away the red fruit and sighed secretly.

This red fruit can actually be cultivated with the flesh and blood of spiritual beasts, but Ye Xingliu doesn't have extra time now.

After collecting the red fruits, he picked up all the jade vines. Using the juice of the jade vines, he refined some poison powder and placed it on the silver needles. It was a good choice.

After cleaning up, Ye Xingliu continued to take out the Six Color Bee and let the Six Color Bee lead the way.

This insect has a soul bond with Ye Jingcheng and can roughly sense Ye Jingcheng's location.

This is what they decided early on.

They don't have to be with the fake Ye Jingyu, but they have already decided to be with Ye Jingcheng.

After all, Ye Jingcheng could still recover the injuries of the two spiritual beasts.

At the same time, only when the two work together can the power of the talisman be unleashed.


There is a valley in the secret realm, where fire-attribute spiritual energy is abundant and countless three-color flowers grow.

In front of the tricolor flower, countless thumb-sized tricolor swallowing spirit peaks form an insect cloud.

But what Zhongyun faced was a green sword embryo.

As the sword embryo passed by, most of the insect cloud was instantly killed by the stirred sword energy.

The rest were quickly wiped out by the sword.

The monk picked up all the spirit insect corpses and put away the three-color flowers.

Then he took out a spiritual map, but the instructions of this spiritual map did not lead to the central elixir garden, but to a side hall.

This is also a task given to him by his uncle

It is said that it is a branch garden in the secret area, and it also contains the elixir of the Golden Pill.


On the grassland, several monks wearing Kong family clothes also appeared.

In front of them, more than a dozen wind wolves had fallen.

The leading monk was also Kong Guangyun.

"This Tongxin Jade is really useful!"

"Let us seize the opportunity!" Kong Guangyun held a piece of spiritual jade in his hand and looked at the rest of the tribe with a look of pride in his eyes.

"Brother Yun, Ye Xingliu of the Ye family has used his sword energy. He is about 800 miles north." A thin monk next to him raised his head in surprise. In his hand, there was a compass.

In this compass, two sword energies are displayed.

One is red and green, the other is red.

"Should we wait for a few more people, or should we catch up first?"

"Follow us directly. There are only three of them, and they will definitely look for the treasure as soon as possible. If they are discovered, they can kill them first. They must have a spiritual map in their hands."


On a desert tidal flat, a woman with a cold face wearing a spiritual robe passed by.

In front of her, a huge late second-order sky-marked red lion turned into an ice sculpture, and then crashed down, turning into a pile of ice slag.

The woman picked up a second-order Tiangang crystal from the tidal flat and threw it casually into the storage bag.

Then he looked at the sky and walked towards the mountains.


In an endless bamboo forest, a figure also appeared in the bamboo forest.

If Ye Jingcheng were here, he would recognize that this figure is Ye Jingyu.

His body twisted again, turning him into the appearance of a monk from the Taiyi Sect. He pressed his thumb, and then broke it into pieces like a stick.

Blood also flowed out instantly, but behind the blood, a bone ring with a one-eyed eye slowly appeared.

As soon as the bone ring was taken out, it burned with strange green flames.

The green flame flew up directly and fell into the center of his eyebrows, forming a one-eyed black magic pattern.

The bone ring was also worn on the remaining finger.

At this moment, his eyes began to blur, as if there were overlapping pupils of black magic eyes, and his entire face became cold and strange.

He continued to pull down the spirit-separating robe and murmured in an inaudible voice.

"What a pathetic devil."

"However, such a large amount of blood food should be enough for you to have a full meal!"

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