The rookie at Super Seminary wants to retire every day

Chapter 88 Liang Bing, have you ever regretted it?

After Kesha and Liang Bing exchanged sarcasm, Shen Xang and Liang Bing's Demon No. 1 officially connected with the most critical part of tactical assistance: reading and calculating the positions and conditions of all enemy fighters in the entire Lieyang Civilization area.

"Liang Bing, I have successfully connected to Demon No. 1. You can now use my ability to check the situation of Lieyang Star."

"Okay, I'll take a look."

Liang Bing commanded the demon warriors to enter the danger system of Demon No. 1, which constantly alerted them. After entering, all the screens of Demon No. 1 turned into a huge eye in the sky. It calmly scanned everyone, and finally stopped on Liang Bing.

[Important person locked successfully, object: Liang Bing, trust level: high, owner attitude: Liang Bing does not dare to trick me, the love of her life is still in my hands]

Liangbing: The love of my life?

[The judgment is completed and the Eye of the Prophet will be connected soon, please be prepared]

As the loading was completed, a complete and clear layout of the Lieyang Star appeared in front of everyone. Liang Bing could clearly see the moving light spots of different sizes and colors on the layout.

"Can you take a closer look?"

[Yes, please name the person you need to check]

"Uh, Di Hongkun."

Liang Bing spit out a name casually, and the engine responded immediately, locking the target on the largest light spot, and then entered the observation mode. A shadow appeared on the screen listening to the dispute between loyal ministers.

"Can you be more detailed?"

[Entering observation mode pro]

The picture changed from slightly blurred to a 4K clear large screen. Liang Bing raised his eyebrows, oh~ Di Hongkun has become like this and he still acquiesces to the dog below to bully Shen Xiang?

"Can you change the camera to see the ministers below?"

[About to enter holographic viewing mode]

This time the camera was particularly flexible. It stopped on two courtiers who were arguing, and their voices were clearly transmitted into the control hall of Devil No. 1.

Liangbing:? !

"Can you detect sounds?!"

[Yes, according to the records in the prophet database, the subjects of the angelic civilization all know that the prophet has the ability to see into the world]

The system tactfully questioned Liang Bing's doubts. It didn't understand why Liang Bing was so surprised. The eyes of the prophet can see all over the known universe, and its power of perception can naturally hear the sounds from all over the universe. This should be the case for all angels. Things you know.

Liang Bing was not shocked by Shen Xang's ability, but she couldn't believe that this ability could be displayed so easily in front of her eyes.

"Does that mean that as long as Shen Xiang thinks about it, there is no place in the known universe that can avoid his monitoring?"

[Yes, but to be precise, the prophet’s detection range is still expanding, and the edge universe may not be safe]

Liang Bing: I thank you, but you don’t have to explain it in such a creepy way.

Every move is within the scope of others' monitoring, and there is no way to avoid or end it. No wonder the scholars of the Kamigawa Civilization are so in awe of Shen Xiang. People like Jilan were scolded like a dog by Shen Xiang, and they didn't dare to let out a single fart.

When Jilan was mentioned, Liang Bing suddenly remembered that the other party had explained to her a monster named 'Unknown'. He said: 'Unknown' is seeing and monitoring, and it will erase everything in the universe that threatens and attacks it. Sexual life form, if you feel panic about this, be sure to stay calm and try not to attract its attention, which will buy you more time'.

The 'unknown' in this rumor scared Liang Bing enough back then, but now that he thought about it, Kieran couldn't be talking about Shen Xing.

Kieran never emphasized the specific time when he saw it. He just casually confided these words when it came to the void after cooperating with the angel civilization. At that time, because Karl didn't know, Liang Bing always thought it was a long time ago. What happened before.

But think about it from another direction, is it possible that Kieran only met the 'unknown' after entering the angel civilization? If this is the case, then it is normal for Karl not to know. After all, it is also the first time for him to meet Shen Xang, and Kieran has never stated or hinted it.

After his thoughts came to this point, Liang Bing felt his head buzzing and he suddenly realized that the tiny dots of the past were gradually spliced ​​together to form the truth of history:

Shen Xang is the 'unknown' in the rumors, and his ability is a special void ability.

Since Shen Xiang's ability is self-taught, Liang Bing can reasonably speculate that Shen Xiang is probably some kind of advanced void creature. He just happened to integrate into the angel civilization and is definitely not an angel himself.

Once Shen Xang is defined as an advanced void creature, Liang Bing can completely understand the physical war.

Facing the menacing Triangular Body thousands of years ago, the fact that Shen Xu led his troops to fight so skillfully was not a question of whether his tactics were awesome or not. The Triangular Body was not afraid of the Angel's tactics at all. What they were really afraid of was Shen Hang himself. .

In short: The reason why the war situation is so good is because Shen Xang lives on the front line. If he lives in the heaven, the triangle will probably not grow in obscenely.

Thinking about it this way, Liang Bing felt a chill on her back. The man she had liked for many years was actually not a human being?

"Hey, can you access the private communication of Tianji King Hexi?"

[Yes, but the connection needs to be approved by the other party. Do you want to start trying?


The screen beeped for about half a minute, and then a relaxed call came: "Liang Bing, are you okay?"

"He Xi, I have something very bad that I have to tell you. Do you know Shen Xi's true identity?"

"Do you want to tell me that he is a void creature, or do you want to tell me that he is a monster?"

Liang Bing was stunned: "You know?"

"Of course, I am omniscient and omnipotent." He Xi teased Liang Bing in a good mood.

"No, you knew why you didn't tell us earlier. Do you know that if you had told me earlier, Kesha and I wouldn't have ended up fighting for a creature we've never seen before?"

Liang Bing roared angrily. A breakup between sisters was never a good thing for her. If He Xi knew it back then, why didn't she say it? Obviously as long as she said it, everything would have room to change.

He Xi got angry after being yelled at by Liang Bing. Who can't figure it out? After getting the vague information from Ji Lan, she did not hand it over to Shen Xi immediately. If she did, Shen Xi would immediately tell Liang Bing that the 'unknown' was him.

"You still have the nerve to tell me, who has been hiding it all this time? If you could have used the few words you got from Jilan to ask Shen Xang, would you still have to fight internally until now? It was you who kept silent that led to this misunderstanding. Hidden for tens of thousands of years, it was your stupidity and arrogance that caused you to break up with Kesha, and it was your fear and paranoia that destroyed us!"

Hexi sternly accused her, her full of resentment and powerlessness pouring out at the instigator at this moment. The victory of overthrowing Tiangong was so hard-won, how could Liang Bing be willing to leave everything behind and run away?

The sword that rebelled against Tiancheng shattered more than just the love between sisters who lived and died together. Liang Bing's lies played tricks on her who had always trusted her. No one knew how shocked He Xi was when he saw Kesha half covered with blood. Guilt.

Kesha reluctantly stood up with a pale face, stubbornly looking at the direction Liang Bing was leaving, as if she still couldn't recover.

"Hexi, why?"

He Xi didn't know whether Kesha was asking her why she let Liang Bing go, or why Liang Bing rebelled, or both, but she was unable to explain.

Her trust helped Liang Bing complete the final step of rebellion. Even though Kesha didn't mean to complain about her later, she still vividly remembered her best friend's blood and tears.

To this day, even if the war has been going on for tens of thousands of years, it is impossible for the relationship to return to the past. But He Xi still wants to ask Liang Bing, have you ever regretted it after learning the truth?

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