Shen Yang woke up from his dream and saw Ruoning's staring eyes.

Shen Xian:? What was this man doing in front of his bed?

"Ruoning, what are you doing?"

"Watch you sleep."


Faced with Shen Xang's doubts, Ruoning did not explain, turned around and entered the wormhole and returned to his post, leaving Shen Xian to think about the reason by himself.

Shen Xang knew that Ruoning often stared at him, but as a prophet, being stared at was something he had to adapt to, but this was the first time that he saw Ruoning staring at him so straightforwardly.

Maybe you feel that as long as you are not embarrassed, others will be embarrassed? Shen Xiang pondered.

He Xi rushed to the Prophet's Palace after returning from Kesha. She wanted to know how Shen Xiang persuaded Kesha to agree to go with him.

"Shen Xing, how did you convince Kesha?"

Back in Shen Xi's room, He Xi got straight to the point.

"To put it mildly, I have fulfilled all of Kesha's requests. To put it bluntly, I have to play hard to get her to agree. Which version do you want to hear?"

Shen Yang knew very well that Kesha's concession was out of favor, so he was not prepared to take credit, especially with He Xi, and there was no need to pretend.

He Xi heard the hidden meaning of Shen Xi's words and lowered his eyes slightly: "Kesha really dotes on you."

"Isn't this inevitable? If she doesn't let me order it, what should I do if I start to go crazy and disobey?"

"Are you going to lose your temper with us?"

"Why not? Everyone's personality is equal. In my case, people are of the same kind first and then gender. What's wrong with the female angel? She's not my wife. If you mess with me, I have no reason to tolerate it."

This is a concept recognized by He Xi, and perhaps because of this, Shen Xiang doesn't have any special views on female angels.

Women do not mean weak, nor do they mean without thoughts, nor do women represent reproductive tools. In Shen Xing's eyes, women are just the same kind with different physiology, and communication and work should not be restricted by gender.

Shen Xiang said: In ordinary civilization, men do need to take the lead in many aspects due to physiological factors, but in terms of personality, both parties are always equal, and there should be no differences in communication due to gender, not to mention that the technology of angel civilization has already It allows women to ignore their physical weaknesses.

In the angelic civilization, the weak have nothing to do with gender. The key lies in force. And when it comes to force, who is better at it? If Dali kicked him, he would have to lie on the ground and wait for first aid.

Although she understood what Shen Xiang meant, she still felt that there was something strange about it. Keisha might have been a little too tolerant of Shen Xiang.

"Shen Xiang, I'm a little uneasy."

"Why? Kesha won't end our sisterhood with you because of me."

"I know, that's not what I'm worried about."

Shen Xiang thought for a while, he chose to repeat Kesha's words between lying and telling the truth, and threw the question back to He Xi.

"What kind of like do you think Kesha is talking about?"

"...I just like it. Those messy explanations are just cover-ups."

It's impossible for female angels to not understand female angels. Even Kesha's words couldn't hide her heart-pounding ending.

To be fair, Hexi can understand Kesha's heartbeat. Although the female angels have different aesthetics, their attitude towards pursuing excellent male gods is the same.

Hexi probably knows what Kesha likes. In addition to being basically brave, kind, and masculine, Kesha also prefers men with a gentle and stable temperament, who have a big picture and like-minded men.

First of all, Kesha has a relatively strong personality. If they don't complement each other, quarrels are inevitable. Kesha is not a female angel who is willing to bow her head.

Secondly, Kesha is both the Queen of Angels and the King of Gods. If her lover cannot resonate with her spiritually, it is impossible for Kesha to fall in love with her.

Female angels are warriors who can live without men for a long time. She and Kesha have both seen the ugly faces of men of the same race, so the word 'make do' cannot appear in their thoughts on mate selection.

Thirdly, justice is Kesha's heart, and she can sacrifice everything for it. If her future partner cannot agree with her, it would be more terrifying than not having spiritual resonance. After all, Kesha has to examine whether the other person is in league with the devil.

Shen Xing's abilities and personality greatly satisfied Kesha's various requirements.

His perceptive ability allows him to understand Kesha's thoughts anytime and anywhere, so Kesha doesn't have to worry about expressing herself incorrectly because of embarrassment.

The ability to predict gives Shen Xian the confidence to overlook the overall situation and can provide help in all aspects.

During the trip to the Styx not long ago, Shen Xiang clashed with Liang Bing again, and the two parties officially broke up. Shen Xiang was completely tied to the angel's chariot of justice.

In terms of character, Shen Yang is very lazy. As long as he doesn't act excessively, he doesn't bother to struggle.

He also likes to stay at home quietly. If they are together, Kesha can stay with each other almost 24 hours a day, and she no longer has to worry about loneliness.

In addition to paying special attention to justice and order, the above are also what He Xi likes. Therefore, He Xi is not surprised that her best friend likes Shen Xiang. She even suspects that Kesha has always chosen silence because Shen Xiang has no apparent stance. .

Thinking of this, He Xi was a little nervous: "Shen Yang, can you tell me the truth? No need to worry about anything. Do you like Kesha?"


The simple answer scared He Xi's heart to stop. She quickly sat next to Shen Yang and looked at him aggrievedly.

"what about me?"

Shen Xi had never seen such a battle before. Although He Xi's voice was still steady, he felt that whenever he hesitated or denied, He Xi's beautiful blue eyes could directly bring tears to his eyes.

"I like it. My attitude has never changed. You are the most beautiful female angel I think, but I can't lie to you. I really like Kesha's unabashed preference, which makes me very satisfied."

"Because I am not the Queen of Angels, does my preference not count?"

Shen Yang shook his head, and then looked at the other party seriously: "No, I have never thought of questioning your feelings. Even from a selfish point of view, your persistence has always been the reason for me to dare to be so reckless. I know that even if Even if we are separated temporarily, you will not forget me, but Kesha is different from you. She is my king, and she is only the king’s king.”

Hearing this, Hexi understood what Shen Xiang meant: preference is the most basic when liking each other, but Kesha's preference could not get Shen Xiang's response, but she still chose to do it.

This is the truth, but He Xi is still uneasy. Although Shen Xiang is willing to take the next step with her, in fact, she has not felt much response from Shen Xiang in these years, except for the last confession of feathers, which was a breakthrough. , Shen Xiang never even attempted a proactive visit.

Seeing He Xi's sluggishness, Shen Yang probably sensed the other person's mood, and felt a sense of guilt in his heart. He really rarely took the initiative. It is difficult to maintain love by one person, so it is no wonder that He Xi was uneasy.

Shen Xun straightened up, stretched out his wings and hugged He Xi into his arms: "I'm sorry, it's my fault. I shouldn't be so cold. I promise you there won't be another time. I will definitely take this trip to the Lieyang Star. Behave well."

Feeling the hot breath in her ears, He Xi felt her cheeks heating up rapidly. She actually just wanted to complain a little and didn't want the matter to become so serious, but Shen Xing's seriousness made her extremely happy.

In He Xi's eyes, as long as he doesn't deliberately ignore her, it is normal for him to have some minor problems in love. After all, they are all novices, and they just need to get used to each other slowly.

He Xi raised his hand and pinched Shen Xing's cheek lovingly, and finally a smile appeared on his face again: "Then let's just say it."

He Xi did not return to Tianji Palace that night. She stayed in the room next to Shen Xang's, planning her trip in the near future with great anticipation across a wall.

On the same night, after saying good night to He Xi, Shen Yang found it difficult to fall asleep. He couldn't tell whether he was excited or nervous, he was always a little uneasy.

Suddenly, a soft greeting sounded in the private channel: "Shen Xi, why are you suddenly unhappy?"

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