Global Mining

Chapter 56 Exploring high-end mining areas

Dachun asked hurriedly: "Can I go back to the second floor?"

"The vortex is downward. You can't go back now. You can go back when the volcano erupts next time."

Dachun was stunned: "When is the next time?"

The dragon replied: "I don't know! Isn't there Lady Maria that the master mentioned?"

Dachun suddenly became alert. Was he testing whether I was familiar with Maria? Okay, okay, yesterday I was just a giant lizard. After evolving, I will become more scheming...

Dachun had no choice but to pretend to be calm: "Yes, with Lady Maria here, it will be easy to go back."

But looking at the timer of the ongoing mission, Dachun felt even more strange. It stands to reason that since I have skipped a level, the system will either give a prompt to complete the second level trial or interrupt it. Why is it still counting?

The answer may be that the situation is out of control and the supervisor doesn't know that I have reached the 7th floor? There are so many passages at the bottom of the lake. The supervisor may not know all of them, right? Once out of control...

Dachun is excited! That means that I have avoided surveillance. Is it possible to create a secret world here with the recovered Volcanic Dragon? In this way, even if the big consortium keeps up with the progress, it won't be able to stop me!

When he thought of this, Dachun immediately overcame his fear of the seventh floor and was filled with strong curiosity to explore this layer. Then he turned on the barrier and floated up to take a look.

Invisibility became Dachun's only reliance. In various novels, invisible thieves can often create miracles by defeating the weak and the strong.

While floating up, Dachun felt abnormal fluctuations in the surrounding magma, as if something was swimming over.

Damn it? !

Dachun was too shocked to move. The next moment, a half-human fish with purple crystal light all over its body appeared.

There are actually fish in the lava! Fortunately, this fish has a yellow name, and it wandered around for a while and then swam away.

I am relieved in the spring, and I am looking forward to this level even more. Maybe I can fish in the magma lake?

Emerging from the lake, there is indeed a dome as bright as the stars and as smooth as glass above the head. The lakeshore is surrounded by a mountain of spar pillars shining with purple crystal light. This scene?

Then I heard rumbling on the ground, and actually saw several three- or four-story stone monsters with purple crystal light and flames all over their bodies walking between the crystal stones. Their level was unknown!

This should be an ordinary monster on the 7th floor, right? It's not surprising that he has not only skills but also magic, and the Boss level is beyond imagination.

Dachun had no intention of challenging at all, he just wanted to explore the map quietly.

Fortunately, the scattered crystal pillars provided effective hiding cover for Dachun's movement. Then Dachun saw a large group of snowflake-like things under the crystal pillars.

Dachun was even more surprised. Is this a mine? plant?

In Dachun, I tried to gently shake the roots with my hands. They looked very flexible, just like a plant! But during the shaking process, the snowflakes began to turn into crystal lights and fly away, resembling dandelions. Then dig it out by hand.

——System prompt: Congratulations! You activated your talent "The Essence of Mining" and successfully collected rare unknown mineral plants, and your collection skills were successfully promoted to expert level 1! Obtain achievement rewards: physical strength +2, weight +2, and obtain the talent skill "Expert Collection Mastery". You get the achievement reward of "Three Days of Blessings for Newcomers": Wisdom +1!

——System prompt: Congratulations! You mine rare mineral plants, your master mining skill reaches level 2, and you get achievement rewards: physical strength +3, weight carrying +3.


What the hell!

Dachun was shocked! He actually fired two shots at once, upgrading his gathering and mining skills at the same time! But for a high-end scene where there are fish in the magma, it is probably not surprising that something like "mineral plants" appear. So are they edible like mushrooms?

Dachun tried to take a bite and made a sound like ice cream.

——System prompt: You eat rare and unknown mineral plants, and your body begins to absorb unknown energy.

Damn, I can eat it!

Dachun was overjoyed. This was obviously some kind of fairy grass. Even the unbeatable master-level mining had finally been upgraded to a higher level, which showed its high level.

Dachun immediately saw a group of plants under several other spar pillars!

Very good, this scene is simply a mouse falling into a rice vat specially customized for the consortium boss, right? Then you're welcome, just dig and eat at the same time.

The following is the soaring level of gathering proficiency, expert level 2, level 3...but master mining level 2 has not made any progress. Dachun finally understood that master level cannot be promoted by momentum. Every time you upgrade, you must find a higher-end mine. If you want to become a master, you must find an existence that is 8 levels higher than this mine plant. This is a bit...

Just when he was enjoying this, Dachun suddenly discovered that there were no mineral plants under the spar pillars nearby. What happened?

Then they found a crushed skeleton embedded in the ground.

Damn, has anyone come here to dig?

Dachun stepped forward to check and saw that the body shape was human-shaped, but the skull seemed to have horns and there seemed to be bone wings around the body. It was definitely a demon! And a flying demon can die here, which means that the stone monster here can use long-range attack spells, and is not an existence that he dares to provoke with his flying hoe?

Dachun began to dig carefully, not daring to make a sound.

Finally, a crushed bag was dug out under the dug-out bones - the system prompted: Congratulations! You found an old magic dragon skin space bag, a holy weapon, durability 81/1000, defense 50, spell defense 50, weight 10, and capacity 100. (Note: You found alien writing on the bag, which seems to be the name of the bag owner)

Damn the legendary space bag! ! !

Dachun is overjoyed, this is really a high-end scene, you can even pick up sacred objects!

The sacred attribute of the space bag is the "capacity of 100", which means that if the player puts something weighing 100 into this bag, it means it has no weight!

On the surface, players can achieve similar effects by practicing more skills and adding 100 weight-bearing value, but the dead weight has become heavier, making it difficult to float in the water and unable to fly into the sky! And this demon is a flying demon, and it has strict requirements on self-weight, so a weightless bag is a sacred weapon! Even if you go to an insurance company to bind it, you only need to bind it to this bag, and all other valuable equipment can be put in the bag.

Not to mention that this bag has dual defenses and can be used as a shield! But with this durability, it cannot be used as a shield.

Dachun opened the package excitedly - the system prompted: It requires a magic spell to open, and if it fails three times, it will activate self-destruction.

Damn, I need the password!

Dachun was slightly stunned and then figured it out. The need for a password meant that there would be subsequent decryption events. Moreover, there were words on the bag that clearly stated the mission items. Then it can be confirmed that this is not a closed space and must be connected to the outside world. There must be a demon town. !

Could it be the main city of Maria's overseer? So if you go around in circles, you still can't escape her surveillance...

In short, activate the treasure hunting perception skill and continue digging to find badges that can prove its identity. The overseer's badge is an inverted cross. If the skeleton's badge is the same, then accept your fate and just take the bag back and turn it in to receive the reward and become an outstanding demon youth. If no proof can be found, it will be assumed that it belongs to her family...

Not long after, there was a glimmer of light in the soil!

Dachun hurriedly pulled it out and saw a goat-horned devil's head in the middle of a six-pointed star.

Not from her family! That means there is more than one force. The idea of ​​evading her surveillance and establishing a small secret power may be realized.

very good!

At this moment, the ground rumbled, and a giant stone monster came in this direction.

Dachun had no choice but to leave invisibly—no! No matter how busy you are, you must seize the time to bury the bones and return them to their proper places. After all, even the level 1 miners on the 1st floor are not ordinary wild monsters. It is not sure whether the 7th level is an ordinary wild monster. If there is an intelligence that discovers that the skeleton has changed, it may call the police...

Dachun worked hard to cover the soil, but it was too late to compact it, so he immediately found a spar pillar near the lake to hide. If something unexpected happens, you can jump into the lake at any time.

Not long after hiding, the giant monster stopped at the excavation site and stopped moving.

Dachun was shocked. Did he really notice the change in the scene? This intelligence is indeed no ordinary wild monster!

After staring for a while, I might find that the police have been called. What should I do?

Making a quick decision, Dachun picked up a stone and threw it into the distance - there was a clang!

The giant rock monster reacted instantly and immediately strode towards the direction of the sound.

This reaction, this speed, this span made Dachun's scalp numb!

Finally, the giant rock monster found nothing unusual and returned to its previous pace and slowly left.

Dachun breathed a sigh of relief, thanks to his foresight!

Anyway, hurry back to the skeleton and compact the soil to remedy the situation. Then, continue to look for snowflakes all over the place.

While I was eating happily, the system prompt came:

——System prompt: You have obtained advanced fishing skill level 5 through soul link, with physical strength +1 and weight-bearing +1.

——System prompt: You have obtained the expert module combination level 2 through the soul link, with physical strength +2, weight +2, life +2, and command +2.

Dachun was stunned. What did I catch to be able to level up?

I hurriedly switched over and took a look - the system prompted: Congratulations! You successfully caught the pearl fish...

Damn such a valuable fish! Pearl fish like to eat pearl clams, but they cannot digest pearls, so catching pearl fish is equivalent to opening a treasure chest. There is a guarantee of 1 pearl. If you are lucky, you can't say it!

Dachun looked up and saw a shoal of glittering fish surging around the pier, all of which were pearl fish! Not only that, there seems to be a group of dolphins outside the fish school!

When Dachun got up, a dolphin jumped out of the water. It was a magic dolphin! Damn it, is it leading its tribe to drive precious fish schools here to repay my favor?

Dachun beckons with surprise, and the entire pod of dolphins bursts into joyful sounds, and a rainbow of light envelopes Dachun!

——System prompt: Congratulations! You are blessed with the good fortune of a dolphin! Duration 1 day.

Dachun was overjoyed: "Ailian! Ailian, look at -"

Ailian smiled and said: "You saw it, I'm practicing my boat! You try to catch more pearl fish, maybe you can become an expert!"

I’m all lucky and blessed. I must rush to the expert before 12 o’clock!

As soon as I finished speaking, another pearl fish took the bait!

Wow hahaha, cool! I thought I had nothing to do, but it turned out that fishing was the real deal! Got rich...


With the rapid progress of the tuba, Dachun's spirit is booming. Switching to the trumpet to mine snowflakes is even more exciting!

Then the desired effect finally came:

——System prompt: Congratulations! You have absorbed a large amount of energy from rare mineral plants, and your body has been strengthened by the earth element and merged with your fire constitution. The illusion value is +10. Your transformation stunt has developed the skill "Transformation of Earth Flame Element".

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