Global Mining

Chapter 71: divesting high-quality assets and establishing branch offices

After dinner in Dachun, he went to a serious foot wash shop to get a pedicure while lying down until 9 p.m. Then he leisurely returned to the Internet cafe.

I always feel that the atmosphere on the street tonight is a bit indescribable - yes, there are two teams of security guards patrolling nearby, are there street performances?

As soon as he returned to the Internet cafe, the great gods greeted him as always: "Brother Chun, there is no movement on the World Channel."

No news is the best news.

After a few casual inquiries about the situation, Dachun returned to the private room on the second floor and couldn't wait to get online.

——System prompt: Welcome to the Golden Continent, it is 9:16 am Golden Continent time.

——System prompt: Congratulations! Your possessed evil spirit Elen has successfully destroyed the shadow demon and is currently absorbing the shadow demon's energy while sleeping. Unable to contact in dormant state.

——Black flag order reminder: The assets of the Chamber of Commerce have been evaluated at 1 million, and the president, Blizzard Binghua, has decided to initiate the divestiture and reorganization process of non-performing assets to establish a first-level subsidiary chamber of commerce "Shangri-La", franchise "Spice", and various daily commodities. The Chamber of Commerce was established by Valrhona and Baron Baron providing a capital injection guarantee of spices with a valuation of 1 million. The president of the branch chamber of commerce is: Baron Baron and Ms. Vivian.

Note: Branch chambers of commerce do not inject capital into the main chamber of commerce. The establishment of a Level 1 branch chamber of commerce will reduce the level of the Black Flag Chamber of Commerce by 1 level. The main chamber of commerce also has no direct management authority over the branch chambers of commerce.

——Do you agree?


Dachun breathed a sigh of relief, Ailian really lived up to expectations!

But looking at the following line of prompts, Dachun's eyes popped out!

What's the situation? Has the Chamber of Commerce evaluated it? Damn it, the promised value of the patron saint is inestimable. One ship plus one god is worth 1 million? I gave her a heart of the ocean for 20 billion...

As a man in science and engineering, Dachun didn't know much about operations such as asset divestiture and reorganization, but he still understood the general meaning.

For example, if a factory has dozens of educated young people and hundreds of elderly, weak, sick, and disabled people, it cannot continue to operate and the factory is in debt and bankrupt.

Then one of the solutions is to specially select these dozens of young and capable people to join a factory again, saying that they can still save money and pay off their debts. This is called restructuring. As for the hundreds of old and weak people who were divested, they can't be paid off with debts. There must be a big boss willing to invest in buying the debt and provide guarantees, so that it can be considered a divestiture and reorganization.

As for here, Valrhona and Baron Baron are the big guys who buy high-quality assets, using spices as collateral to buy them. Probably because the spices are valued at 1 million, so Valrhona simply forcibly valued the patron saint and resurrection ship at 1 99 million. They won’t buy the other billion bad debts!

So what kind of divestiture and reorganization is this? It's just a piece of relatively fresh pulp extracted from a rotten apple.

And they actually didn’t pay a penny. They used the spices I sent to do things for me. No, they did things for themselves... I, the Chamber of Commerce, couldn’t control him at all!

Well, although it seems to be of no benefit at all, I am just a legal person holding a Chamber of Commerce token, so why should I be serious? Agree! After marrying Favna, everything will be solved...

——Black Flag Order Tip: Please appoint the president of Shangri-La Chamber of Commerce.

Logically speaking, given the difference between closeness and distance, Vivian should definitely be appointed instead of that damn fat man. But this small chamber of commerce is too arrogant, isn't it? It's obvious that they are in the spice business. Is this because they are afraid that the big consortium that lost the spices will retaliate harshly?

You can't choose Vivian, it will harm her.

However, based on my understanding of Vivian's power-hungry character, if she was not selected, she would definitely be angry or even lower her friendship, right?

Hey, this is called great love without words...

——Appoint Baron Baron as president!

snort! Damn fat man, I’m repaying you for carrying your shoes, you’re welcome!

——Black Flag Order prompts: Level 1 Chamber of Commerce Shangri-La is established. The level of the Black Flag Chamber of Commerce has been changed to level 104. In view of the particularity of the Black Flag Chamber of Commerce, the Black Flag Chamber of Commerce is still hidden behind the scenes as the parent chamber of commerce, and the branch chambers of commerce cannot view the status of the parent chamber of commerce.

Looking at the tokens again, the debt of the Black Flag Chamber of Commerce has become 99 billion, which is good.

and many more!

Dachun's spirit was shaken, and he suddenly discovered the horror of the Black Flag Chamber of Commerce. This is the hen of the Small Chamber of Commerce! That is to say, next time if we improve our assets, we can continue to open a small chamber of commerce and let Vivian be the president!

Yes, this is the nature of this real world! In the real world, the top giants that ordinary people can see with their naked eyes are Black Rock and Pioneer, but they are just two younger brothers standing at the front desk.

So... I'm really having a great time!

Dachun thought of the great masters on the first floor and decided that next time he would lay eggs and set up a small business to let them in. Just make it big, lower the main chamber of commerce to level 4, directly raise the branch union to level 4, and you can add 40 people at a time. That’s not right. Upgrading the main chamber of commerce to one level and the small chamber of commerce to one level are not the same concept. It’s still level 1...


Looking at the deserted streets in his blurred vision, Dachun suddenly didn't know what to do.

Switch to the cloned trumpet. After the trumpet hangs up for a day, there will be a prompt to complete the task. Very good, it's time to take a look at the clone's progress.

It's just that the large account cannot be idle, and the fishing rod is gone, so it can only be mined automatically in the waste pit.

Dachun first went to the dock and took some food and water with him when he went to sea. Then he went to the bar and took a few bottles of wine from the box with him. After all, he had developed the wine purification skills of a scavenger. Ammunition is always ready. Finally, I went to Lao Tie's blacksmith shop and brought a few century-old mining hoes and two mining lamps.

After preparation, return to the mine and dig out the clogged dirt.

This digging made me feel weak all over, and the 100-weight ring on my hand was so heavy that I couldn't lift my hand. Lifting the hoe was like lifting weights. No, I could only use the other hand to hoe. Although it was slow, it was tolerable.

After digging a hole, get in, then plug the hole from the inside, then turn on the Death Artifact Ring to absorb the resentment, and try to make up for the losses in the previous battle with the Siren. I don’t know what Siren is doing now.

Speaking of which, in Siren's current state, a valuation of 1 million is actually not a scam. In my opinion, her value is a negative value...

In the spring, I light up the oil lamp and walk into the depths of darkness. Even if it is an abandoned mine, the deeper the pit, the more expensive the mine will be.

I have to say that with Elen here before, I could use her radar, but now I feel uncomfortable all over.

After walking for more than ten minutes, Dachun finally arrived at the deep pool where the ooze monster had previously been hiding. Let's hang up while half-soaked in the pool, trying to recall all the underwater construction skills.

——System prompt: Your technical movements are seriously deformed and the mining technique failed.

This is inevitable, but isn't it equivalent to practicing kung fu with a 100-weight sandbag tied to your hand? If you don't succeed, that's it. Once you succeed, you will definitely learn new skills.

Hang up and continue.

After the arrangements were made, Dachun switched to the clone account to check the tasks.

——System prompt: Your hard work and excellence have been appreciated by Dibilong, the leader of the Tuyan tribe. Please go to the leader of Dibilong to receive the reward.

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