The rookie at Super Seminary wants to retire every day

Chapter 20: Did he ask Keisha before?

The man sitting quietly in the darkness laughed softly when he heard this. He raised his head and looked at the man standing in the light.

"It's been such a long time, and you still know how to come see me."

The sinister tone coupled with the hoarse tone makes people feel chills running down their backs.

"If you don't keep saying my name, I can never come to see you for the rest of my life."

"Today is really different from the past. How dare you talk to me like this!"

The scolding voice made Shen Xi feel funny for no reason: "What nonsense are you talking about? When have I ever been gentle to you? Or do you think I am biting like a mad dog?"

"Ha." Hua Ye sneered and looked up and down at the man in front of him. He was still so calm and indifferent, with only his own embarrassed look in his eyes, as if he had been like this in the past.

Shen Yang always looks calm or crazy, but there is never hope in his eyes. He is not optimistic about his ideals from beginning to end.

"I've heard that you have saved many short skirts and are said to have the ability to bring people back to life. It's really ironic. I never knew you had such an ability."

"If I don't tell you, what will you know?"

The casual answer made Hua Ye suddenly riot. He punched the isolation screen hard and roared: "You Tuoma really lied to me!"

"Lied to you? I don't know what you are talking about."

"Stop pretending to be stupid, what don't you know?!"

"Huh? Why are you so angry? I just asked a little question. After all, there are a lot of things that lied to you in my mind. If you don't give me a hint, I really can't remember which one you are referring to for a while. thing."

Shen Yang smiled and continued to let Hua Ye break his guard, making his eyes bloodshot with anger.

"How many abilities have you not revealed? How many things have you hidden from me? Did you and Kesha prepare to rebel early on? Tell me! Isn't that right?!"

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, it's not good for Your Highness to be so angry. You must know that anger can easily cause wrinkles. Your face, which originally looked like a farmer's manure, will look more like your father than your father if you continue to be so angry."

In private, Shen Ye liked to call Hua Ye his highness, reminding him every day of what he had done to his father Hua Que.

However, after hearing this, Hua Ye laughed and sat back again: "Well, it doesn't matter whether you know it or not. Anyway, you have become Kesha's dog. It doesn't matter what the truth is."

Hua Ye was initially dissatisfied with Shen Xun's title, but later he got used to it. After being completely relieved and rational, he knew that Shen Xun just wanted to deliberately anger him. As time went by, Hua Ye's ears This becomes the beginning of a game.

Sometimes, in order to make Shen Xi happy and calm him down, Hua Ye would deliberately look excited to satisfy Shen Xi's revenge and bad taste. It was the same this time.

If it was just to deliberately anger him, then Hua Ye still has the tolerance to tolerate it. It's not the first time anyway, so just be angry.

Shen Xang's eyes darkened, and he continued to smile, "Let's not say whether it is a dog or not. Even if it is, I would be happy to be her, at least it will be much better than being under your command."

Hua Ye shrugged: "Better than me? Are you kidding? What can Kesha give you? Draw a broken place, take a few bricks, build you a house for you to sleep in, and then what? What else? She can't even let women You can play whatever you want! Are you better than me? Her face looks a little more pleasant."

"Don't compare me to a beast like you who can't even control his own desires. I'll take away everything you gave me, whether it's material things or female angel warriors."

What bothers Shen Xing the most is Hua Ye's face. He always pretends that he has given him a lot of benefits. But what about the reality? Before he could fight back, he had to look at the other person's mood to even have a peaceful sleep.

"Indeed, you turned around and gave the beautiful women I gave you to He Xi, and let them train into warriors, and finally became the sharp knives that stabbed me. Sometimes I am curious, what fun does a man like you have in living? ? Or are you really a man? You only eat and sleep every day, don’t play with women, don’t fight for power, and are as boring as a piece of wood. "

Hua Ye's eyes wandered under Shen Xiang's crotch, unscrupulously looking at the prophet whose face was getting colder and colder.

Shen Xian sighed: "So your pleasure as a man is to indulge in lust and fight for power?"

"If a man doesn't care about these two things in life, why would he be like you? If you ask me to cut off the two ounces of flesh on your crotch, it's useless anyway."

Shen Xiang was about to quarrel when Hua Ye continued: "I haven't heard of you having a woman for so many years. Could it be that you have been single for tens of thousands of years? Are you still a virgin?"


"Why don't you say anything? Are you sure I'm right? Oh~ You're not good at it, are you? Or are you saying that those short skirts don't look down on you, a loser who can only rely on others to support you?"

The more Hua Ye talked, the more he laughed. In the end, he even laughed and refused to listen, and even the scum around him started laughing.

Shen Yang let them laugh, thinking about how to coax Hua Ye to tell the truth. He felt that there was definitely something wrong with this kid yelling his name every day. He had to deal with it today, otherwise he would have nightmares from time to time.


The two light words seemed to have a huge power, and everyone's laughter stopped abruptly at this moment, leaving only the sound of crisp footsteps, from far to near.

The voice sounded a little heavy. It seemed that the visitor was not in a very beautiful mood, Shen Xiang thought playfully.

Kesha walked up from a short distance away with a cold face, her gaze indifferently swept over the guys who were so proud just now, but now they all had their heads drooped and refused to look at each other. Hey, is this how you have the nerve to mock Shen Xi?

"Queen Keisha?"

After confirming who was coming, Shen Xiang completely relaxed. Although he had known for a long time that the person coming would not be an enemy, who in the Merlot Heavenly Court could be more reassuring than Holy Kesha.

Kesha's eyebrows softened when she heard Shen Xing's call, and she hummed softly: "I'm late, did they bully you?"

"How could it be? These are all my 'old friends'. I know their faces very well. Logically speaking, you should have arrived early. I haven't asked Hua Ye what he wants to do yet."

"He gave you nightmares?"

"Absolutely. It keeps screaming in my head and sounds upset."

"I understand. You can go back and rest. I will handle the rest. I will let him explain the situation honestly."

As soon as he heard that Shen Xiang was leaving, Hua Ye immediately became agitated: "Shen Xiang, you can't leave. If you leave, no one can get a word out of me!"

Shen Xi looked at the nervous Hua Ye and felt a little funny: "Your Highness, you don't seem to be qualified to bargain with us. If my queen is unhappy, the things you are carrying around your neck will have to be moved. Are you sure you want to do this? ?”

Hua Ye's smile condensed, and he glanced at the expressionless Kesha beside him. He approached Shen Xiang and lowered his voice: "Shen Xiang, don't you want to know where your abilities come from? Choose me and I will tell you. Answer."

Hearing this, Shen Xiang fell into silence. Kesha did not say anything. She was giving Shen Xiang time. Based on her observation, Shen Xiang was not someone who would be easily shaken. He must be thinking about other things.

For a moment, Shen Yang raised his eyes and smiled faintly at Hua Ye, then turned to look at Kesha: "Your Majesty, I suddenly want to go to the River Styx. Are you willing to give me some soldiers to fill the scene?"

Hua Ye's face immediately turned pale, and a group of scholars far away in Styx were even more panicked. Didn't it mean that Shen Xang's precognitive ability was just a deduction? How on earth did this man deduce it to him through these few words? !

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